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Da5id Weatherwax

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Everything posted by Da5id Weatherwax

  1. Peeve: Scripters that in ONE post manage to BOTH make you "facepalm that they ever thought of doing it THAT way" and "facepalm at the elegance of a solution you never even considered"
  2. It's not quite that bad, just a lifetime of preferring sandals to any other footwear and bare feet over any footwear at all has left me with soles that wouldnt be out of place on a boot and toenails that sneer at (and break) regular clippers.
  3. Then, with respect, either the first time or this time, your impression of my opinion was wrong one of those times. Sometimes I'm not entirely clear, so that could easily have been my fault
  4. "WE" wouldnt ask that of anyone. People make those choices for themselves. If you were part of those protests, part of those movements you might be surprised what people are prepared to risk in the name of a cause they believe in. But it's not "asked of them" - THEY decide on whether its something that they have to do in spite of the risk. And they have that right, whichever way their decision goes. MOST well-organised protests that cause interference for transport have contingency plans in place for emergency vehicles. Even when they don't, an ambulance or fire truck is likely to be let through. Cop cars, not so much. They've spent too long pissing in the well unlike paramedics or firefighters.
  5. The obvious test of this would be for a gifted mesh sculptor to create representations of the Venus de Milo and the Nike of Samothrace - both on public display in the Louvre and old enough to be refreshingly free from copyright concerns, then list them both. Both are made of marble. Both have boobs. Nike's are covered, Venus's are not. See what rating you are forced to.
  6. That's fair enough. I always do a SECOND test against latest firestorm, which I consider the de facto RLVa reference and I'll tweak it if I see any behaviour I consider unacceptable. However, to your webpage analogy, I think its not unreasonable for a developer to expect that something fully W3C compliant should work in any browser, and if it doesn't, that's a browser bug.
  7. Hey now! I have to use wet&dry sandpaper on one hand (fingerstyle guitarist, my mildest "nail treatment" on that hind is superglue) add a dremel or at least SOMETHING with power assist on my toenails (sandal feet - it's as bad as Dr Phlox scene in ST:Enterprise) I've actually had my nearest and dearest tell me "You are not getting into that bed with me until you do something about those (expletive) dragon claws of yours. You scrape huge gouges out of my legs every time you snuggle up!" The cats just hit the scratching post and they are fine!
  8. Oh, we ask them nicely once, because we're all decent human beings, right? If they then keep slapping, even after we've turned the two cheeks in front AND the two behind, then a teensy bit of slapping back might be in order
  9. Thanks, @arton Rotaru and @Chic Aeon - a previous proof of concept that never made it into a project, shortly after mesh hit the grid, had a skysphere that you could fly into from any angle but would block exit, so I know it did work sorta like I remember. Now I come to actually try and use it I find it not working. but I guess that the initial behaviour was a "misfeature" that has subsequently been coded out without anyone noticing. I'll just take the results of my testing and modify the project design accordingly. If anyone else had been using this feature at all extensively and found their builds breaking, there would have been a lot more replies to my question than just you two BTW: I never upload meshes with anything but the latest version of the official viewer. I know Firestorm can also upload meshes but to know I always use official. Same as I will test RLV-Compliance of a script using those features against Marine's viewer rather than an implementation of RLVa. Excellent as the alternative code may be in either case, you test against the same reference as the doco was written to. Always. If something behaves differently in an alternate then it's not my code that aint compliant, yanno?
  10. Many people feel so strongly on an issue that they go to considerable personal inconvenience to protest. You can't dismiss them as "people who have the time to..." And is not the whole point of effective protest to be inconvenient to society at large? To cause a sharp enough itch that folks have to wake up and scratch? I'm sorry you were inconvenienced by the protest, but to turn round and say "because it caused inconvenience to me, I wont care about your cause" seems a little telling to me - if you react like that to the protest I think I can make a pretty fair guess as to how you'd react to any solution to the problem that required the slightest sacrifice on your part. Which actually, now I think about it, would make you a legitimate target of the protest, wouldn't it?
  11. That's not exactly a bad 4th of July beer to have around in copious quantities to keep the swarm of thirsty locusts extended family out of some of my own better brews. Back over here in Scotland I now have slightly different concerns of course.
