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Medhue Simoni

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Everything posted by Medhue Simoni

  1. Mitsuko Kytori wrote: I hope, but on marketplace as I can see there are many levels of service, but it is not the subject. The review tells wrong thing, very easy to check, and so I think it is easy to remove them. Don't get too worried. LL will remove most reviews that give consumers the wrong information. Just flag the review and wait for LL to respond. I would also write a NICE comment to the review, and state the facts that are wrong. DO NOT get confrontational in the comments. People will read your comment to it and decide whether to do business with you based on that reply, regardless of whether the reviewer is correct or not. I would not delete the product. Of course, you could decide to redo the product based on the advice and post a different version. Personally, I've never had to, or wanted to relist a product for any reason. Plus, when you have hundreds of products, 1 bad review is hardly the end of the world. It's too bad LL doesn't make it easier to review products, or send out reminders to purchasers, as we'd get more reviews to balance out those reviews that are negative. As it is, the only people that will take the steps to review items are those that are having issues with delivery or other problems. I'd also send the product to the person personally, as the delivery system has been wonky in the past.
  2. Hoegoe Kawashima wrote: Do I have to use a different kind of script for this? Or, do I only animate certain bones and make sure that I only keyframe the appropriate ones? To just animate individual bones, you must make sure the non animated bones have no movement compared to the first frame, or Tframe. The first frame of the animation dictates it's position, and whether the bone is animated or not. The system knows not to animate bones that have the exact same translation as the same bone in the first frame. Most animators use a Tframe for the first frame, which is all the joint rotation set to zero. This makes it easy to know if your bone is being animated or not, by whether it is set to zero or not.
  3. friscolives wrote: Does anyone know the proper location to put these? I think they would be helpful for making some animations, but right now can't figure out how to access them. Thanks for any advice in advance. As far as I know, Poser does not hold bvh files in it's library. I think you need to import the bvh files individually, and then save them as cr2 files in the library. This is just off the top of my head. I'm not actually looking at Poser right now. To import, you just click File/Import, and then choose bvh from the import options. You also need to be selected on the SL avatar before importing. I hope this helps you.
  4. I'm not 1 of those that believes MP destroyed inworld shopping. There is no evidence for that. LL did destroy inworld shopping, but they did this by destroying the inworld search, which in turn destroyed any reason for merchants to own land. IMHO, a good percentage of lost revenue by LL is directly linked to merchants abandoning land they no longer need. Soon after SL started to get popular, a resident developed a search engine specifically made for SL's environment. This was used until about May 2010. What this search engine did was rank parcels by how large they were, how many times a keywords showed on prims, and how much traffic your parcel got. It essentially ranked all parcels and made things much easier to find. The exact formula was a secret, but any knowledgable merchant easily saw how to climb up the ranking. Yes it could be slightly gamed, but it really took work to game it, which is how you effectively deal with gaming. After about May 2010, LL switched to a Google search engine, and then switched again to what we have now. These search engine were not made for SL, and hence can't give us viable results. Plus, LL is now much more leftist and have a mindset that the search engine should be FAIR. This is why I have no hope at all that LL will make the MP search engine better. They don't understand business nor the markets at all. FAIR has nothing to do with markets. As far as getting customers to come to your inworld store, I do nothing. I brought in some other merchants to share the land with me, and we all get customers, which helps each other, as those customers wander the sim. It's not enough to really make up for the hassle of owning a sim, and the costs. I'll likely finally give up my inworld store some time this year. I'm actually trying to get mentally ready for that day. I think I'm only hanging on to it for nostalgia. I get sales everyday inworld, and the store almost always has some1 in it, but the extra hassle of keeping up with it all is definitely not worth the effort, tho I'm sure all my customers appreciate having a place to come to. Of course, when I do let it go, I will rent a decent size parcel somewhere. It was LL that destroyed the value of inworld stores. IMHO, they should lower the price just because they lowered the value. If the prices was cut by 25%, I would likely hold on to my sim a bit longer. If they cut by 25%, and changed the search engine back, I'd probably buy another sim, but that is the least likely scenario. lol There is 1 thing I've been thinking about trying tho. I created a fighting system that has been very popular with people that wanted to set up their own fighting clubs. They had championship weight divisions with belts and all. MMA and boxing were the most popular. The problem was, that even tho these were popular, the owners always were doing it all for fun, and didn't take it all that seriously. They were students or kids that were doing it cause they had the land and time. So, I thought, why don't I just run the fighting league, and issue all the championship belts, and hold a weekly event, which I also record. Then, other locations could be santioned by me, and hold events. My mesh boxing ring sells pretty well, which means there are quite a few places interested in boxing. My combat system already has a way to make money, and also a free way to play it. So, making money off the events isn't really the issue. It will likely be much more work than I'm willing to commit tho.
