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LoveAngeL Lyre

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Everything posted by LoveAngeL Lyre

  1. Hello Kaliana. To be able to sell lindens you need at first to buy lindens at least once. This way your LindenX Sell Trading Limit will start to be increased. Have a look at the following link: https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php?
  2. He is not the only with problems with log in and generally with problems. I hope things to get better soon. What else i can say....
  3. Yes i was wrong eyeye just i checked it. Really that procedure has been done away with now. I didin't know it. After the registration it says on the last page: "Success. Your account has been activated".
  4. Wait. Just i checked it. eyeye is right. That procedure has been done away with now. After the registration on the last page it says: "Success. You account has been activated".
  5. So my answer was right. You can not log in SL because you have not activated your account yet. As i said to your other question you need to send a mail to support@secondlife.com Althernatively you don't lose something if you create a new account to avoid all that process.
  6. He just created his account and he said at the other question that he never got a mail by SL http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/SL-not-working-or-letting-me-sign-in/qaq-p/872981
  7. Are you sure? That's why you can not log in. Wait a little more and if you don't get a mail, send a mail to support@secondlife.com
  8. Hello Sorrow. As i read your post my feeling is that the system doesn't allow you to log in because you haven't activated your account yet. Is it right ? Open the mail your used to create your account here. You must to get a mail from service@mail.secondlife.com asking you to activate your account. There is a url. Just click it. Let us know if that was your problem, or you need more help.
  9. Hello Searby. The fact that you can not remove the Male Eyebrowshaper is not the reason you are bald. These are not the real hair of an avatar, that is just the eyebrows saved. You need to wear hair. Find hair in your inventory by the default outfits (for example "Male desinger Hair" and wear them.
  10. Is it your own house or you rent it jenna by another resident?
  11. Hello jennalinn. To be able to put furniture and generally to rezz in a linden home, the owner must to set the land to the Group and create a role into it with which gives the right to "Create Objects" (rezz). The only you can do is to contact him / her and ask for that right.
  12. Hello Kraine. Difficult to say what is wrong. I will give you link to check out especially the paragraph "How does it work" : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-verification/ta-p/700021 For access in adult places you can also verify your account, having "Payment info on File". Of course Account Verified doesn't mean necessary Age Verified also. This way you will have access in most of adult regions, except of the estate owner has restricted there the access to users verified by Age verification.
  13. Bonjour Aline. Pour la vérification de l'âge, vous pouvez utiliser: nombre de permis de conduire Passeport numéro de carte nationale d'identité Les quatre derniers chiffres du numéro de sécurité sociale Les quatre derniers chiffres du numéro de sécurité sociale Cette information est transmise de manière sécurisée via SSL pour LL vérification de l'âge et fournisseur de systèmes de contre-vérifiées bases de données pré-existantes de dossier public pour vérifier que vous avez l'âge légal. Leur fournisseur de vérification évalue la cohérence de vos informations fournies et renvoie un code match; à ce moment-là, votre compte est vérifié. L'ensemble du processus prend moins de deux minutes, et est disponible dans le monde. Leur fournisseur de vérification utilise uniquement les informations à fournir un code de match et la seule information emmagasinée par Linden Lab est de savoir si ces informations correspondent documents publics. Absolument aucune information personnelle qui est fournie pour le processus de vérification de l'âge automatisé est stocké ou conservé par Linden Lab ou à un fournisseur de systèmes de vérification d'intégrité Aristote. LL ne conserve un indicateur qui nous dit si il y avait un résultat positif pour les informations que vous nous avez fournies. Si vous êtes membre d'une prime et vous avez des difficultés pour vérifier votre âge, vous devez vérifier votre âge à la main: Visitez https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Choisissez compte émission dans le menu déroulant en premier. Choix Manuel vérification de l'âge dans le menu déroulant qui apparaît ensuite. Cliquez Choisissez Fichier à joindre une version électronique (scannée) copie de l'un d'une pièce d'identité officielle portant votre nom et date de naissance clairement affiché. Cette identification peut être un certificat de naissance, permis de conduire, passeport ou carte d'identité nationale ou d'identité nationale. Click Submit. S'il vous plaît attendre la vérification manuelle de prendre 5-7 jours ouvrables.
