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Spica Inventor

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Everything posted by Spica Inventor

  1. Be Verbose! in the discription. And the first thing in the discription should tell how the prims are mod but not the scripts or whatever the case might be. Especially if you do long discriptions that peeps might not read in their entirety. ;-)
  2. "My Market Place store has been a bust for a few months. I dunno what they did to me...but I've dropped out of the search/sale/pay/loop". The D.D. bugs seem not to be treating everyone equally, but we all seem to notice some amount of changes and erraticism in our item sales individually and/or collectively since D.D. came on line that was not evidenced before to such degrees.
  3. "It is time for Rodvik to start cleaning house, I believe, and the sooner the better". I think that's the root of the problem. That Rodvik 'cleaned house' and unwittingly threw out the kitchen sink and the baby with the bath water as well in the process and now we findeth it empty, swept, and garnished to our detriment. hehe ;-)
  4. Yeah my MP account showed zero lindens in it when there was supposed to be lindens in it about a month or two ago. It must have been a glitch because it was back to normal soon afterwords. But it was scary because the first thing that came to my mind was 'someone hacked my account' hehe.
  5. C'mon Czari, spill the beans. Which Grid are you talking about? You can say. hehe ;-D
  6. I find the whole LL promotion thing to be, for perhaps lack of a better word,.... GOOFY
  7. "If LL took 50%, they'd lose all their merchants. I certainly would never go for that, considering how LL runs their business. I'd pull completely out of SL and sell everything on all the other grids. My guess would be that every top merchant would do the exact same thing, and SL would definitely die within the year. Right now, LL still has the vast majority of merchants selling exclusively on their grid. That would change overnight, if they took 50%". Oh come on Medhue. You would at least wait around and see how it effects your bottom line first wouldn't you before you'd make a decision to pull anchor? Besides, does the so called competition to SL even have an outworld marketplace that you could flee to? ;-)
  8. I doubt shutting it down would help fix things much faster. Besides, if you where getting 100% commission instead of the usual 5% on many of the sales marketplace merchant sales would you be in a hurry to 'fix' things? ;-)
  9. All roads lead to the fact that LL wants to keep costs and prices up far higher than they should be and especially their tier prices elevated outside of what the potential market is willing to pay for them to their doom. Drop tier prices to 25% of what they are now and I bet the land will start filling up to capacity in the grid again in no time. In conjunction with that if LL takes a 50% cut in The Marketplace sales, that would equalize things nicely I believe. ;-)
  10. Actually many merchants seem to just ignore the customers completely. I think that's another reason why many people don't bother to contact merchants for whatever reason.
  11. The Pheonix viewer sees meshes now. Its been that way for like 6 months I think. ;-)
  12. Yep, I was thinking the same thing. Please give us the name of the merchant that made that hair on your avatar for sale or vise versa sometimes. ;-D
  13. A Meeroo is a cute little enchanted fantasy creature that makes a cute little sound. They live in enchanted glowing places with glowing plants and crystals and such. I made some glowshrooms and put 'Meeroos' as a keyword for them as did a hundred other merchants it would seem. ;-) hehe
  14. Since 'fantasy' is one of my favorite search keywords, I LIKE IT. :-D
  15. I had always assumed that because LL was always pushing for Meeroos to such a large degree that Meeroos where actually created by LL.
  16. "So... lets stop the factless theories that because a merchant migrated to DD from MB their sales have increased". I think it could be considered very useful in that through this 'method' we can gleen what LL might be thinking and what they want us to think without wanting to tell us directly and being liable for it. Nudge nudge wink wink. ;-D
  17. I agree. Finished structures should have their own category different from structure parts/building components.
  18. I would guess that the likelihood of a buyer contacting a merchant over such a problem as you discribed is about the same chance as someone who purchased a product from you actually taking the trouble of rating it on the Marketplace afterwords, meaning very rarely. Like a 1% chance. ;-)
  19. Well I dont mind the demo's being put in their own area to get them out of the way of the freebies when I do a search by price which I often do. Maybe there should be a seperate search for just demo items. ;-)
  20. Yep, i'm going to blame it on radical cost cutting and short sightedness for short term profit to satisfy short term share holders at long term expense. Typical corporation these days. And of course LL not likeing the ebay concept for SL in the first place thinking that price deflation was a bad thing for their profitability all the way around. ;-)
  21. So do you really think LL would be that stupid to wipe 25% of listings?? Increasingly, yes I do. hehe
  22. "A lot of people use SLMP because it's the best way to find products in SL." Actually the full reason is this.... A lot of people use SLMP because it's the best way to find products in SL much faster and much less expensive. It caters to those not making six figure salaries in the real world. All reasons why LL thinks their profit margins are suffering when the opposite is the case of course in the medium and longer term. ;-)
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