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Medhue Simoni

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Everything posted by Medhue Simoni

  1. ScarlettHunterr wrote: We have bouncing Breasts, tummys and bums perhaps its time to let the guys have a more realistic **bleep** mesh/bone? Lets face it sex/nudity/realism is a big part of Second life and like it or not we need this. Being that it is the only real market that has been growing since the beginning, I'm surprised LL doesn't consider it. lol
  2. I wouldn't worry too much about the graphics card. I have a gtx 650 TI in this rig, and I can run SL at max and still get 40fps with shadows. I also do some pretty intense stuff on all my computers. The rig that I use for rendering has a gtx 670, but it's really the cpu that kicks butt in that pc. Plus, a graphics card always gets changed at some point. I'd only want a little better cpu than what you are getting there.
  3. Pamela Galli wrote: There was not much room to say what I wanted about the role of BOTH # of sales and price (a 1L item may have 1000 sales but if a similar 500L item has half as many, that is 1000L vs 250,000L, so to me the latter is much more relevant , but I included these: I made a similar point about lower cost items. My point had more to do with merchants using the cheap scheme as advertisements. If we all did this, the first page of every results would be cheap crappy items, instead of real products that creators are proud of. I didn't make the profits argument, tho is is glaringly obvious that LL is massively lossing money by the tactics, or lack of tactics in their MP results. I'd be willing to bet that Xstreet had a much higher average profit per items sold. The fact that LL can't figure this stuff out really says something about their business skills. I attribute it all to their Cali socialist mindset that free items somehow helps LL. Despite their massive decline in profits, they continue down this road of promoting free, or cheap items. The other point about this that they seem to fail to understand, is that free and cheap items can already be easily found by just limiting the price in the options. There is no reason to put those items in the top of the results, other than if they think it benefits them, or the consumers. I'd say it doesn't benefit the consumers at all, because now they have junk in their inventory that they will never use again.
  4. Poenald Palen wrote: Sorry, appendages trump finger and toe bones in my book. More possibilities, not just animals, monsters, draping clothes, hair that flows in the wind and doesn't interesect with the body as much, there is also machines that can benifit. Hair bones would be interesting.
  5. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: Ultimately, it would be great to have custom bones that could attach, like CP has. I don't think this should replace what I'm talking about in my list, well the top 5, for the reasons I stated earlier. No idea what CP is, but that sounds promising. Standard bones for tails and wings I'm not so sure about. I can't remember the last time I saw wings, but I see shoes, pants and shirts every day and pretty much everyone has fingers. Most mesh attachments are clothes, not bodyparts. If LL could rewrite their importer a bit (I'm not a coder/scripter, but how hard can it be to read a dae file with less than the total amount of bones?), people could work around a human skeleton or a winged/tailed one. If that was the case, standard extra bones would work pretty well. I think a lot of clothing creators would be annoyed if they had to work around tail and wing bones they never use. The same might be the case for fingers, although they wouldn't get in the way so much. CP is Cloud Party. They announced earlier this year that we can now attach bones. I haven't played around with it much, but they already had custom skeletons, and I have played with that enough to say it works, as long as you stick to they strick guidelines. I don't do much there yet because they still don't have a way to cash out. What is the point unless we can cash out? I don't see how clothing creators would have a hard time with wings and tails. They just wouldn't weight anything to those bones. We have extra bones in the skeleton now, and it's not an issue. I'd wearing wings and a tail all the time, if they were bone animation based. I do see a problem with fingers, as important as I think they are. The problem would be the morphs. How would LL have finger bones and still have the old morphs work when there is no bone data, or how would they know when for the bones to work, and when the morphs should work. I think the only way to have finger bones is to eliminate the hand morphs completely. This probably would not be exceptable for many, not that the hand morphs actually work proper now. Since LL "fixed" them, I can't get them to trigger correctly. Of course, since they are "fixed", we have to open a new jira for the new issue. LL needs to be less OCD about their jira system, and rely less on their customers. The animation importer needs a complete redo as it is. The looping bug is far beyond any kind of actual workaround, and seriously limits creation, outside of your standard human standing upright. The only way to fix it is to redo the importer, as the problem is the importer.
