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Da5id Weatherwax

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Everything posted by Da5id Weatherwax

  1. At "highest" or "high" LOD, that just won't look right. There's depth from the hole to the back of the guitar and it's visible. The hole won't be closing and replaced by a texture in anything viewed closer than the "middle" LOD.
  2. Oh HECK yes. I'm judging them even unto the eighth generation. But the nice thing about posting it as a "peeve" is that you can avoid naming them, and thus avoid falling foul of forum rules calling them eighty different kinds of arse
  3. Bad form replying to ones own comment but... What I'm modelling right now is a Reverend Airwave 12. The jaguar-style body is no problem, but that teardrop soundhole is a bastard to do without the geometry looking like a plate of spaghetti
  4. DM me some pics, no promises but if I'm in "make instruments" mode one more won't hurt. ETA: I dont do anything but "generic" instruments for sale, I believe the only one I've done that way was a bodhran. Copies of RL instruments are for their SL owners only, sent full perm and not retained as anythign but the blend file for future reference.
  5. Peeve: RL guitar designers that make instrument shapes nearly impossible to model efficiently in blender. *yes, I know, I'm weird. Playing a tune in SL without having a faithful copy of the actual instrument I'm playing it on in my avatar's hands just feels wrong.
  6. I like Hawai'ian shirts. I have several. But if I'd turned up on parade wearing one with my "battle rattle" my platoon sergeant would have given me the hairy eyeball from Hell and my Captain would have rendered me down for lubricant right there in front of the barracks!
  7. It's called a "dog whistle" because you're not supposed to be aware of what the true message is unless you're an insider. Like somebody deliberately placing his thumb directly on your first knuckle while shaking hands. But once pointed out, once you have been made aware of it, then you've got two choices. Avoid its use and those that use it or admit you're (openly or tacitly) ok with it. So far, you're looking "ok with it" and if that's how you want to be perceived, that's your right to express your views. If it isn't how you want to be perceived then I point you to the "first rule of holes." When you're in one, stop digging.
  8. Is it your contention, then, that objecting to the extreme right and to enabling them by displaying their symbology and attire is "leftist propaganda" ? That it defines the person doing that objecting as on the "extreme left" ? I find that rather difficult to agree with. Smells rather strongly of the "both-sides-ism" too often used to let folks skate when called on their extremism. You dont have to be a "leftist" to decry what these groups represent. Show me a bunch of maoists or trotskyists marching through suburban neighborhoods threatening violence and I'll call them "wrong" and "repugnant" too, and oppose them exactly the same way I oppose the extreme right. But you know what? I aint seen it. I have seen the fascists though. Large as life and little different in their ideology from those our parents and grandparents generations fought against.
  9. Aint slander to point out a fact, (that you WERE making excuses - either for putting this stuff out there or for LEAVING it out there) and drawing inferences from it. You've denied those inferences and instead of saying "oops" done the whole "wahwahwah I'm being persecuted/slandered/whatever" thing. I'm afraid that's not helping your position. You see, that's exactly the tactic these groups and their enablers use. Don't say it directly, use the "dog whistles" and then accuse anyone who calls them out on it of bias against them. Since you deny knowledge of them, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt but you might want to be a little careful about overdefensiveness when you step into an area where you don't know where the social mines are? And knowledge of them didnt require ANY "study" on my part, I assure you. Just keeping my eyes open and admitting I was seeing what I was seeing. Philando Castile died close enough to my house I heard the shots. One of my best friends lives in the neighborhood where George Floyd died and I've grabbed snacks from that same convenience store more times than I can count. And that's only two examples
  10. @Sam1 Bellisserian and @IGarrett No. "Not their intention to represent that group", then pull the product because they ARE representing that group. If it genuinely wasn't their intention then that's what a responsible merchant would do. If they leave it up, then guess what? They are representing that group while fibbing about "not intending to." And even if they "add tactical to everything" then that's a statement too, isn't it? I've met WAY too many of that type IRL to believe that folks spouting the same BS in SL are any different. You want to weasel around and try and "make it ok" then you go right ahead. That tells me what YOU think about those groups. It's not a flattering picture.
