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Camden McAndrews

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Everything posted by Camden McAndrews

  1. We have Halloween Candy Buckets on the front porches at: Bellisseria Aeronauts & Boat Parade HQ: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Alban Heights/45/142/26 Blackwoods: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Maple Heights/194/43/23 Braeswood: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Maple Heights/153/43/23 Blackwoods, again: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Evallen/17/91/34 No forced routing points. Totally orbless.
  2. Everything that Ebbe touched turned to awesome.
  3. To check if you have enough tier available, log on to the SL web site > Your Dashboard > Land Manager > Land Use Fees: https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php?lang=en-US Look at Available Square Meters. If it's enough for the Linden Home style you want, you're golden; claim it., If there are not enough square meters, scroll down that page to see how much it'll cost to increase your tier so you can get that totally cool home in Bellisseria.. or... consider selling or abandoning enough land to make up the difference. _____ Land barons note: If you own more than 4096 sqm of mainland, you might want to consider whether it's cost-effective to have an alt go premium and get that nifty Bellisseria home instead of increasing tier for it.
  4. Thanksgiving Day in the United States is Thursday, November 26, 2020.
  5. If I am reading this correctly, Mazidox Linden is telling that as of today (Wednesday, 18 Nov 2020), most of Second Life has been rehosted to Amazon Web Services. And tomorrow (Thursday, 19 Nov 2020), all the rest will be rehosted to AWS. After that, only those two regions, Debug1 and Debug2, will continue to be hosted at Linden Lab's data center. Within my experience, as a user, the uplift process has been very fast and seamless. If your region has already been rehosted, no worries at all. If it is still waiting to be moved on Thursday, treat it like any region roll day--just hold off on rezzing no-copy stuff and prepare to run away for a few minutes if you get a region restart message.
  6. About Railroad rez zones in Bellisseria... Some time ago, when Squeaky Mole (who is building the railroad) set up a rez zone in Campwich Forest, they discovered that uncontrolled rezzing on the RR tracks in Bellisseria messed up its unique switching and traffic control system. So Squeaky had to remove that rez zone. This still leaves the problem that anyone with a trackside home can rez a train and have it move automatically onto the track and mess up the system. As far as I know, that instance was never resolved. That is why there are so few RR rez zones in Bellisseria. Editorial: I quite strongly disagree with the decision to limit RR rez zones in Bellisseria. If the software can't accommodate new rez zones or users rezzing trains as they do everywhere else in Second Life, fix the software, not the user.
  7. ROFL! Best break out the foul weather gear for today's boat parade! Coming soon... Why settle for just the Tide, when you can have a Tsunami in your washing machine? TSUNAMI! Guaranteed to clean your whole town right off the map!
  8. I can't find the link to the page where you submit a suport ticket.
  9. This is the best news from Linden Lab since the addition of Avatar Privacy and increasing the number of groups! At last, we can make clothing that looks realistic! Hot diggity dawg! Torley used those models to demonstrate the technology, and did it well. Which body shape you prefer is a matter of personal taste, insignificant to the question at hand. In the video, he demonstrates that Fitted Mesh will conform to the avatar shape even if you push it to such hideous inhuman extremes as the self-proclaimed "Standard Sizes." The point isn't about the shape; it's about the fact that the technology works even if you push the limits.
  10. Forward Estates Land Available Your rent will not increase as long as you pay on time! All Forward Estates land is terraformed into tropical volcanic islands, with white sand beaches and protected ocean views backed by privacy mountains. The covenant is simple: You can do just about anything you want as long as you pay your rent on time and don't spoil your neighbors' enjoyment of Second Life. Within those constraints, you have full land ownership privileges. Forward Reach NW 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5200 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunset viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/64/192/21 Forward Reach SW 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5200 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunset viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/64/64/21Forward Reach SE 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5200 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunrise viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/192/64/21 Forward Estates Rental Office http://slurl.com/secondlife/Grand%20Old %20Party/82/87/26Contact: IM to Camden McAndrews
  11. Forward Estates Land Available All Forward Estates land is terraformed into tropical volcanic islands, with white sand beaches and protected ocean views backed by privacy mountains. The covenant is simple: You can do just about anything you want as long as you pay your rent on time and don't spoil your neighbors' enjoyment of Second Life. Within those constraints, you have full land ownership privileges. Forward Reach NW 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5650 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunset viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/64/192/21 Forward Reach SW 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5650 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunset viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/64/64/21Forward Reach SE 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5650 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunrise viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/192/64/21 We believe the 1/4 region parcel is the best balance of beauty, privacy, and cost. If you would like something smaller for your home but still want to live in a pretty region, please do consider the 1024 sqm or 2048 DOUBLE PRIMS residential lots in the Grand Old Party region. You can find the available lots by looking for the green dots on the GOP region map at the Forward Estates rental office. (Please note that the covenant for the GOP region is necessarily more restrictive than the covenant for Forward Estates.) Forward Estates Rental Office http://slurl.com/secondlife/Grand%20Old %20Party/82/87/26Contact: IM to Camden McAndrews
  12. Forward Estates Land Available All Forward Estates land is terraformed into tropical volcanic islands, with white sand beaches and protected ocean views backed by privacy mountains. The covenant is simple: You can do just about anything you want as long as you pay your rent on time and don't spoil your neighbors' enjoyment of Second Life. Within those constraints, you have full land ownership privileges. Forward Reach NW 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5650 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunset viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/64/192/21 Forward Reach SW 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5650 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunset viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/64/64/21Forward Reach SE 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5650 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunrise viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/192/64/21 We believe the 1/4 region parcel is the best balance of beauty, privacy, and cost. If you would like something smaller for your home but still want to live in a pretty region, please do consider the 1024 sqm or 2048 DOUBLE PRIMS residential lots in the Grand Old Party region. You can find the available lots by looking for the green dots on the GOP region map at the Forward Estates rental office. (Please note that the covenant for the GOP region is necessarily more restrictive than the covenant for Forward Estates.) Forward Estates Rental Office http://slurl.com/secondlife/Grand%20Old %20Party/82/87/26Contact: IM to Camden McAndrews
  13. A little follow-up: Recent hands-on experience rather strongly reinforces the benefit of cleaning out ancient clutter from group membership lists. A technical glitch (a group maintenance bot collided with a server upgrade) caused the Builders Brewery group's bot to remove all of it's 14,000+ members, except for those who had a role other than "Everyone." Group membership dropped by 90% overnight. Yoicks. The group grew back to several thousand members in just a couple of days, but there is still a remarkable improvement in the reliability of group performance; it's near 100% now, while at it's peak, group chat was usually laggy and often we couldn't connect to the group at all. Group moderators also noted that now it's much easier to find people in the list of people who are currently in group chat when they need to do some moderating. Based on that experience, I'd recommend cleaning out the clutter unless you have a compelling reason not to.