  6. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: Finger bones Ear bones Tail bones (at least 5 bones) Jaw bone Wing bones Multiple Arm bones (for people with many arms, or a spider) Multiple Leg bones (for centuars, spiders, crabs) I would say fingers for the default avatar plus the option to add a limited number of bones anywhere you want. That way you can add wings for an angel, a neck for a giraffe (might be difficult because the new bone is "inside" the existing hierarchy), legs for a centaur, arms for Vishnu, a belly for the pregnant, hair for Medusa or a face for Kuato (etc etc). If that's possible the options would be so much greater than with just a new standard skeleton. For the most part, I agree with you. I think it would be very beneficial to add the first 5 in my list as part of the default SL avatar tho. The reason is that then every1 would be using the same bones. The animators, like me, could make tail movements, or wing movements, and they would work on every1. The same goes for fingers and ears. Wings and tails are very common and it would be nice to have those standardized just so every1 has more options. Ultimately, it would be great to have custom bones that could attach, like CP has. I don't think this should replace what I'm talking about in my list, well the top 5, for the reasons I stated earlier.
  7. What I did to make the eyes blink, is I made an eyelid on a separate SL face, or material. Then, in SL, with some scripting, I just turned the visibility of the eyelid on and off to make it look like he is blinking. You could even make 2 eyelids, 1 half open, and randomize the invisibility with those.
  8. Well, Oz keeps mentioning that we(the SL community) needs to speak up about changes we want to the avatar now, because they are working on it now with Fitted mesh. Yes, I think I know what you are thinking. How far is LL willing to go? Where do we, or who do we talk to? Do they want an email? Here in the forums? A user group meeting? Of course, LL doesn't say much other than we better do IT now. Since they were not specific, I'll just say all my thoughts on the subject here, and be done with it. Mesh of the Avatar I'm assuming this is not up for change. If it is, I would appreciate it if LL, or any1 that knows, would correct me. Animating Bones This could be infinite, but I will try to stick to things that make the most sense. I will list them in order of their importance to me. The Avatar is king in SL, and I think having more bones to make more detailed avatars would greatly improve everyone's experience. Finger bonesEar bonesTail bones (at least 5 bones)Jaw boneWing bonesMultiple Arm bones (for people with many arms, or a spider)Multiple Leg bones (for centuars, spiders, crabs) Collision Bones I haven't kept up with everything that is going on with Collision bones, other than the initial announcement of Fitted Mesh. Of course, I would think it would make sense to make collision bones for all the new animated bones that are created. If anyone else want to chime in, please do. I'm sure I'm missing alot, and would like to hear what others think. Don't let this opportunity pass us by without voicing your opinion. I have no idea if LL will read this.
  9. Aw crap! This can't be good! Some1 should tell them they can't have Land Impact as an option in Search, cause we don't even have an option for that in the listings. I'd also like to see them redo the inworld search, rather than the MP search.
  10. RayRobert wrote: Yeah i've been looking at that, and once I get some spare cash I think i'll definitely have to pick that up. One last question and I think I am set. Do Armatures and Mesh have to be parented in the T pose? Is there a way for me to pose the armature, and get it to look the same in edit mode, then parent it that way? So far if I pose the armature in pose mode, it just reverts to the T pose in blender. I'm not totally sure, but I think I have done this once before. You parent the mesh to the armature in Object mode, so it should work, meaning you don't have to have a mesh in the TPose. In Edit Mode, everything will snap back to zero, but that shouldn't matter with weighting, as you don't parent in Edit Mode. It will always snap back to the default in Edit Mode, but Edit Mode is only be editting the meshes geometry, or editting the bones. Edit Mode has nothing to do with posing or weighting.
  11. Poenald Palen wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: Oh nevermind I found that I was in Rendered mode. Whatever that is. Andrew whatshisname, the 'Blenderguru,' is pushing for a new user interface. You may be interested in supporting this. He is a vet in the blender trenches, so to speak. 3D is complicated lots of buttons, but for many things there is a small set of stuff needed and I think this is his point. Make things more standard, easeir to see what is happening or has happened and make things respond quickly and with feedback so people aren't lost. His name is Andrew Price, and most of his proposal was shot down at the Blender Conference. No doubt there will be some changes, but nothing like the major changes he proposed will ever be implemented any time soon.