  5. RiftRaven wrote: Avastar is exactly what I would suggest too. Its dae exporter is tweaked to export SL compatible meshes. And Gaia has lots of good video tutorials for rigging. It is a very good investment. DITTO! Avastar was created for SL avatars, so it has everything you could ever want to work on the SL avatar. The service and updates come almost immediately when LL changes something in SL. It's worth every penny and more. If I were Gaia, I'd likely charge much more for the add on. lol
  6. I would just say to be patient, and keep working the weights. Weight painting is an art, just like any other part of the creation process. When you copy weights from the avastar defaults, they are very sharp and have very little blending between bones. Plus, those weights are guaranteed to be off. I'd blend between bones more, to make the transition more smooth. From your photo, it's pretty obvious to me where you need to do some work. You have very little light blue areas between the bones. I would not call myself a weigting pro, but I have weighted quite a few avatars and clothing items over my 3D career. I've only played around with skirt weight, as I'm not really a clothing designer. I'm an animator, but that also means that I've had to deal with weights more than most people. That stretching between the legs can be lessened just like you would mitigate the stretching around a joint. You add a few more verts. It's not going to completely get rid of the stretching, but it will lessen it, and give you more control over the stretching. I personally would never put a pattern in that area, as this is where you are going to see the stretching the most. Weighting is a long process of trial and error. If you aren't spending a couple hours on it, even for a skirt, then don't expect great results. Of course, the time also depends on how much experience you have. If you are new to weighting, expect to spend a full day or 2. The great part about weighting in Blender tho, is that once you have a set of PERFECT weights, you can use that skirt to transfer those weights to any other skirt you might make. So, it is worth it to spend as much time as needed. Recently, I was helping some1 with their weighting and they asked if I would weight the dress for them, and they just pay me. If there is a decent market for this, I may start accepting more clients, but I'd like to see how this goes, tho with every1 using Blender and Avastar, it will be pretty easy to just trade blend files with all the correct weights. Then the creator can use those same weights for any similar skirt they make. Or send it to me to do any corrections really quickly.
  7. Here is my bitcoin address, just in case any1 wants to donate some bitcoins to me. lol
  8. Chic Aeon wrote: OK. I did some more looking and found an old thread about FIXING the bvh export. Then I looked again and FOUND the ability in Blender to export bvh. Not sure why I missed it before. So in theory I don't need a converter, I can export straight from Blender. I 'may' need to try different exporting methods. On my list. It is a long one. LOL, that's why I was asking. You can also export in anim files, which all, or most SL viewers support now. Did you actually apply a bvh to the CP avatar? Cause I haven't been able to apply any bvh files to their avatar and got it to work properly. Oh, I see, you said you created it on the CP avatar. I'll have to wait for a working mocap converter for CP. I have brought in some custom skeleton to CP, and figured out all it's quirks. I just haven't finished them off to sell them yet.
  9. Eye Scribe wrote: i wonder what LL position would be about peopple meeting in SL and in a private chat they agree to exchange L$ and bitcoin. Technically, they would never know, so their opinion is mute. I think they seriously would only care when you are talking a large volume of sales.
