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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. I'm getting confused, because I thought we were discussing the "Everyone" box next to "Run Scripts". If you *check* that box, you allow everyone to run scripts, so it makes life easier for everyone. If you *uncheck* that box, then you restrict the ability to run scripts to group only, making it more of a pain for others. I think.
  2. This looks cute for L$60. 30 LI but I would guess most of that is the food things. I'm definitely going to check it out in person because I actually like the food better than the furniture. lol EDIT: I just checked the set out in person. The furniture as shown totals 18 LI. I'm buying it anyway because the little foods are cute!
  3. I wouldn't expect any, since I don't think we've seen any stilts come out over prior weekends.
  4. This, and also I should try checking inventory BEFORE I buy, so I stop buying things I already have!
  5. For those looking for stilt homes, there are a ton of them available right now. OL in particular seems to have a huge selection!
  6. The way you avoid that is to have many alts, have them all madly click, and then don't dump anything you catch until things settle. So sure, you don't get the same house five times, but by holding onto the five houses you DO catch, you block that many others from getting one. However, if you then KEEP everything you caught, that's a whole different level of... something.
  7. Computers, phones, iPads, get your kids to click... the mind boggles at that kind of dedication.
  8. Well, we were, but I just let it go, I guess while you were typing this! I would love to have you as a neighbor, so maybe we will manage it on another region.
  9. That doesn't really explain claiming 3 or more parcels in a new region and then keeping them all. I doubt any of us can really say what goes on in the mind of another GOHer.
  10. I was lucky enough to get one in Float Alone, but it is hard when you are competing with "teams" (of alts) who sweep in and take as many as they can get. So yeah, releasing just a few regions at a time definitely makes it harder for those playing without teams!
  11. Maybe it's like it seems to be with other themes, that there have to be TWO of the same kind in the queue before you can see them on LP. Since the LP is treating OW, OL, and OP as different types, putting one of each back might not trigger them to go.
  12. It appears the thread may have been moved here in error. I just reported it so it can be relocated.
  13. Yes, just past your hot tub! lol Thanks for the compliment! The bird is from +Half-Deer+ and comes in other colors, too, and there is an adorable Toucan as well!
  14. I thought that house looked familiar so I just checked... we are neighbors! *waves*
  15. Well, to be fair to you, the rest of us merely decorate, while you design a very detailed (and awesome!) SCENE. 😛
  16. There is asking for an update, and then there is rudely demanding one. It takes mere seconds to upgrade an alt, so if paying for alts unnecessarily is the issue, then by all means downgrade and wait till a release is actually happening to upgrade again.
  17. Patch may be thinking the same about some of us...
  18. My observation is that if the linked object has a crazy high number of triangles after being linked, it will cause lag.
  19. This is my observation as well. We've seen from the regions with homes on them that the regions receive names near release time, when they are pretty much completed. If a sailable water region has a name, I think it's staying "as is" and homes will not suddenly materialize. Now a void region is a whole other story, and if someone has one of those near their stilt or houseboat, they can't count on their open view staying the same.
  20. Click on the house controller and hold until you see a message that it is resetting. Wait a minute and then click and you should see a menu then.
  21. Assuming from that we can draw the conclusion that new HBs have not yet been released (again, I have no idea whether that is the case), there's still the possibility that people are dumping old HBs in preparation for when the new ones are available. EDIT: A quick look at the map verified that HBs in the stilts region HAVE been released.
  22. Don't forget that there are new houseboats in the new stilts regions. I have no idea whether they have been releasing along with the stilts, but I'm assuming that might be the case.
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