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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. Found a one-way (?) underwater portal between a Chalet Homes lighthouse island ( SSPE2244 ) and the large circular lake/pond down in Mirror Pond region in Fantasseria. ^ SSPE2244 lighthouse. ^ SSPE2244 bottom and portal. ^ Mirror Pond bottom. ^ Mirror Pond surface.
  2. Poor Artex. Generations after his demise in the Swamp of Sadness, thick white plaster would be found spread over the ceilings of homes in the United Kingdom. These white textured ceiling patterns would forever become known as "Artex" in his honour.... 😜
  3. I came across this distressing abnormality today in Fantasseria, found stuck in the swamp at SSPE2754 Oh the poor sad thing! I suspect this horse may belong to a local resident, or perhaps even a certain Mole of our acquaintance.... 😜 Oh such sadness! Who will rescue this poor beast? (!)
  4. So it's been 10½ years since the last post here...lol...ok. Mount Campion is still SL's tallest mountain, it's now exactly 365m tall and the highest peak is exactly here.
  5. North American theme, just for a change.... 🙄
  6. Guess who just had their photo taken with Santa Patch, the Lindens and their merry band of Mole-elves?! 😜
  7. Guess who just had their photo taken with Santa Patch, Derrick Linden and their merry band of Molelves?! 😜 @Derrick Linden, @Spirit Mole, @Dyna Mole, @Abnor Mole, @Ancient Mole, @Moonstruck Mole, @Alotta Mole, @Dreaming Mole, Sparkling Mole, @Itsa Mole, @Notta Mole, @Dion Mole, @Chronos Mole, @Maximus Mole, @Star Mole, @Quartz Mole... and @Patch Linden as Santa Patch! 😜 Happy Chrimbo!
  8. Guess who just had their photo taken with Santa Patch, the Lindens and their merry band of Molelves?! 😜
  9. "My idea"? Huh? You've got the wrong person. I'm perfectly content with the existing inworld editor.
  10. That "peace symbol" is not a peace sign, it's a logo from 1957 for a British anti nuclear weapons campaign group called CND, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. Recoloured for clarity ^ The C and D form a circle (or a globe), while the letter N is represented in the middle by semaphore flag positions for the letter N. Semaphore flags were chosen as it was predicted semaphore signals would be the only long-distance communication system to work after a nuclear war.
  11. Then you should log in and have a look! That Heaton house at the T junction was white, then pink, now yellowy-beige.
  12. Yes, the land mass is a surround like the mountains are, both are "anchored" to the northern edge of the Reveal region.
  13. Some of the Newbrooke houses at the Linden Reveal region have definitely changed colour for a second time now. The large pink Heaton house near the main entrance (at that T junction) is now a yellow-beige. This Ender house was a mauve-violet colour earlier on and is now a tan-brown colour. The same Ender house also now has some window blinds on the upper floor.
  14. See? I correctly predicted them! 😜 And why do I care? Because I find the whole process of design, manufacturing and release absolutely fascinating, both in the real world and SL.
  15. Yet you displayed that earlier version with the gap initially anyway and hoped nobody would see it? C'mon....
  16. Actually, those Aldridge houses have a land impact of 240 LI each. I've listed all the homes LI and parcel areas: Heaton: 241 LI (2 storey, 1024m2) Aldridge: 240 LI (2 storey, 1024m2) Coniston: 205 LI (single storey, 1024m2) Bradbury: 204 LI (single storey, 1024m2) Faraday: 154 LI (single storey, 512m2) Gatewood: 152 LI (2 storey, 512m2) Ender: 142 LI (2 storey, 512m2) Denver: 134 LI (single storey, 512m2)
  17. Before ^ (photo by @Jolly Nova, 7th December 2021) After v (9th December 2021) Found it!! Additions More trees, more walls, more colour variations, photo displays and a landing zone area. But the structure of the houses are unchanged, except for one.... Improvements A gaping two to three metre long horizontal hole or crack in the exterior wall of all the two storey Heaton homes has magically vanished since I reported it to the Moles on the initial reveal day with this photographic evidence. No acknowledgement or thanks for spotting and reporting this flaw has been given to me (yet) by the Moles or Lindens. Ahem... cough, cough... 😜 Windows The windows are still all the full length floor to ceiling kind. No change and no sinks directly behind kitchen or bathroom windows.... Chimneys None. But Santa uses Amazon, apparently... 😜
  18. Funny how much better they look just by adding a proper roof.... And a chimney...
  19. I think I've identified a flaw with the design of windows in the Newbrooke theme. Every single window in all the Newbrooke theme houses are full length floor to ceiling windows. This makes adding in a kitchen area with a sink and counter/cabinet units directly behind a windowed area difficult - if not impossibly weird looking - as the back of the sink and cabinet/countertop units will be much higher than the bottom of the window frame and will partially block the windows. This will look very strange from the outside. With this window flaw, sinks and cabinets can only be positioned against walls without windows in them, although it's usually customary to have a window in front of a kitchen sink unit for both sunlight and the view. This window problem also applies to bathrooms too.
  20. TP to Linden Reveal here and walk into the region to the north.
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