  12. I know that a responsible professional such as yourself would never do this but I ALSO know the temptation to set up a one-key macro for "Ticket closed. Insufficient information provided to reproduce." must be ALMOST irresistable.
  13. Trust you lot with my beer? You're kidding - it would be supped and gone before the page had a chance to refresh.
  14. We are SO going to get the thread locked, but anyway... In my experience - as an admittedly-privileged white male - anyone throwing out the straw man of "forbidding prejudice" or "how is it not a hate crime if I'm attacked because I'm white/male/whatever" is being dishonest, refusing to admit that they already are in (some kind of perceived) privileged position and are reluctant to allow others to reach that same level of privilege because they see it as somehow dragging them down. They can't admit that they actually aren't "inherently better" than any other person, including the ones that don't look like them or that go to a different church, came from a different background etc. They delude themselves that they "earned" all they got and that removing barriers that others face in having the same opportunity to "earn" it is some sort of handout to the people who have been beating their faces against those barriers for generations. It's "F you, Jack, I got mine" played on a very specific dogwhistle.
  15. The entire Grateful Dead discography plus about 30 hours of concert bootlegs on shuffle It's my "coding music"
  16. I totally get the wish for it to be consistent, but... As a programmer who uses multiple languages I adapt to the calling sequences, the naming conventions, whether the language has "shortcut logic" and a host of other things depending on the language I'm coding in. Hell, sometimes I "switch mental contexts" based on whether I'm going to compile for a big-endian or little-endian OS! I use them all from the same developer platform (eclipse, if you must know) - How is this any different to that for a 3d modeller? You use the conventions and styles best suited to the target platform.
  17. Personally, I agree with Henri's definition of LAME. If LL are to effectively promote a creators work in this way it should be well optimised and as close as possible to "no more restricted than LL-provided assets" - that's not to say it can't be expensive but it should be mod-perm and if a body/head/avatarComponent should have a FREELY AVAILABLE complete devkit. If those criteria are enforced, then its an incentive on creators to optimise, isn't it? You wont be featured in LL videos if it aint... and of course I put my own personal hobby horse in there of refusing to buy a body if I cant get (or reverse engineer, without infringing the creator's IP) a devkit for it
  18. So the motivation of a criminal should have no impact on how harshly they are judged for their crime? That way lies dystopia. By rejecting harsher judgements for motivations considered less acceptable you are also rejecting leniency in the face of less malicious motives. If one is morally ok, so is the other. If one is not, nor is the other. This is not "outlawing prejudice" - a person is free to be as prejudiced as they wish, but if they commit a crime motivated by that prejudice then they can expect to be treated with the opprobrium appropriate to that prejudice. It's a logical extension of "your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins" - Let the modern-day Archie Bunker stew in his prejudices all he wants but when it comes to interacting with others, he'd better leave them in his back pocket.
  19. It's been a LONG while since I made use of this "feature" but in the past, with a triangle-based physics mesh, you collided with a plane when approaching it from the side its normal faced, but could walk straight through it from its back face. I'm testing a build at the moment and it seems that you can no longer walk through the back faces of planar physics. Is this a known change? intended behaviour? bug?
  20. The mission statement for LL is a good one. But lots of corporations have "mission statements" that are laudable and yet more "honored in the breach" than otherwise. The proof is in the implementation. And, let's not forget, that they can be rewritten at any time at the whim of the board. Remember Google's "Don't be evil"? Cynical old b*st*rd now returns you to your regularly scheduled programming...
  21. Do not get me started. I would have this thread locked in a heartbeat. I try real hard not to advocate or promote violence, but when - as the father of a daughter - my heart tells me I should be ripping things apart with my bare hands and then stomping on the bits until they stop twitching it gets difficult. May heaven have mercy on them, because I will not.
  22. It can be. Arguably, it should be. Sometimes it's just a matter of wrapping a heartfelt polemic around a tune that will stick in folks heads so they spread it for you
  23. Lass, when something peeved me so bad as to send me stratospheric, the wife and kids just hunkered down and waited for me to land again and apologise for being an ahole. Just as I did when the emotionally-ballistic object was one of them
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