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Spica Inventor

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Everything posted by Spica Inventor

  1. 'The seller can go on scamming and i'm out 1000 L$'. Well lets face it. L.L. makes their decisions on what they believe will make them more money. They think the cost of the extra overhead required to crack down on the scammers would be more than the loss from residents who decide to leave S.L. or spend more conservatively because of it. And as per usual they are probably short sided again and wrong again. L.L doesn't think scamming has reached epidemic proportions yet. Do you think it has? I do. ;-)
  2. NM is not a charitable organization but a business. So is my store. Why anyone thinks that I would pay the slightest attention to the opinions of people who are not and never will be my customers I cannot imagine. You know the real sad thing about greed in S.L. is that the merchants will make less money in the long run by catering exclusively to the rich which is perhaps as a deliberate policy is purposely keeping out the 'riff raff' to their own detriment and stagnant profit margins. ;-)
  3. 'Honestly, anyone who sells items transferable I wouldn't call greedy at all. In fact usually the ones that I see price gauging are the ones selling copyable items and charging more because they have copy available. landscape places are famous for this!' Oh please, someone selling a transfer only tree for say 100L$ is less greedy than someone selling a copy only tree for say 300L$ when dozens are usually put all over the land? Your sense of perspective is being warped by your biased attempt at greed justification just like many of the later rebuttals on this thread it would seem. ;-)
  4. 'My biggests costs are land (tier and rent), then advertising. Most merchants can't dodge those'. hehe I would say a 5% cut by L.L. and using the Marketplace exclusively like the vast majority do now it would seem can still be meaningfully classified as 'dodging' wouldn't you agree? As a side, the high prices in L.L. can not be considered justified for as long as Xstreet/The marketplace has been around. The greatly inflated prices are nothing more now than an established tradition (cemented in greed of course) which is IMHO ruining Second Life slowly but surely buy turning, perhaps a multiple of 10 the amount of people presently hanging out in S.L., off to S.L. These masses would otherwise like to spend some of their valuable time in S.L. if they felt they could afford it im sure. ;-)
  5. Number one: L.L. Doesn't want to hire the employees which would increase overhead and decrease profits dramatically to 'supervise' to that level. Number two: L.L. makes a lot of money on copyright infringement so why would they even want too discourage that very commonplace and profitable practice in S.L.??? ;-)
  6. Naturally If there is a choice of the same item just with different perms settings, that could not be considered greed by itself outside of a price analysis, but if the Merchant is using only transfer perms exclusively on any product and trying to stuff that down (all) their customers throats, then that can only be considered an attempt at greediness since the vast majority of the customers out there really aren't all that interested in retailing or trading already purchased product (which could be considered a mutual greed factor from both the merchant and the customers as the motivating reason). For a product that can only be copied to be considered greedy, it would have to be purely a price factor. Any product with no mod perms automatically has to be considered a merchant greed factor as well since greed and paranoia usually go hand an hand. So those who say they are only interested in transfer products must automatically be labeled as greedy. Possibly even an L.L. Agent. ;-)
  7. 'Is it greed or some other reason'? There is always 'greed' involved to some extent with merchants who sell their wares something other than both copy/mod. ;-)
  8. 'Plus it is mentioned by LL on the wiki that a person needs to get permissions to make a mechinima or pic with a persons item in it', Please tell me you're not serious? lol
  9. 'Thing' meaning the L.L. collective and official policy and not just some rogue employee. ;-)
  10. wow, i never noticed this before on here !! .........now if i was somewhat cynical .....i would be thinking that maybe LL had programmed Marketplace to do random Partial Delivery Failures ...........therefore making lots of lindens for no effort whatso ever ......but as I am not ......I obviously do not think this ..........**Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" /> but I wonder just how much they are making from it ..........coz its happened quite frequently lately costing me a few thousand lindens and I am only one of how many merchants on MP???? ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)....
