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Darkie Minotaur

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Everything posted by Darkie Minotaur

  1. du brauchst 2.6.1 - den server brauchst du nicht es sollte gerade so laufen auf deiner maschine - der prozessor ist eben nicht gerade auf sehr viel rechenleitung ausgelegt - und die graka dürfte etwas ins schwitzen kommen headset technisch hat sl keine besonderen anforderungen - sl voice ist ohnehin ziemlich schlecht nein - du brauchst keinen nachnamen. im zweifelsfall ist der nachname Resident
  2. At least the site seems to be up again - but who knows - the company (there's a RL company that's behind the AO stuff) may have gone down. Try to contact them through http://www.sinewavecompany.com and see what happens.
  3. Apart from the fact that you haven't defined what the "accurate distance between two selected prim faces" would be to you, I'm almost sure it's not possible the way you describe it - at least not with the standard viewer.
  4. That's a nice description of a flow - but it would be nice to know why you're posting it here? :smileywink:
  5. For the alpha setting you can use llSetLinkAlpha
  6. Just to make sure I understand correctly: You do have a script for a linked object that works fine - you want one for a non-linked object, right? If that's right, you need a script that uses chat commands. But your flame script will most likely have to be modded to receive chat commands as well. That's why I offered to have a look at it. You can post the script here as well.
  7. Stay tuned for the next episode of "Mega Paranoid vs. Super Paranoid" (although I haven't come to a conclusion who (Ishtara or Concerned is which) :smileyhappy:
  8. In this forum we usually discuss issues related to scripting - e.g. help someone with a script they are writing rather than provide scripts - there are other places for that. You won't find a script for what you want that will work without tweaking - but I sounds like a rather simple task to write a little script for a button. I will be on inworld in a few hours - you can have a look and fix it.
  9. ahh - that you mean - boring. But anyone who falls pray to this cheap scam hasn't deserved any better. The more people of tha kind the borg will assimilate, the better.
  10. the last link pouints to the scripting library - I wanted to point at a certain script - so here's the link XyzzyText
  11. Which one are you talking about - Wasted? I didn't see any postings - what have I missed? I love his messages!
  12. What you are looking for is usually referred to as 'text on a prim'. Basically, there are two way to do that: Either place media on a prim (shared or parcel media - the first can only be done and seen with a v2 based viewer, the latter only onm one parcel and only one set of content per parcle) Use textures for the characters - there are a number of ready made scripts and textures in the scripting library e.g. this one
  13. *laughs* yes, that may well be. I went through a much harder test when I lived in England for a year: They sent me to Sunderland - in the beginning I doubted that people actually talked English there.
  14. as I said - little known in civilizes countries like France *coughs* or Germany in this case.
  15. Ahh - and - maybe you should explain what Worcestershire sauce is + how to pronounce it. I don't think it's available in any civilized country :smileywink:
  16. *snickers and points at Pete* Get him - he killed the Easter Bunny!
  17. Try this sub-forum of the Commerce forum - this should help you finding help on how to do business and how to improve it. As Wilhiam wrote, people my not be willing to explain business basics to you, but you certeinly will find ideas there. If you have ideas you want to try but just don't know if the right tools are somewhere out there, check here. As far as your board problems are concerned, you may also find someone to help you in the first forum you mentioned - other may use the same product.
  18. Concerning the comm problem, a few different options come to my mind - and certainly others here have by far more brilliat ideas. One possibility is, that each player 'logs in' to the table they are playing at. This logging in mechanism works on a common channel - the rest on a table specific channel which the table tells the HUD on logging in. This logging in mechanism could be handled by a kind of server that makes sure, a player is only logged in to one table. Instead of using different channel for each table, you could instanciate different listeners for the different players at each table or you use some kind of table specific pre-fix in the communication. I'm not sure, which way would be the most economic, but on first sight, I would prefer the channel solution. As for the cards, I would, as you propose make a texture with a grid of all required cards. Usually, you have a define maximum number of cards in a certain position - e.g. there are 2 cards per player and 5 cards on the table at the max. in Texas Hold'em. I would place 2 cards in front of the player and 5 in the center - as long as the cards are hidden (not on the table) I would simply make them transparent, and as soon as they are shown, I would set alpa 1 and place the texture on it so the propper card is shown.
