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Marisa Starbrook

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Everything posted by Marisa Starbrook

  1. That's what I found out, too, @Karly Kiyori that the 16 x 64 work better for me for the houseboat styles. My only differing criteria is that I prefer green landscaping. Pearlcoast has topped my list, even before it had a name. I haven't managed to get there yet.
  2. I know. I was there during that release. I'm one of the few that isn't waiting with bated breath for the Stilts.
  3. I’ve already had one Christmas miracle today. I actually got 8 hours of sleep last night and woke up refreshed. The stress of 2020 has limited my ability to get restorative rest. I was surprised when there was a release on Labor Day last year. I didn’t think the Lindens would do one on a federal holiday. That’s a big weekend in the U.S.. Anything is possible.
  4. I never looked that closely at the water, Chloe! 😊
  5. Oh, no, don’t give me one more thing to worry about! 😂
  6. Knowing how long it took me to acquire my first houseboat (4 months), and being a product of a Catholic-school education (oh, the guilt!), I’ve not been able to justify having more than one of any one theme. The longer I’ve been a GoH participant, the more refined my goal has become. I was in love with Pearlcoast before the region even had a name. I have photos of the area before it was landscaped. I haven’t landed there yet. That’s okay, because I enjoy the catch and release. I’m a member of the Tumbleweed Club (an unofficial group that can’t seem to put down permanent roots). I’ve learned to stop thinking in terms of forever home. The only thing I’m certain of is that I’ll move on. Even though I dream of having a river-facing green Trad, I’ve kept my houseboats the longest.
  7. Already back on the market. The person who got it abandoned it.
  8. I'll be releasing a sunrise view houseboat at 11:30 a.m. SLT. You can check it out in Moonchild (love the name): http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moonchild/179/54/22
  9. I asked Patch after the houseboats were released if there was a plan to move the old Linden home continents closer to Bellisseria as a transition. Maybe reconfigure the land for additional houseboats. He said the team had considered a bunch of different scenarios. It would take too much time to redesign the old continents, even though they had considered that option.
  10. In my search for my favorite Trad location, I managed to land two lovely locations this morning. One kind of sandy with a lighthouse view and one kind of green that has me using @Christhiana's winter holiday shell for the Continental. I'm sure I won't be keeping both past the holidays. Thanks again for such a wonderful gift, Christhiana. It's helping to elevate my Christmas spirits. Thanks, too, to the people that released these.
  11. Houseboats are rare, but they’re not impossible to get. When the Stilt homes are released in the (hopefully) not-so-distant future, more houseboats will be available, too, through abandons and new region releases. It took me 4 months to get my first houseboat. I think you’ll land one sooner than that, @Wesley Goland.
  12. @Luka Hexemyou’ll be able to get a home relatively easily when the Stilts are released. People will be abandoning wonderful locations for the new shiny. I’m looking forward to the beautiful abandons.
  13. So you're the one who just had it! I landed this before on another alt. Since I've got another houseboat with a sunset and lighthouse view, I decided I didn't need two. I'll be releasing this at 3:30 p.m. SLT. It's a great location for sunset and lighthouse lovers.
  14. Today’s my 14th Rez day. It would have been cool if the stilts would have been released today. I enjoyed that long release of Vics last year, though. Looking forward to beautiful abandons. 🌟
  15. I wondered about that. I had an odd feeling that the site was being worked on yesterday. I saw and clicked on a Trad. I got the “sorry, sold out” message. A Trad showed up 3 more times before Meadowbrook appeared.
  16. Slendie's in the Christmas spirit bringing holiday cheer to all. And maybe a tiny bit of fear.
  17. My primary place to log in is a skybox that welcomes breedables. I got hooked on Amaretto horses when they first came out 10 (!) years ago. I still check on my horses first thing. I have an equal passion for home hopping. Until Bellisseria was created, I used to rent on private estates and would hop from parcel to parcel when I would get bored. The Moles and Lindens have created some very unique spots within its ever-expanding borders. I love exploring and feeling the peace of its waterways.
  18. Tis the season! May 2021 be a happier and healthier year worldwide! Bless you, Christhiana!
  19. Thanks so much for this wonderful gift! I've decorated my Evening Star houseboat. It looks very festive! It's been hard getting into the RL spirit of the holiday season. The fact that I'm inspired to decorate in SL is definitely a positive!
  20. I'm not usually a sandy parcel person. When I saw that you released it, I thought, this looks like a lovely location. Apparently whoever got it tossed it back. I landed it today, and it looks like it might carry me through the dreary winter. Thank you for letting it go!
  21. I really think it comes down to luck. I just happened to log into the LP and landed a Trad about an hour ago. I used to use the auto refresh but find that I have just as much (or more) luck with randomly checking the page. When the stilts are released, there will be many beautiful abandons. That's what I'm looking forward to with that new release.
  22. Since I wasn’t in the group where Patch was quoted, I didn’t have the context. He might have been talking about North America. In the olden days, Europe was referred as “The Continent.” There’s still hope for Dutch homes.
  23. I had to google it to confirm, @Raspberry Crystal.
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