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  1. CO19


    Would it be against the rules if the lotteries where run outside of Second Life on an external website hosted in a country where lotteries are legal. To play the resident would have to send my character a L$ which then credits their account on the external lottery website. If they win they will be sent $L ingame. Obviously residents will have to be living in a country where gambling in this form is legal, and since the lotteries are being run outside of second life and hosted in a country where gambling is legal there isn't any legal issues. The only problem is Linden Labs may have a problem with their $L being used (even though the only interaction ingame is donations, no lotteries happen ingame)
  2. CO19


    After making a few google searches it seems like poker and other card games are routinely played on SL. However there doesn't seem to be any Second Life Lotteries, is this because lotteries are illegal in second life or have I found a really good business idea?
  3. CO19

    Ingame browser

    Thanks for your advice. I have no intention of loggin ip address on the fansite I am developing.
  4. CO19

    Ingame browser

    Would work perfectly, but I am slightly worried that the inconvience of finding the ingame object would put some users off registering.
  5. CO19

    Ingame browser

    The ingame terminal is a really cool idea. The main challange is that the process has to be automatic and fast. Thanks for your advice.
  6. CO19

    Ingame browser

    Thanks for your reply. I am starting a sl fansite where each account on the fansite has a corresponding account on sl. The issue here is that anybody could register an account on my fansite and claim to be a certain person in sl, so I need a way of verifying each avatar that signs up to my fansite. I was hoping to use the ingame browser for account creation, so when a resident wants to join my fansite, they do so from within sl. And their account name (and maybe some other information) is automatically detected for them. If it is not possible to get the information this way could you think of any other way I could verifng each avatars identity? Once again, thanks for your reply; I certainly wouldnt want to break the ToS.
  7. CO19

    Ingame browser

    Thanks :matte-motes-smile: But is there anyway to find information about the avatar browsing the website? Maybe their name for example?
  8. CO19

    Ingame browser

    I am reffering to my personal website external from sl. Should have been more clear :smileyembarrassed:
  9. If I started a website external from sl and somebody was browsing my website from within sl using the ingame browser. Would it be it possible to find information about the avatar browsing, for example: their name? Thanks, :D
  10. Could you please post the script you got working? :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: Sorry for posting in such an old thread.
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