  19. This line: agent = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); has to do with the fact that it's a pose stand and you sit on it. In the change event, you check if the object is attached, rather than sat on (that's what the quoted line does). The attach event has an id parameter - if this is not a null key, it's attached. Inside the attach parameter, you can get the permission: attach(key id) { if(id) { llRequestPermissions(id, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); }} The run_time_.permission event is triggered when the permission changes - Rolig uses it here to make sure that the permission to trigger animation has been granted. If you do it that way, you should request the permission each time you select an animation. You wouldn't use the attach event to request the permission. Instead, you would call llRequestPermission() as soon as you want to start an animation - e.g. after saying the name of an animation: listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message){ if(llGetAttached()) { //check, if the object is attached anim = llStringTrim(message, STRING_TRIM); llRequestPermissions(id, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); }}run_time_permissions(integer parm) { if(parm == PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { llStopAnimation("sit");//you don't need this, since the ava doesn't sit llSetAlpha(0.0,ALL_SIDES); //you don't need this, since you don't have a pose stand llSetObjectName(""); //I'm not sure why Rolig uses that - but you don't need this llStartAnimation(anim); }} To explain: listener hears something and checks if the object is atttached - if yes ... .. listener hears a string, trims off any needless blanks at the beginning or the end the received string is assigned to the variable anim (is a global variable) permission to trigger an animation is requested if the permission is granted, the run_time_permissions event is triggered animation is played
  20. This seems like a good starting point - it really isn't difficult - what you need is: an object - an attachment or a pose stand to sit on are equally suitable for this the capability to play animations: For this this object has to ask permission to play animations and to actually play them once it has it (the actual function simply is llStartAnimation()) a listener that listens to you saying what should be played or show a menu (which in technical terms is a dialog) a touch event that opens the afore mentioned dialog a mechanism to get the available poses either by going though the inventory and see which ones are there or from a notecard to show the animations on the dialog Very roughly speaking, this is it. To adjust Rolig's Pose Stand, you would have to: change the permission requesting mechanism, since in your case it's an attachment and not something you sit on add the dialogs See - it'sa very simple
  21. I don't know OC good enough to be able to tell how difficult it would be to cut out the stuff you don't want - but I'm almost sure, it's easier to either: look for an animation player (I don't know if this is the right word) - there should be some out there - free and paidor write your own little thinggieI don't know what your ambitions scripting wise are, but it's not complicated (at least playing animation on your avatar) and you know where people would gladly help you.
  22. I sorted some brackets, set a few things straight and added a few comments, so you can see what I did and why - I hope this works as you want it //This is a collision of lines from some online library and Darkie Minotaur's awesome script. Please tell me if it's going to work! integer giVisible = 1; switchVisible(vector col, float glow, float alpha) { integer i; for(i = 1; i <= llGetNumberOfPrims(); ++i) { if (llSubStringIndex(llList2String(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_NAME]), 0), "glow") > -1) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, [PRIM_GLOW, -1, glow, PRIM_COLOR, -1,col, alpha]); } } } default { state_entry(){ llListen(9, "",llGetOwner(), "" ); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string text) { if(text=="hide"){ switchVisible(<1, 1, 1>, .15, 0.4); giVisible = 1; //it's ok - but you could have done the same as in the touch event: giVisible = !giVisible } if(text=="show"){ switchVisible(<1, 1, 1>, 0, 0.0); giVisible = 0; } } touch_end(integer num_detected) { if(llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { //the if has to go insider the touch event if(giVisible == 0) { switchVisible(<1, 1, 1>, 0.15, 0.4); } else { switchVisible(<1, 1, 1>, 0.0, 0.0); } giVisible = !giVisible; } } attach(key id) { switchVisible(<1, 1, 1>, 0.0, 0.0); //if you set the gear invisible on attach, giVisible should be 0, not 1; if you want it visible, //the function call should be switchVisible(<1, 1, 1>, 0.15, 0.4); giVisible = 0; } }
  23. A not very elegant attempt to seel yout promotion as a question to the forum. But the answer to the question which you nonetheless ask is: Know thy customer! The people you want to address, are they likely to use twitter and/orfacebook - will your promotion reach them? This cannot be answered for all SL users in general. I'm pretty sure, for some businesses here in SL these communication channels will work just fine - for other they won't (although I would bet, facebook is likely to have some effect in most cases if used intelligently).
  24. you could add llResetOtherScript and loop through the inventory
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