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SpiritSparrow Skydancer

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Everything posted by SpiritSparrow Skydancer

  1. This is from their wiki regarding what you can advertise in your parcel.. So even legit ads, which are allowed must not be political in nature. Right? (not here to argue, I just stated my opinion about how I feel about it) BTW: I have no political ads or endorsements in my LL owned home. I just honestly feel that LL needs to remove the business about registering to vote or any political references at all. In addition, advertisements must comply with these requirements: They must be grounded to the terrain, not floating. They must extend no higher than 8 m from the ground. They must contain no rotating or flashing content and no particles. They must not dispense unsolicited IMs, note cards, landmarks or content. They must emit no light sources or glow (full bright is acceptable). Advertising hoardings must be Phantom. Ad content must be clearly General in nature. Ads must not contain sound or temp-on-rez content. Ad content may not be political in nature. Ban lines should be switched off.
  2. I have no idea what set your keg off but please do enjoy the muted/blocked area of my forum.
  3. Apparently they have what it takes in longevity, I mean its no pacman but it has sustained it fanbase.
  4. Also, I have been studying tarot for over 30 years, so I could offer some tips. so to speak. Try another deck than rider waite if you are using that one. I get better results in dragon tarot. I have about 20 different decks but my dragon is the one I use everyday(ish)
  5. . Visualize me and draw my card. You should know my question when you draw the card.
  6. Maybe because LL is actually located in the US. But, I do think if they are not allowing us to display our political choices in world they need to keep their posts non political as well.
  7. I can not stand it. I mute the people doing it, then the owners of clubs put in chat extenders and I have to see it anyway. (I leave the venue then) Same with people I have blocked because they send unsolicited items to me.. "Souvenir" snapshots.. WHY?!??!?! If I wanted to save a souvenir photo I'd take it myself. smh. people irritate me irrationally it seems. Do not get me wrong, I do not mind an applause gesture or a occasional I love this tune. But when the DJ or live singers "host" start posting lyrics into chat and it evokes my spam settings... WHY WHY WHY do they do this? Can;t carry on a conversation in open chat because some idiot is spamming their idiotic gestures. there I said it. I am that botch.
  8. I do not understand what not having big names has to do with it... There are direct links to these stores on MP, so it is advertising.. ; ) Also, I was teasing...
  9. these are all really nice. .. it frustrates me that so many mega selling places seem to put out nothing but ***** wear. Blueberry, scandal etc. and to me it seems like the same thing over and over.
  10. no Also, what is the difference in this and people asking for lindens at an event ?
  11. If it is filed anonymously how would he specify his account and then the accused account to get his linden back?
  12. to recruit poor unfortunate souls who are lonely and ill adjusted to life.. But, I would wager the "gang look" many sport on sl are those souls themselves rather than actual gang members.
  13. You will have to notify the accused of your intent to file an AR. If I recall.
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