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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Thank you! I usually watch the map, but this is a much better way to monitor. I'd never noticed that little arrow before!
  2. That sofa used to be a gacha rare, so that's not a bad price!
  3. On the other hand, I like it when the prior owner leaves at least one door open. If one of my alts claims a spot, I usually send my main over to have a look first, since that's the account I will already be logged in on. With an open door or doors, I can get a better look around and make a decision, then log the alt on if I decide to let it go.
  4. There is at least one on Lunasea Beach that was claimed yesterday.
  5. I bought this cart a while back, and it's really cute! I like to use it in Victorians. L$50 this weekend!
  6. Thanks for posting the Facebook info! I don't do SL Facebook so only go by what Access posts on Flickr, and several of these items were not on their Flickr the last time I looked. Makes me wonder what I've missed on prior weekends! I'm definitely going to check out the Black Sand set, because I like other sofas I've purchased there.
  7. Okie doke. I think we just have differing ideas on how many "reminders" is enough. (There are 3 of them on this very page, not counting the one you just posted.)
  8. I don't worry about all this triangle business too much as long as my home is not stuffed with such things. I think having one or two is just fine. I have only observed issues when someone links a ton of stuff together into a monster object, or if their home is packed with things from Dust Bunny or Nutmeg (for example). Otherwise, it's all good, and I love me some Happy Weekend sales and am not going to pooh pooh the idea of shopping them!
  9. This. If you use Firestorm, you can watch on the map for the name on the parcel to change from Linden Home, then you can roll quickly before it gets tossed again. Otherwise, just be one of the creepy folks who stand around on a parcel after they toss it. lol
  10. Hilarious that the SL forum software censors a region name that came from... LL and the Moles. 😂
  11. *looks around to make sure Matthieu is not her neighbor*
  12. Look here: (EDIT: Start around page 11 for relevant info.)
  13. I am at a loss as well. It seems like once a region starts releasing, and a few homes get claimed, it goes back to shoving abandons to the front of the queue! It certainly is making rolling an adventure.
  14. As I noted above, I caught one in Ponte Squall. I did throw it back, though, so it may be showing as Linden Home again.
  15. I got tired of stilts and went back to see what trads I might find, and caught this last night.
  16. I caught an OW in that region about 30 minutes ago, for those keeping score!
  17. Only if those people aren't willing to wait for more regions to drop.
  18. If you are waiting for OL, then what you really want is for people to claim a load of OLs. OP is a different category from OL, so shouldn't make a difference as to when your preferred OL is ready to be claimed.
  19. Don't forget the big sandboxes beaches near many of them.
  20. Here's another texture for the Infinite bed that Elora posted earlier. I found several textures I like in it!
  21. Not to go too off topic (or too Adult lol), here is a photo link. I think you will get the idea! https://www.flickr.com/photos/sylviatamalyn/6567447911/in/album-72157626386929952/
  22. I bought the cabinet and removed the items on top, and it's 3 LI. (Yay for no baked-on shadows!)
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