  10. Innula Zenovka wrote: Quite possibly so, but the fact of the matter is that the US applies a set of restrictions and reporting requirements to people trading in bitcoins that they don't apply to people trading in sea shells. This may be for much the same reason you are prepared to accept payment in bitcoins via your website but don't, as far as I know, accept payment in seashells. I'd accept seashells, as long as governments don't control them. That is really the appeal of bitcoins. The governments can't inflate away their value, like they are doing with dollars, euro, yen, and all the others. Not only do governments over tax every1, but they steal money from every1 by printing more and more of the currency, hurting the poor the most. I will accept gold and give people half off the price of the product. Just contact me if you want that deal, or something similar like silver. I'd accept bacon too, and with no restrictions. lol
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: The problem may be that Bitcoins are considered currency. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin#United_States So in this case we are not talking about purchasing goods and/or services. Well, currency can be anything, and has been over the many centuries. Gold is currency, if any1 knows anything about money. So is silver. These were the only 2 things the Constitution allowed for, despite the fact that we use fiat paper now. Tabacco was also used as currency at 1 time, as were sea shells. The bottom line is that they are all commodities, just like anything else you would buy. Years ago, I advised LL to turn Lindens into a digital currency that could be used outside of SL. Imagine if they had done that. I just think it is sad that LL is limiting SL like they are. I own bitcoins. My website also accepts bitcoins. You don't have to use or buy a whole bitcoin. They can be broken up into fractions of bitcoins, even to something like .000001 bitcoins. I'd definitely buy more bitcoins if I could do it with extra Lindens. Currently, I'm just accepting them thru my website, for 3d products. It kind of shocks me that LL doesn't accept bitcoins. They would avoid a decent chunk of fees that are associated with using dollars or euros or whatever. It's not hard to set up. It almost laughable that they are a digital world and don't accept bitcoins yet. They could also replace lindens with bitcoins, and avoid all the cost of having their own. It really would be simple to set up.
  12. ZM Newman wrote: I'm not sure how to test collision bones animation or fitted meshes. Is it possible to control collision bones with BVH animation? No. The collision bones are just for collision purposes, and for fitted meshes. I'm just an animator, and know little about why the bones have mismatched names. I can only guess that SL has some internal system that uses those names. You might want to talk to some1 that has more experience with the different skeletons. Gaia Clary makes the Avastar addon for Blender, and know much more about all this than I do.
  13. stevenback777 wrote: Thank you for bringing this up. I just sent an email asking whether it will violate the T&C of the Linden Dollar. If they will not allow such a store, I will abandon the idea unless they will allow some kind of exception. I didn't think of this when I came up with the idea. Are you sure you explained the business properly, and that LL understood exactly what you wanted to do? I don't really see how selling Bitcoins in SL could be against the TOS. This is the same thing as selling a PDF file, or a 3D model. Now that I think of it tho, none of LL's policy makes much sense. Technically, any business that sells a real world commodity would be against the TOS, if selling Bitcoins in SL is. This is because any1 could take that real world commodity and sells it for dollars or euros or whatever.
  14. Chic Aeon wrote: Google isn't helping so I thought I would ask here as I bet you guys know. Is there any utility (free is good but not too expensive is OK too) that will convert a dae or obj file to a bvh? I SO prefer animations in Blender than in the other software I have used. Thanks for any tips. BVH(Biovision Hierarchy) is just animation data. OBJ files do not contain animation data, as far as I know. DAE files can contain animation data, but I don't know of any program that will extract it automatically. In Blender, you could import the DAE file, and then use the Blender mocap transfer system to apply that motion to your own skeleton. Other than that, I don't know of any other way. That said, I make my own motion capture files, so I would not really be looking for a converter. What exactly are you trying to do? If I know better what you trying to do, maybe I can help you more.
  15. That shifting might be the curve between keyframes you have chosen to use. Something simple to try, would be to keyframe every frame in the area where you are seeing the problem. This will make the curves between frames less influential. You can also change the curves angles.
  16. You have to put the cr2 and obj files in the right location and open it in Poser. C:\Program Files (x86)\e frontier\Poser 7\Runtime\Libraries\Character The location should be something similar to this.
  17. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: thank you for sharing Medhue !! really great ! :smileyhappy: Thanks Trinity! Hopefully we'll see less and less of these issues.