  11. Are you saying that someone is illegally redirecting some of the marketplace money stream to his own pocket? That sounds like a serious crime to me. Some one or some thing? ;-) ;-) ;-)
  12. Terrain + L.L agent = hmmm. ;-) And yes, commenting on this message board can be risky. ;-)
  13. What if it's being done deliberately? I mean if you think about it, say one out of ten items at a 100% cut would mean double the profits. ;-)
  14. "I think the MP staff is just way too small to handle even the basic stuff." More like laziness, complacency, but especially control freakiness. hehe ;-) Out of some 140 employees it should require only one of them to keep up with and refine the search category formats in a logical manner as a part time job.
  15. "it doesn't take long for those micro-payments to really add up. It's like in a rainstorm; every raindrop is darn tiny, but as anyone in flood prone areas can tell you .. them little raindrops can do some mighty big damage in a big hurry". I think it might be more commonplace and significant than folks realize. Because unless a customer comes back to the merchant for whatever reason, the merchant would not know it even happened to be able to calculate the incident rate. A lot more merchants seem to have had a relative sales decrease rather than a sales gain all things considered since DD went into effect. Other factors could be that people with troubled MP stores are more likely to come here and mention it, but the idea that folks are still significantly fearful to even purchase things on the MP now is probably not true at this point after three months of operation.
  16. The search standings use to be updated every morning at about 1 AM SLT when the magic boxes where the only game in town. I happen to be on SLT also so the dates should match or at least be consistent for mine anyway unless there is some extra weird mystical procedure that's going on periodically behind the scenes covertly of course. ;-)
  17. 1000+ L$ products get a big ranking boost for a few days on the relevance search that is not reflected in how they are ranked in your store area on the marketplace I noticed. I'm not sure if products in the 501 to 999 L$ range get any type of ranking boost as I don't sell anything in that price range. If L.L. wants to push prices higher, I don't really care, but it would be nice if they where more honest about it. ;-)
  18. Welcome back. Linden Lab Agents are still pumping for higher prices. Something perhaps you were used to in your time. hehe ;-)
  19. I look at the relevance standings religiously every day pretty much and it seems to get updated daily usually, but there are still some days that it doesn't get updated. But some things sold are listed sold a day earlier or a day later then they actually where sold I've noticed. Have you noticed any unusual increase of sales around those days listed as no sale days? Like product sold was being pushed back or up for some strange reason.
  20. Like women are from Venus and men are from Mars, the rich with lots of money and time on their hands shop in world and the poor who have to work for a living shop on The Marketplace. hehe ;-) I sell about 70 things a month on average and about 90% on The Marketplace. It's weird but every now and then someone comes by my inworld store and buys just about everything I have on display. I figure those are probably the rich peeps entertaining themselves with a shopping bonanza. hehe
  21. What it comes down to is L.L. doesn't like freebies 'cluttering up' The Marketplace and not making them any money. It would be nice if they had that attitude with the multitude of demo's out there IMHO. ;-)
  22. 100% commission for L.L.? No I can't believe that is happening. Certainly not on purpose to counter stagnant profit margins or some such reason. Impossible! ;-)
  23. "I think you are a victim of the Marketplace's messed up listings...." Yeah me and just about everyone else it would seem. It makes the store look a bit like the 'dogs breakfast' i've heard hehe. But I don't mind that bug all that much really. Let Beautiful Dirty Rich Irene get free advertisement for now. lol. Actually getting payed for selling ones products would seem to be a much more important issue right now. ;-D
  24. "I realise that it's trendy to bash marketplace but with regard to Direct Delivery, other than the issue of unicode causing payment reconciliation (it still delivered), please point me to all the evidence, repeatable circumstances, not anecdotal or otherwise similar hearsay that shows the the Direct Delivery process is messed up"? I really don't want to take the time to sift through all the merchant complaints for the past 3 months on this board and post them here again about the many apparent buggy software issues associated with The Marketplace and it's delivery system. You have already identified probably the most important one. Whether the problem is with unicode or much more likely, with many other areas of the software having problems communicating with each other, who knows? If they really did identify the problem such as blaming it on the unicode aspect, you'd think they would have fixed it by know since it would appear that locating the problem is probably most of the work.
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