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Kylie Jaxxon

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Everything posted by Kylie Jaxxon

  1. Everyone is naturally impatient in wanting to get settled in and have your own things around you...I would call it a loss and find someplace else. Good luck
  2. @Wildcat....thanks, will head over there @Ceka...omg, I love the first one
  3. Wildcat...love the pants! Where are they from?
  4. Venus Petrov wrote: @Randall: I have no clue how you came upon pointy ears. All I can say is 'Live long and prosper.' LOL :matte-motes-oh-rly: Thanks
  5. Randall Ahren wrote: With the sun just beginning to rise over Hyannisport, I am contemplating life's important questions. If am not for myself, who will be? If am only for myself, then what am I? And most urgently, how did my ears suddenly become pointed? @Kylie, how did you get your hairline so perfect? Is that a fading hairbase? Also, what is FCH? Hi Randall...yes, it's a hairbase from LAQ (love their skins) FCH is the Forum Cartel Hangout. It's the inworld location for parties and such. You can look up Forum Cartel in groups if interested in joining...great bunch of people and all very helpful btw, I like the pointed ears, they look very dashing on you :matte-motes-silly:
  6. I would uninstall all the different viewers you have and then reinstall just one, see if that helps.
  7. valerie Inshan wrote: Awwww!!!! So cute! Adorable pic! Agree, too cute!
  8. Shy...love, love, love your pics, especially the 3rd one...nice shot!
  9. Ian Undercroft wrote: Aagh - autumn in SL - the invasion of the pumpkins! Am I alone in wanting to shoot them all up with a sub-machine gun? Some lovely pics though. But for the damn pumpkin, your 2nd pic is a really nice shot of your avi, Kylie. Uh-oh, someone has pumpkin-phobia, lol. That pumpkin makes the whole pic, Ian....:matte-motes-silly: Thanks.
  10. Getting all gussied up for the ball at the FCH tonight....
  11. Love...wow, really like the richness of color in your pic. Beautiful!!
  12. Awww...thanks, Valerie. I can say the same for yours and love your setting/background there :matte-motes-inlove:
  13. For those of us here in the US, today is officially the first day of Autumn. To celebrate, I thought it would be fun to post your favorite avatar pics in a Fall setting :)
  14. I found the witch at Teagans and it's just adorable... Also, Racia Fiertze was gracious enough to offer her services.... Lol, if you're trying to decide which one you like better, I couldn't either...so I'll use both Many thanks, girls...it is greatly appreciated. I am in awe of your talent :matte-motes-inlove:
  15. Ziggy21 Slade wrote: Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Thanks for plugging...:matte-motes-silly: Thanks for presenting me with the opportunity :smileyhappy: Wow, Ziggy...great entrance, nice & spooky. I've LM your place to go back and take my time checking things out, and wait for another payday :matte-motes-tongue:
  16. Rolig Loon wrote: I will not use an automated greeter in my shop. I figure that any customer smart enough to walk in the front door is going to be put off by a mechanical, insincere greeting and is going to walk right back out again. My "greeter" is a little silver bell next to the door that rings gently, once, as a customer walks in. That's it. I have sold that silver bell to many other shop owners, but have no idea how their customers respond to it. None of MY customers have ever let me know either. I display a small, discrete sign to invite people to join the shop's group, and I include an invitation and an LM with any purchase. Other than that, the only automated system I have is a silent traffic counter that gives me a weekly number of visitors (no names or UUIDs). I have heard a bell in shops and think it adds a touch of nostalgia...I love them, they always make me smile when I hear one
  17. Yea, it's a bummer...you just have to check them out by trial & error I routinely go through mine about every 6 mos or so and try to keep my list up to date.
  18. I'm resisting because I don't want to download another/different viewer...just not up to dealing with any more problems. To look at the pics of mesh items, I don't see what the big deal is, although admittedly, I haven't tried anything on
  19. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: If it helps you feel better, I found it through Google. LOL. Ahhhhh...I went through the board search. Will keep that in mind about Google, thanks lol, my daughter has a saying on her FB..."If Google can't find it, it doesn't exist." :matte-motes-silly:
  20. Lol, thanks Griffin...wonder why it didn't come up for me? Must have missed it, not enough coffee this morning yet
  21. Sorry, but personally, I hate the things...they are a nuisance. I feel I'm smart enough to LM the place if I like it and anticipate a return or if I want to join the group myself. All the ones I come across, I don't even read them...just ignore or close I'm do not own a business, but I am a consumer, just my opinion...
  22. Hi Draakje, someone elsed posed this question in the last few days, but I can't locate the thread now It was commented though, that it is a known bug and something that will be remedied soon...no need to worry. Hope this helps.
  23. Canoro Philipp wrote: we sure need more flexibility with the badges, the more options we have, the more our creativity shine. thats true, it would be great to have our rez date in our badges, if our jive date is important, than maybe we can have both. I don't think the jive date is important at all, someone just didn't think when putting this program together Yes, I agree with you that all will be well in time, adjustments made...it's just that LL is so slow about these things...but there's nothing else like it out there.
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