  18. Spica Inventor wrote: 8. Stop pumping higher priced (overpriced) stuff to the top of relevance search results (Contrary to the opposite what some here are erroneously claiming L.L.'s tactics are again as L.L. in reality is highly interested in causing price inflation to the detriment of all.) ;-) Overpriced is a subjective word. Few people would agree to what is overpriced. What I do, is compare how results work now to how results worked on Xstreet. No, Xstreet was not perfect, but I guarantee you that most made more money on Xstreet, even the owners of it. They listed results from highest to lowest price, and relevant to the search term. It makes sense to promote the most expensive, because you could easily find a cheap version by choosing a few options on the side. Plus, much like in RL, people who buy the best 1 out there, generally have less complaints than those that buy cheap, and the consumers are getting a much better experience than what they would get from something cheap. Now, maybe just going highest price to lowest is not the best way to do it. I would contend that probably the best way would be for the top results to have the best profits. For instance, if a product is super cheap, like 10 lindens, and sells 1000 per day, then it's profits are 10k. If another product is 1000 lindens and only sells 11 per day, then it's total profits would be higher than the cheaper product, and hence ranked higher. If things were ranked in this way, then creators would better be able to see how much features and quality means to the consumers, and create their products more accordingly. It would also be a fair way for cheap products to compete directly with more expensive products. In the end, every1 wins because this system would maximize the profit to quality ratio and the creators make more, LL makes more, and the consumers get a good ranking system that compares the advantages of cheaper and higher priced products in 1 set of results.
  19. Sephina Frostbite wrote: Thanks for the information. I am pretty sure making mesh goes over my head but I am willing to try it. EDIT to add: Dumb question, do the editing would you have to have permissions? You'd need the dae file, or an obj file of the outfit, or you could get the blend file. You can't fix this in SL. Only the creator can, unless they give you the original file. What I would suggest, is to send the creators my video to show them how to correct the problem in a very simple way. Really, it's not much extra work, and they shouldn't have any issues doing it this way. They might have to extent their texturing to cover the extra mesh that gets created tho.
  20. Coby Foden wrote: Excellent Medhue. :smileyhappy: So easy thing to, I wonder why all clothing designers don't do it. In many cases else good looking mesh item is ruined by those see through edges. I have one miniskirt where the edges have been done like this. I can sit with it without revealed the void inside. Perfect! :matte-motes-big-grin: Yeah. I think it is just because the creators don't think it is going to be a big deal. I thought the same thing until I was wearing them all the time and it just annoyed me to no end. When I found the simple trick to fixing it, it was too easy not to do. Then, just like you, I've seen quite a few great looking mesh outfits that all have this same issue. Today, I woke up and thought, I'm gonna make a tutorial for it.
  21. Dree Eames wrote: Adorable intro animation :matte-motes-smile: Thanks Dree!
  22. Recently, I've been seeing a bunch of mesh clothing with see through opening, when you look at them from an angle. I don't make that much clothing, but when I did, I came across the issue of not having double sides polygons. When you look through the gap in the clothing and the avatar, you will see right through the back side of the mesh. After looking at how others tackled this issue, without creating too many more verts, I started finishing off the open ends of the clothing with another extruded edges and hiding it inside the clothing. Here is a video that I created to demostrate it. It's extremely simply.
  23. I'm not really a clothing creator, but I did have to make some clothing for my Lycan and a few other things. I saw others tackling the issue very easily and now I do this fix to all my mesh clothing. I created a quick video to show how to do it, because I have been seeing these see through outfits all over.
  24. I tried to open them in 3ds Max 8 and got similar issues. All I can really say is to learn Blender. I was considering buying the newest 3ds Max, but then decided to try Blender. Now, I'll likely never use the other 3d programs again. Blender has everything, and the more I use it, the more I prefer it over Max or Maya.
  25. harmony Palmira wrote: hi every one im just new with this in sl i worked on other games making hair meshes with 3ds max . but it seem in sl the story is diff i mean i just upload my 1st hair mesh here but i dont know how to skin it i mean how to attache the hair to other bones like shoulders ..etc any tut help with that . also im asking how the hairs moving in here is this thing i should do in 3ds max or in sl ? Most people are very willing to help, but the problem is generally who has experience in the specific program and/or that creative task. Not as many people make hair, and even less make it in 3ds Max. You can probably use the new skeletons that LL released recently for the Fitted mesh project. Download the skeletons here. I'm pretty sure they should work for you. A good amount of people use Blender to make clothing and hair for SL. I originally learned 3D creation in 3ds Max, but now I'm pretty exclusively using Blender. I also use the Avastar addon for Blender. It comes with the default SL avatar, rigged and all, with a bunch of tools and features that are exclusive to SL. It's generally better to use a tools specifically created for SL, rather than banging your head against a wall trying to get other programs to work, at least in my experience.
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