  11. "It's just a piece of clothing" "Maybe we should ban X because that's got Y with it too" "censorship" "keyboard warriors" yadda yadda yadda. Dressing in a particular style to identify with a particular group has been a "thing" since humanity first started wrapping stuff around themselves to keep the cold out. When you wear this you are representing that. When I ride my motorcycle I'm not always showing a patch, but when I do I'm both representing my club and saying "mess with me, you're messing with all my brothers too." It's just a piece of clothing, but it still says something. A white robe and pointy hood are just "pieces of clothing", as are my shirts with clerical collars, or the uniforms and insignia of law enforcement and the military or punk, gothic and rocker styles. The list is literally endless. When you say something, whether in actual words or by displaying styles or signs that have meaning, there's going to be folks that don't like what you're saying, who have bad experiences with the ideology what you say represents or who disagree with its avowed aims. Sometimes that disapproval is almost universal and you might feel nervous about saying it at all - but that's just the way societies work. You're still free to say it. You're also free to take the consequences of saying it too. That's not censorship. That's simply something that a lot of these groups are fond of saying themselves, it's "F around and find out" and if they - or their apologists - don't like it they should remember an even older proverb, that sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Making "false equivalence" arguments, dismissing voices raised in objection as "keyboard warriors" or "woke" (said in that particular sneering tone) is the purest sophistry and intellectual dishonesty, since what you're actually saying is "I dont like what you say so it doesn't count" - and if you don't like them saying that, that says something about you too. So by all means don't ban them from the grid. Let folks wear 'em all they like. If they F around, they'll find out.
  12. Aye well, ye had home field advantage last time. Proved to be pretty bonny brawlers in the big international tournament a few decades past too. A wee friendly match wouldna hurt (much) (stopping before it gets TOO silly)
  13. Which puts you at least a couple of steps up from the folks that brought US lot in to have a go at YOU lot Nothin' personal, ye ken.. was just the best scrap to be had at the time.
  14. Indeed, and against the people that were there first, before a single white OR black foot touched the ground. We're not exactly free of our own horrific histories here in the UK either, or anywhere else in the world. The important thing is we refuse to let them happen again.
  15. I'll take that. You lot over there wouldn't have survived without a bunch of celts to do the serious drinking and fighting, after all
  16. There is hardly a nation in the world where you cannot find memorials to those who fell in the effort to defeat the Third Reich and their repugnant ideology. These groups are not at that level. Oh they want to be but it's way beyond their ability to achieve. They gather symbology that is "as close as we dare get" to Nazi-like, thinking they are somehow being "clever." They are (usually) careful to speak in veiled terms outside their own groups because they know they'll be shunned by the mainstream community if they "say the quiet bit out loud." Recent events around the world and on one continent in particular have emboldened them, they are scurrying out into clearer view with greater enthusiasm. It's their last gasp, like roaches trying to escape the RAID in the shadows only to find a size-12 boot waiting in the light.
  17. There are no words to Pink Floyd's "Great Gig In The Sky" but Claire Torry's vocals on it are well worth "sing along, scream, grunt, yodel, yell, whisper, warble, croon or chant?" - IF you have the pipes for it
  18. Here I must politely disagree. It's about enjoying what you're drinking. Single malts are chosen to display the best efforts of a single distillery - in the opinion of their master distillers, who may have a different palate to yours. If the characteristics of a single distillery's output appeal to you, their single malts probably will. If they don't appeal then you'll likely enjoy a reasonable blend more . Life's too short to drink bad booze, but there are even cheap blends that aren't "bad" to many palates. Single malts are for the whiskey drinkers who have discovered something they really like about that particular distillery and want to consistently get it when they pour a glass from a bottle with that label. Nothign more, nothing less.
  19. Indeed, if someone wants to portray themselves as part of a wannabe "militia" that an actual military formation would go through like sh** through a goose, we can question their sanity, but hardly prohibit them from displaying their lack of it...
  20. So many sons and daughter for whom there won;t BE a boat to inherit any more, and they get to watch their dad die a little inside with every ebb tide.
  21. Have you ever been a fisherman or otherwise tried to make your living on the ocean? I have, and sorry, mate, but on this one you're full of ambergris. Fishermen know what's happening to the fish and shellfish stocks, to the populations of food and bait species in their local fisheries.They know how the fishing grounds are changing along with the ocean temperature. They know how to fish sustainably and both maintain the stocks AND the supply. What's killing fishing as a way of life isnt far different from what's doing the same thing to farming. The monstrous factory ships (often foreign flagged) come rolling through and their enormous trawls, dredges or seines rip through the maritime environment, not only sweeping up entire schools of the fish they want but leaving environmental devastation in their wake, safely hidden from the public eye on the sea floor. The local pot-fishers, trawlers and drift-netters are starved of quota, to the point they can't even cover the running costs of their boat and hang it up, like family farms in the face of Monsanto. But the reason the quotas are so low is the damage to the fishing grounds they share with the high-intensity industrial fleet, and you won't find a single fisherman worthy of the name that wishes for higher quotas at the expense of sustaining the fish they are hunting. But the politicians keep knifing them in the back. They sold Brexit to the fishing community by saying they'd keep the foreign factory fleets out of local waters. "Oh yes, now you've voted for it, here's the details. The deal is that they'll be gone in 50 years" when the status quo means the local smaller fishing fleet will be gone in 20....
  22. Long gone? Never in a million years. I keep my peeves close until they die of old age and then I send 'em to a taxidermist.... Single malt. Or, for preference, single cask. Depending on the mood it might be an 18yo Oban or a Laphroaig. If I can't decide between the smooth and the peat-monster Talisker is always an option
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