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LillyBeth Filth

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Everything posted by LillyBeth Filth

  1. The predictability is overwhelming lol
  2. Galileo The "what can we get for free" is not limited to FB, it's a www wide, SL wide, world wide issue and it's caused by and large by merchants and freebie websites who are trying to capitlise in an economy and using the fear of spending in their favor to then sell advertising space in return for high traffic) SL is almost notorious for the freeloading culture thanks to the imbalance of people selling quality content to people giving quality content, people just "expect" a freebie or at the very least greatly reduced. But again, this isn't limited to SL its the effect of a recession on the net. This is the first time the internet has faced any form of economic collaps of this magnitude and we're seeing the merchant/consumer changes for the first time in history. I have 2 websites one did offer texture stock for free (at the lowest resolution) we had 2000 members in less then 12 months and over 2000 texture downloads a month (of the free textures) For one of the higher resolution images they would only need to spend 1 dollar and we did allow commercial use., well needless to say very few people spent money, no one said "thanks" and so we pulled the plug on the freebies. Regards FB - people do spend money on FB not sure where your getting your information from but there are game companies investing time and money into making addictive and "user to user" competitive games which encourage players to buy "gold' (or what ever) once they are addicted. And of course more residents = more content creators, but the ratio will not be in the content creators favor, most FB users are just people who want to socialise online, share photos, compete with their "friends" in Farmville,(why?? lol) upload videos from their mobile phones, flirt with strangers and so on, so having the ability to own their own 3D appartment , play "dress up" and invite their FB friends into a 3D space would be very tempting and again, free... Where ever LL advertises there is always going to be a certain % of sign ups that decide to be a merchant, not sure why you think FB would hold a higher % in that regard to any other area. Look at IMVU - see how many people are logged in and then ask yourself why because it isnt the client, it sucks, Ive tried it. ( cartoon avatars and environments, no freedom to do much of anything other than jump from one targeted seat to another targeted seat ) but that aside they have been very clever on how they run things. Quote "try attach a subscription fee to FB and watch people leave like the tide rolling out" Well, yea if its compulsary but that would be the same for SL or any other service that initially allowed free access.
  3. I am all for Facebook association and twitter (which I have never used) because everyone and their dogs see the benefit to having the association, news programs, TV programs, news papers, so why people are moaning about it I don't understand. From a business pov its a no brainer why LL would "connect" to FB people using FB are prime target market for SL and if LL don't do it you can be sure as Hell some other site will (IMVU always has) When SL is released as a web based client the potential to expand the amount of users logged on will not be capped as it is now. Web based User + Facebook = more SL residents = more user to user transactions = stronger SL economy. It really isn't rocket science. And for those who prefer to keep their real pictures and real lives private, well, make a Facebook account for your SL name and avatar. People make FB accounts for their dogs and companies after all. There is nothing to fear, nothing will be compulsory (i doubt) just like Voice isn't compulsory and I recall all the "tears and tantrums" about that when it was announced by the lab. I for one can't wait for SL to be linked to social network sites. I think it's a positive move to make and will in the long term benefit us all... "as a whole"
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