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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. If you are waiting for OL, then what you really want is for people to claim a load of OLs. OP is a different category from OL, so shouldn't make a difference as to when your preferred OL is ready to be claimed.
  2. Don't forget the big sandboxes beaches near many of them.
  3. Here's another texture for the Infinite bed that Elora posted earlier. I found several textures I like in it!
  4. Not to go too off topic (or too Adult lol), here is a photo link. I think you will get the idea! https://www.flickr.com/photos/sylviatamalyn/6567447911/in/album-72157626386929952/
  5. I bought the cabinet and removed the items on top, and it's 3 LI. (Yay for no baked-on shadows!)
  6. I'll have to tell you sometime about the first Cartel outing I went on 10 years ago. 😂
  7. It's quite distracting, waving around like that! lol I almost forgot to mention that it appears the dresser is mod... EDIT: I just realized I'm looking at the wrong dresser. FOCUS.
  8. I would like to announce that I am at the store now, and there is a naked male model there demonstrating the *cough* attachment they sell. It has physics! 😂
  9. The map shows them as Linden Homes, so they should be in the queue. Probably mixed in with (or behind) a ton of abandons though, since that's how it seems to have gone so far.
  10. I thought from the tone in the OP's first two posts in this thread that trolling was the plan, so thanks for confirming.
  11. Love it! And that bed would work well in a non-stilt I'm working on. Do you mind sharing where you purchased it?
  12. I wouldn't have expected a release on a Federal holiday.
  13. That is part of the "fun" of playing GOH. You get to know some houses EXTREMELY well... lol
  14. I'm talking about simple courtesy, not what will or will not get you AR'd. My suggestion was that you inquire whether nudity is welcome at the event in question, rather than just going in your birthday suit and saying "group chat said it was OK'. The safest way is to be considerate about it, because I guarantee some people at some events will not want to see it.
  15. I would think it would be more considerate to determine whether nudity is welcome at any particular event before assuming that you can be nude in "any event". Maybe some folks won't welcome a streaker at their wedding, for instance. Of course, any of us that don't want to see your nekkid ass can just derender you (with possible exception of users of the official SL viewer).
  16. You can right click and choose "object" and "inspect" to see how many triangles are in an object.
  17. You have definitely earned it! ❤️
  18. What Malayaa said, and also the pier posts help us know where we can and cannot place our decor, so that we can keep everything inside our parcel boundaries.
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