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Da5id Weatherwax

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Everything posted by Da5id Weatherwax

  1. You know what struck me most about that video? The pattern of "mortar washout" on the building to the left. That emerged after the timelapse showed it fully roofed and that persisted to the end. That's not a sound build. There's going to be cracks along those lines in 30years or so and it will be cheaper to tear the place down and rebuild it right than to try and fix it properly.
  2. British governments are good at that. At this point the rug is within 2 feet of the ceiling and folks are managing "not to notice" that they are crawling around on their hands and knees dodging the light fixtures.
  3. In fairness Windsor Castle may be intimately associated with the house of Windsor but it isn't, by any means, one of Her Majesty's favourite residences. The Sandringham and Balmoral estates are her refuges - and, incidentally, part of her private holdings, not the property of the Crown. Windsor and Buckingham are seats of the Crown and as such she's always "on duty" whenever at either. It still boggles the mind that a government could have got away with pointing a runway at the place without getting one HELL of a roasting from the palace!
  4. Peeve: People who are so much better than I am at taking the shade and throwing it back refined, distilled and sharpened. You gotta admire artistry, but damn, it stings if they can dodge better than you can
  5. Admittedly here in Europe we are foolish enough to believe a hundred miles is a long way. In America you are daft enough to think a hundred years is a long time. It's not simply the old buildings, I've got family members that cordially hate each other because of a feud that's older than the republic...
  6. The house I grew up in as a kid was built in the 1600s. It was originally the local vicarage and had a nice chunk of land around it. It ceased to be a vicarage when the local parson acquired a reputation as a drunkard and womaniser so severe that when he was found dead in a nearby ditch after one of his more extreme benders, the church decided to amalgamate the parish with the one next door and it became surplus to requirements. The house and lands were sold off to a respectable military gentleman whose wife used part of the house as one of the first free schools in the area. Sadly, that family fell upon hard times and the land was slowly but surely sold off to adjacent farms leaving nothing but a modest garden around the footprint of the house, the garage (converted from coach-house and stable) and the old pigsty (no pigs in it any more, just the oil tank for the heating). By the time my folks bought it, after it had passed through many hands since the Colonel's family, it needed a LOT of work. I learned a great deal about home maintenance on an old building from assisting my dad, along with some REALLY interesting additions to my developing vocabulary.
  7. For me it' a matter of "my place, my rules" and the only other guys rules I need to worry about would be LLs if I happened to live somewhere other than Zindra, but since that's where I do live their rules are minimal, and only prohibit things I wouldnt put up with anyway My ideal living situation would be my own region but I don't have a business that can support that much tier any more
  8. Of course they are messing with you, lassie - it's hardwired into that Y-chromosome thingy. They only devour everything in sight like a plague of locusts when you don't want them to and have other plans for those ingredients.
  9. Niran's design decisions on the UI just "sorta work" for me - these days I find it easier to navigate that UI then the official viewer or Firestorm. But "different strokes" and all that. Each to their own. I think my (admittedly weird) mind just puts things in the same categories as Niran's does and expects the same things to be grouped together. Which should probably worry me, but doesn't.
  10. Peeve. Brit supermarkets labelling their peppers incorrectly. That's an ancho, not a chipotle. And that thing you labelled a guajillo isn't.
  11. It was, I always get the Bronte sister's works and those of Jane Austen scrambled in my head. No idea why as their writing styes are all very different. It's just my "not normal" memory playing games with me. And yeah, when Weatherwax was available as a surname how the heck could I not with my "eclectic" religious background. Couple it with the first name of a cyberpunk metaverses ubergeek and well.. you kinda got me
  12. Austen and Shakespeare? Way more highbrow than my combination of Snow Crash and Diskworld.
  13. I know. Humans are almost as bad as canines for failing to groom themselves properly. At least us cats know about keeping things clean. Which of course means leaving anything that isn't clean where it's somebody else's problem.
  14. Peeve. Folks who wander around setting others on fire and don't clean up the mess. Do you have any idea how badly the ashes stink up the place?
  15. couple of "crash test dummies" for testing scripted items without me having to be using the item at the time. They also served as on-call models for promo pics when I was selling stuff. One boy, one girl. Because I'm silly that way, I created them backstories and gave them appropriate names, and have kept them up to date with in-character avs and modern, if limited, wardrobe appropriate to the personalities I decided they should have
  16. Rachmaninov All-night Vigil, or "the vespers" - Op 37. The definitive recording, from the Russian Academic Choir, conducted by Sveshnikov.
  17. Moderating any online forum has always been a recipe for high blood pressure and a forehead-shaped divot in your keyboard. When it came to "moderating" I cut my teeth on a dial-up BBS and later progressed to first chanop and then a server-side O-line on a couple of IRC networks. It's only gone downhill from there, I'm afraid It does mean I try (honestly, I do) to avoid giving moderators on any other online forum headaches and stick within the rules - but I do sometimes slip, I'm only (mostly) human, after all...
  18. I'm trying to remember a single forum post I've reported that wasn't a spambot, and I don't think I ever have. Even when somebody is being a complete arse, which is thankfully rare, I'd rather engage with them and try to talk 'em around as I would for a more minor disagreement. And if all else fails the last thing they'll hear from me is a "plonk" and all I'll have to put up with from them from that point forward is whatever anyone else quotes. As for inworld ARs, back in the day before you could return something with a single encroaching vertex, I did AR serious encroachment. Other than those I think the number I've filed could probably be counted on one hand, and you definitely wouldn't need to take your boots off. Most problems walked onto my land on two (or more) legs and an eject/ban was plenty to deal with that, with maybe a quiet IM to an estate manager if I wasn't on mainland.
  19. You know as well as I do that the ideal number of guitars to own is "one more than you currently have" I'm moderately content at the moment though, having the "essential 4" at last.. 6-string acoustic (Martin DCPA4) 12-string acoustic (Takamine EF381SC) 6-string electric (American Performer series Strat) and FINALLY an electric 12, the Reverend Airwave 12. (FINALLY because it took so long to find myself decent midrange electric 12 that I actually liked. Sue me but I actually don't like Rickenbackers, but the Reverend I can pick up and play without thinking about it and it sounds awesome) I still intend to learn to play lap steel at some point though.
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