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LillyBeth Filth

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Everything posted by LillyBeth Filth

  1. beanster Potato wrote: Yes, security is very important. But hm.. if you go to a RL bank with lets say a bag of coins worth 100$ that you would like the exchange for one 100$ note, you dont leave your bag of coins behind and come back a week or two later to pick up your 100$? Because that's how LindeX seems to be working if i understand correctly? I have never used LindeX before as i've only used Eldex to exchange L$ to Euro's for the past year or 5. They always transferred the money do my paypal instantly or at least within minutes so why cant LL, does it really take them a week or even longer, also for people outside the US? Or do we have to wait even longer? Really? And the rate is the same as LindeX? Interesting.
  2. Always used LindeX for 5 years now and yea there is a waiting game, they don't work week-ends like the majority of SL staff (How nice that must be!) so if you happen to fill your order on the same day like I just did on Monday, I am hoping I get the PayPal notice on Friday because they claim five working days.
  3. "No worries, your message isn't pitiful ... It's PATHETIC!" Jeez - someone needs a hug. This kinda reminds me why I never really got into whole forum banter... it always seems to attract socially retarded
  4. Ah so Tacky = Cheap. Gotcha. I use the term "tacky" myself to describe something cheap or tasteless. I live in a ticky tacky house built in the 90s. Thrown up. In the UK old brick Victorian houses are built better. Anything from the 1960s onwards would be thrown up with ticky tacky materials.
  5. Also, only older SL consumers know what "Mesh" even is. To what I would imagine are the majority of SL avatar clothing consumers, they don't know or care whether the product on the marketing photo is made of mesh or sculpted prims, they go off the picture and demo when trying it on. Too many merchants think adding the word "mesh" into the name of their product guarantees quality when in reality it means very little to the average SL consumer who does not create content themselves.
  6. Classic reverse psychology! Of course I want to read something titled "Not sure you want to read this... " lol Anyway, for what it's worth (Not much) I feel your pain and fear re: Mesh and all things 3D. But it's not just SL, 3D is the next 2D universally. I agree with the person who looked at your blog, your clothes don't look dated or pitiful but in a year maybe then they might. From what I can gather, creators that hammer the word MESH MESH MESH in the title doesn't mean it's gonna blow your mind. Mesh is the new sculpty and from a customers point of view.. There's not that much to tell the difference between them. Perhaps the designer has more options and can do things with more ease using mesh but don't let changes put you off. WAY too many old school content creators just threw the towel in when SL and technology started to develop. It was easy to sell crap in a box in 2005 (I know I did! lol) as soon as it starts to get real and some good competition moves in.Too many people "gave up" Good competition should drive you strive for better from yourself. At least that's how it works for me. I get the initial sting of "OUCH! I feel belittled" then I get a "OK..I am going to kick that talented competitors ass with my next design!'
  7. ohhh blackboard...now who's showing their age? eh? Not very PC It's called a "chalk board" lol... PC gone MAD!
  8. I don't "get" the ticky tacky what does it mean? Glue? Is it some American slang word?
  9. Yea, but...she still sounded like a cat had been set on fire and then put out with a shovel... Just sayin. :matte-motes-tongue:
  10. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: I LOVE the original version to that song. I used to watch "Weeds" and the intro music was this terrible womans voice ..."And they're all made out of TICKY TACKY!!!"
  11. Can we talk about boxes some more? Think I might start a new thread! lol To be fair, it's a forum! If people want to talk about bloody boxes for weeks on end... then they should..if people are bored by boxes.. pick up a book or take up knitting.. That's not a dig at you Rya, I just see some forum feathers being ruffled about BOXES! lol You have to laugh !
  12. Yea. Have to report a bug with Jira (Was all new to me) and they fixed it the same day (working day, not week-ends) They were very good actually. Here's the link for anyone having similar problems. https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa
  13. Yep. I had 500 items and it took me a week to transfer them to DD due to bugs and glitches so to rez 500 boxes, go into edit of each, drag the contents to a folder in my inventory, rename the folder to be the exact same name as the boxed object (To avoid DD migration failure) then drag the folder to the outbox would take me forever. Plus with textures, I am kind of assuming people have land to build on or why else buy textures. (?) I have ensure the listings are marked as "Unpacking Required" and all of my boxed textures have an unpacking script which just means the customer clicks and a folder is generated in their inventory with the correct name so essentially it's not that much of a headache.
  14. Drake There's a fairly well known bug on the Marketplace with the "Active" button being greyed out and also the "tick" box to list from the "Manage Listings" being greyed out. I had this issue too. The fastest way to resolve it is create a error/bug on jira - they're pretty fast or have been with me but not on week-ends.
  15. Thanks Maddellefste Yes, I agree with your concept that 90% of people purchase by visual and as I sell textures I guess more so. I do wish we had more flexibility with the Bulk/Batch editing system but anyway, Thanks again
  16. Ah, yea. I know what you mean. lol I too have a mixed English / English American spelling style. The use of Z where S should be is a constant for me now. On the plus, my interactions with the American folk has taught me so much about various types of architecture than my limited British,"Small Town" mind once knew. What the Hell is "Siding" ? (2005) I used to name it "Sliding" for over a year.. Most of what I have been inspired by comes from American movies.. I love American houses.. in particular the American Victorian big old houses with the hard wood floors... We just don't have that kind of stuff in the UK unless you're loaded. On the flip side, Americans adore our ancient Medieval castles ..there is one in almost every city and town so we're more "blah" about them.
  17. So I got most of my products back on the MP after a week of them being "greyed out" and as such unable to be edited or listed. I still have 60 items bugged and unlisted but anyway... I always see the alternative language tabs when I edit an item and wonder if people list under these languages and if so, how is the best way to do it. I have close to 500 products listed on the MP. I was wondering if there was a HUD that could translate accurately ? As far as I can tell, there is no way to do this via batch process edit or multiple item edit because the first part of each of my listings is a small paragraph describing the product itself whilst the remaining text is just Terms and Conditions and User License information which is replicated in all products. I have looked at the batch edit feature but it seems limited. For example, I couldn't add a new paragraph to ALL of my products because all of the products existing text would be wiped clean and the only text remaining would be the newly edited paragraph. (?) If people think it is something that paid off for them, I would be really grateful if you could explain why and how you did it. Many thanks :)
  18. lol awww . I do that... Not so much now but my Mum used to called me a "lazy reader" (amongst other things) I also have to say the internet has taught me more about spelling and grammar than my British school ever did. Spell check in particular is amazing. One of the viewers for SL has a spell check and I can't live without it. I cringe when I look at the spelling of really old products.. Ironic Edit - Forgot to spell check and had 1 typo
  19. I'm curious. How does resetting the MBs get sales to increase? And why did you not hunt me down in SL and inform me of this?? lol I have never heard if that and for the life of me I can't understand how that would change things...so I am curious
  20. Prat is an English slang word for an idiot. I can confirm
  21. In theory. lol I am willing to bet the OP comes back and says "They won't list ! I get an error" There is a bug the dev team are working on - this is day 6 and I still have 350 items showing as available as DD but if I try and List I get an error saying "Cannot transition from "list" and if I go into edit to "Update" and list them like that, they "active" button is greyed out. It's driving me nuts because I can't do anything...just have to keep checking every hour of the day
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