  14. Hallo Raulus. Befolgen Sie diese Schritte: 1. Loggen Sie sich in Ihr PayPal Konto. 2. Klicken Sie auf die Registerkarte Mein Konto. 3. Klicken Sie auf die Unterregisterkarte Mein Profil. 4.Under der Financial Information Klicken Sie im Abschnitt Mein preapproved Zahlungen. 5. Wenn Sie irgendwelche bestehenden Billing Abkommen mit Linden Research, auszuwählen und zu stornieren. 6.Go zurück auf die Unterregisterkarte Mein Profil wieder. 7.Under die Kontoinformationen Abschnitt, aktualisieren Sie Ihre Informationen, wo (Ihr PayPal-Vertrag kann stillschweigend fehl, wenn Ihr Second Life Konto eine Rechnungsadresse und E-Mail fehlt) benötigt. Dann erstellen Sie die PayPal-Vereinbarung mit Linden Lab. Sie müssen Mittel zur Verfügung in Ihrem primären Finanzierungsquelle (PayPal-Guthaben) für jeden Kauf zu durchlaufen. Wenn Sie nicht genug Guthaben auf Ihrem primären, wird der Restbetrag von Ihrem Sekundäre Finanzierungsquelle (Bankkonto oder Kreditkarte) gezogen werden. Was PayPal Passwörter und Sicherheit: Die Seite, wo Sie sich in PayPal ist eine PayPal-Seite. Wir wollen nicht diese Informationen erhalten, PayPal tut. Warum ist PayPal Zahlung versagen? Die Ursache kann die Standard monatlichen Höchstbetrag von US $ 250,00 per PayPal eingestellt werden. Um es zu ändern: 1. Loggen Sie in Paypal. 2. Klicken Sie auf die Registerkarte Mein Konto. 3. Klicken Sie auf die Unterregisterkarte Mein Profil. 4.Under der Financial Information Klicken Sie im Abschnitt Wiederkehrende Zahlungen Armaturenbrett. 5. Klicken Sie auf Mein preapproved Zahlungen Seite verlinken. 6. Klicken Sie auf Linden Research aus dem Merchant-Liste. 7.In der Bill Term-Bereich, klicken Sie auf "Bearbeiten" Billing Limit. 8.Geben die maximale Dollar Wert, den Sie einstellen möchten. 9. Klicken Sie auf "Speichern". Ich spreche kein Deutsch und ich verwende Übersetzer, so hoffe ich zu verstehen, was Sie fragen Raulus
  15. Hello stan. When you change the tag, click save at the bottom and right corner in the group's window.
  16. Hola Sami. Usted necesita obtener una verificación de la edad. Abra el panel de control y elegir por la izquierda de la cuenta -> verificación de edad. Llene sus datos y enviar allí. Háganos saber si necesita más ayuda.
  17. Hello JuanMo. You can find the solution for your problem if you click the following link http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Getting-Started/DNS-could-not-resolve-host-name/qaq-p/854251 Good luck and keep in touch here to tell us if you fixed your problem or if you need more help.
  18. Personally i haven't spent time till now to learn how to create animations but as i know many people use Blender and they are satisfied with it.
  19. If you are in world without problems, that's really good ! Keep in touch here and let if your problem fixed definitely.
  20. hahaha Vallerie. Totally agree! 1,500 for them??? /me passes out ! :matte-motes-silly:
  21. Hello arena. Did you try to log in a protected land like Smith or Lime? Avoid to run other programs when you try to log in. If you are use an old router, try to reconfigure it, (max idle time, connection on demand etc.). If after that you still have problem i fear that you need a new router. Contact your ISP and ask for assistance.
  22. Hello Elena. At first try to log in another region without lag. Lime or Smith are protected lands which are recommended. The second step is to clear your cache manually: (Win 7) - C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData - Roaming \ SecondLife and C: \ Users \ (USER NAME) \ AppData \ Local \Secondlife hmmm... if the laptop is so new, just 2 days maybe sl is being blocked by the firewall of your router. So set your firewall to allow access for all your viewers. If it's not a firewall, it could be a problem with your network gear, especially when your other internet connection work fine. So Power Down your moden / router for at least 5 mins and try to log in again.
  23. Dublicated post. Answered at: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/how-do-i-found-the-setting-2-change-my-name/qaq-p/871869
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