  14. Forward Estates Land Available All Forward Estates land is terraformed into tropical volcanic islands, with white sand beaches and protected ocean views backed by privacy mountains. The covenant is simple: You can do just about anything you want as long as you pay your rent on time and don't spoil your neighbors' enjoyment of Second Life. Within those constraints, you have full land ownership privileges. Forward Reach NW 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5850 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunset viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/64/192/21Forward Reach NE 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5850 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunrise viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/192/192/21Forward Reach SW 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5850 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunset viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/64/64/21Forward Reach SE 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5850 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunrise viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/192/64/21 We believe the 1/4 region parcel is the best balance of beauty, privacy, and cost. If you would like something smaller for your home but still want to live in a pretty region, please do consider the 1024 sqm or 2048 DOUBLE PRIMS residential lots in the Grand Old Party region. You can find the available lots by looking for the green dots on the GOP region map at the Forward Estates rental office. (Please note that the covenant for the GOP region is necessarily more restrictive than the covenant for Forward Estates.) Forward Estates Rental Office http://slurl.com/secondlife/Grand%20Old%20Party/82/87/26Contact: IM to Camden McAndrews
  15. Forward Estates Land Available All Forward Estates land is terraformed into tropical volcanic islands, with white sand beaches and protected ocean views backed by privacy mountains. The covenant is simple: You can do just about anything you want as long as you pay your rent on time and don't spoil your neighbors' enjoyment of Second Life. Within those constraints, you have full land ownership privileges. Forward Reach NW 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5850 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunset viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/64/192/21Forward Reach NE 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5850 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunrise viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/192/192/21Forward Reach SW 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5850 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunset viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/64/64/21Forward Reach SE 16384 sqm with 3750 prims, 1/4 full region, 100 L$ to purchase and 5850 L$/week to rent2-sided protected ocean view with beautiful white sand beaches backed by privacy mountains, island corner with sunrise viewResidential or light commercial usehttp://slurl.com/secondlife/Forward%20Reach/192/64/21 We believe the 1/4 region parcel is the best balance of beauty, privacy, and cost. If you would like something smaller for your home but still want to live in a pretty region, please do consider the 1024 sqm or 2048 DOUBLE PRIMS residential lots in the Grand Old Party region. You can find the available lots by looking for the green dots on the GOP region map at the Forward Estates rental office. (Please note that the covenant for the GOP region is necessarily more restrictive than the covenant for Forward Estates.) Forward Estates Rental Office http://slurl.com/secondlife/Grand%20Old%20Party/82/87/26Contact: IM to Camden McAndrews
  16. There might be a technical argument for cleaning out moribund avatars: Each time a message goes to the group, the server has to check every group member to see if that member is on line. That's a lot of accesses to the database. Group notices would be similar; having notices and inventory offers stacking up in dead accounts and then checking to see if they have expired must put a significant load on the asset server. I suspect (but don't know) that if everyone cleaned out the dead wood, group chat would be noticeably improved. I'm thinking about the time that Linden Lab noticed that half the accounts log on only one time, and based some key business decisions on that observation. My guess is that the great majority of those one-timers were intentional--spammers, freebie grabbers, spies, and other mischief. That would up to a heck of a lot of clutter. Beyond the technical question, it depends on whether you think clutter in the list of members is a good thing or a bad thing. It's good (albeit deceptive) if you boast about the number of people who are in your group; bad if people would be using your group to find other people.
  17. Rod, Some more advice about how to learn SL from an executive viewpoint: Get yourself a motorcycle and hit the Linden mainland roads. Budget some time for this; take a ride across a couple of dozen mainland regions at a time. You'll quickly learn about many of the issues that plague residents--how difficult it is to maintain an attractive build when griefers can dump unsightly junk next door, what lag can do to you, the adventure of sim crossings. You'll find yourself thinking, "Gosh I could go over there if only there were a connecting road." You'll also experience some of the most delightful builds and the incredible creativity that people bring to Second Life. Say hello to people you meet along the way; roadside people tend to be friendly people. And you'll be delighted to learn that you can have this experience without having to get simulated bugs in your teeth! Mike Arabello, a Residents Advisory Committee sounds like a heck of a good idea to me!
  18. Wow! Welcome Rod! I'm suddenly reminded of the days when I spent five years hosting about 100 fan sites for The Sims, watching the artists disappear one by one, and saying, "Oh no! Lost another one to Second Life!"
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