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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. If that's the first time you have experienced that then lucky you
  2. School officially broke up here about 10 days ago (ie what should have been the start of the summer holidays) My 14 year old still had some outstanding lessons left on google classroom and was determined to finish every single one. I said he didn't have to, his teacher said he didn't have to but he was determined to do it and finished them this morning. I feel very proud of him right now. Got a month here before they are due to go back. I am so very conflicted on that. I have enjoyed teaching him stuff but he is missing the contact with his friends so much.
  3. I appreciated your apology about your wording. That was where the thread should have ended and faded away but certain people decided to throw themselves in derailing with stupid pictures and singling out people to attack on your behalf thus turning it into something it didn't need to be. We have all seen this behaviour before from this person and then a few others jumped in with their own agenda and absolute tripe.
  4. You're not. I am disabled. I make no secret of it since diagnosis. I have MS so some days less abled than others. I find the whole service for the disabled thing extremely offensive. The making "disabled feel human" part even more so. The morality reference leaves me almost speechless.
  5. This is probably the worst thing I have read on the forums for a long time. Why on earth would having sexual fantasies with a disabled person in RL be considered immoral? Why on earth imply that disabled people don't feel human? Does your rate card have different prices for disabled people?
  6. Open the client You don't need to log in. Go to Help - About and copy and paste the details here. That might help someone diagnose your problem
  7. What bento photo? We can try to translate but we need more information on what you are talking about
  8. You might have more luck in the wanted or employment forums
  9. by viewing them in the Marketplace and then click on the Add to Wishlist or Add to Favourites options, located on the right of the item display. This might help https://modemworld.me/2018/10/11/sl-marketplace-update-wish-lists-and-favourites/
  10. Forgive my morning brain but I think it was called aDiva and I spent a fortune on her gowns back in 2009/10. (sorry its been mentioned)
  11. Have a try at these fixes or first reset your router/modem and see if that helps.
  12. Almost forgot this one. Love the original but...
  13. Oh I love a good cover version One of my faves
  14. If its on your property you can right click and delete it. If it is on a neighbouring parcel you might have to approach them and ask them to remove it nicely and hope they aren't being an idiot about it
  15. By merchant I mean the person who is selling stuff via the vendor. If they haven't visited the location for a while they might not be aware the vendor isn't working as expected. also have you checked their marketplace store to see if you can buy it via there? Does the merchant have any instructions in their profile regarding the best way to contact them ie notecard or IM or a named CSR
  16. First thing, did you contact the merchant to check if their vendor needs a reset?
  17. You'll have more luck in the wanted forum. I doubt anyone will do it for free and post it on the forums but that is the place to ask.
  18. Anything questionable you AR it and let LL decide if its questionable. Then move on and leave them to it
  19. I haven't read all the posts in this thread but maybe there is something in it that will help you
  20. No problems here. When you say you haved tried everything... what exactly? Tried to unpack in a different region? Are you suffering lag elsewhere? Have you restarted your router? Connection problems?
  21. You probably need to contact support and file a ticket https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000131009-contact-support
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