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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. The covenant covers the exact rules. For the most part, keep it inside your parcel and follow those covenant rules. The part about "in theme" is definitely subjective. However, you could probably get away with what you described.
  2. Inara typically does a pretty good write-up with some exact quoting, but I don't know if anyone else does full transcripts of it. https://modemworld.me/
  3. But bonds are often good when stocks are plummeting
  4. I don't know about dark ages, but often just plain dark. Headache is gone anyway.
  5. My guess is that it is one of those quirks where the house does not rez and the person does not know how these homes work and just assumed it meant they could rez their own thing.
  6. Actually, Patch said that there will be some sort of Linden Home offering for Premium Plus, but that it would be done the road, not immediately. So the Premium Plus will come out with a set of benefits and those benefits will not include anything related to the Linden Homes, but there are plans for adding something later.
  7. A major headache has attacked me this afternoon. I'm going to have to get away from the monitors for a bit to see if I can get it to settle.
  8. I'm getting ready to abandon a Trad in Otisburg And I am not claiming another Trad until I see that one owned by someone else. I'm getting tired of grabbing the same one over and over.
  9. Just some wishful thinking that a few were tossing around without really thinking the logistics through. Thanks for the reminder of what the cost of such would be.
  10. I definitely want to get one of these. Since I'm also so very picky about location, I am very tempted to do a short term upgrade of 1-2 more alts so that I can get more chances on release day.
  11. Definitely not before Monday. Patch said not today and they won't do a new Theme BIG release on a weekend. I really wouldn't expect it until Mon, March 9th, since the Expo goes through the 6th.... but that is just a guess. If they are ready, there is a chance of it being next week.
  12. I have an alt currently checking out abandons. Since I know that the release will not happen before Monday -- Patch said not today and they never do releases, especially a brand new Theme BIG release, on a weekend - then I am definitely okay still trying to find good spots through the weekend. In truth, I really don't see the release happening before the Expo is over. They are going to want to let lots of folks see them first.
  13. I was just getting ready to add that. YES, YES, YES !!!!! They just need to hire more people and all of this is possible sooner.
  14. The new Log homes will be the next BIG release -- per the Lab Gab today. They will continue with their region releases of the other homes.
  15. Some things that I heard: so far: A children's play area may very well be coming. Someone asked about this and Patch said it was a good idea and he was sort of surprised they hadn't already thought of it. There will be some sort of Linden Home offering for Premium Plus, but it will come later -- i.e. So probably not when Premium Plus first comes out. There will be some sort of update(s) coming in relation to some/all of the first 4 themes. My guess here is they are working on how to push out more models of homes of some themes and they are working on pushing out that ability to custom color the internal walls. And Patch made a teasing "maybe" comment about connecting to Mainland They will be doing (as in creating, I assume) Linden Homes for at least the next 3-5 years.
  16. Per the Lab Gab, themes 6, 7, and 8 are all currently being built. They have decided on themes 9 & 10 - and have more possible ideas. And Patch made a teasing "maybe" comment about connecting to Mainland
  17. I actually hadn't thought about the difference - just now researching that. My current compound is Biest, which is an 80/20 combo of estriol and estradiol. Before I talked to my doctor about the BHRT, a few friends tried the injected pellets. Two had great success, one so-so, and one horrid. My doctor had mentioned that the injected pellets can be more difficult and problematic. The injection hurts and the injection site can be sore for days. If you have bad results or a reaction, then the removal of the pellet is also painful. She also said that my doctor's office does not do the pellets, so I would have to be referred and they would insist on a full lab workup rather than taking anything my doctor's office sent over -- and that particular lab workup likely would not be covered by my insurance. My insurance doesn't cover my compound either - my understanding is that most do not cover estriol and many do not cover compounds. Not sure if they would cover a prescribed pill - they do cover the prescribed progesterone.
  18. I'm going to have to actually wander around inside them before I can really decide how much I like them. I do like the open feeling and high ceilings and the windows.
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