  12. sirhcrevilo wrote: Can you help me! I can not figure out how to actually get the ainmations in Second Life. I am a researcher at Southern Illinois University and this was a task of mine. I have troble brining in the animations and then they not work. How do I fix this? If you are using IPI, you need to import the correct SL bvh rig to apply the motion capture to. You can use any of the default SL animations.
  13. RayRobert wrote: So I am very very new to mesh. I am trying rigging out. The method I used is laid out here http://www.sluniverse.com/php/vb/tutorials/80156-rigging-models-blender-2-64-a.html When I right click the mesh, right click the armature. Use ctrl + P to parent them with armature deform the mesh kind of deforms a bit. It kind of sticks to the armature. So say my mesh has shoulder pads, the should pads kind of slump down onto the armature. Is there a way to make it so when I parent the mesh,it leaves the mesh as is and just moves with the armature like that? It's just a matter of playing around with your weighting to get the results that you want. For instance, I made some shoulder pads for my Lycan avatar. When I rigged them and bent the arm down, it would cling too much to the arm, and not enough to the top of the shoulder. So, I reduces the weight intensity for the arm, and increased the intensity of the collar bone and shoulders with a gradual decline in intensity. Another suggestion I would make, is to invest in the Avastar addon for Blender. It gives you the whole SL avatar with every option possible to match a specific shape in SL. It also allows you to copy the default weights from the avatar, as a starting point for your touch up of the weights. You can also use your now perfectly weighted mesh, to copy it's weights to any other clothing item you want. It also has all the collision bones that you will need to make the clothing Fitted Mesh. Avastar doesn't employ me, I just love the addon, so I can advertise for them all I want. It's more than worth the cost.
  14. Coby Foden wrote: Dree Eames wrote: ... but the first thing that strikes me is the arms being modeled in the "T" orientation. I have always thought this arms modelling in T-pose being very strange too. Wouldn't A-pose be more natural? Where does this T-pose modelling originate from I wonder? I would think it comes from wanting the skeleton's bones to all start from a position with no rotation. All motion capture systems have a reference frame using a Tframe. This is done to match up the bones to the points, or the shape of the reference figure.
  15. liquidlion wrote: That is really very interesting. I was under the impression that we were not able to use bones in that way, and that anything non-standard would break. I would not have done it this way, if I had not seen that the SL default viewer is allowing anim file uploads. liquidlion wrote: So, rigging the jaw to that Skull bone, then animating it to open and close, then exporting that animation as a .anim file is the way to go? I assume I can set that animation to trigger under certain parameters (IE, the user typing in public chat!) Would this not override any AOs the user already has going? Yes. The skull bones is not use in any animation tho, unless they are wearing my Lycan AO, which has movement on that bone for every animation. I'm sure others also use it, but these would all be special AOs for special characters. I also have a typing override in my AO system where I override the default typing override. You can also make animations that only animate the jaw, if you want to do it that way. liquidlion wrote: I predominantly work in Maya and Zbrush so learning yet another entire package for this is a little intimidating -- I wonder if it's possible to replicate these effects in Maya. (Or... outsource the jaw work exclusively!) Thanks for your response! I know theer are Maya users that have done something similar, but I don't use Maya, and the people I talked to about it weren't all that enthusiastic with sharing how they did it. I had fears of learning Blender, but because I'm very familiar with 3ds Max, once I learned the Blender basics, I was off and running. IMHO, Blender is so dang awesome, I don't think I will ever buy another 3D creation program again. I have found Blender to surpass both 3ds Max and Maya in ease of use and the tool sets. Not only all that, but built in video and audeo editing, compositing, and so much more. Realistic fire and water is a snap in Blender, as long as you have the memory to handle it. lol
  16. I have a video for that. lol Not really on how to do it, but it's pretty self explanatory, once you have the bones. I use the Avastar addon for Blender that includes bones that a normal SL bvh doesn't have. The bone I use is the mskull bone. The addon is only about $27 now and well worth it if you are going to do any character creation, or mesh clothing for SL. It is also the best animation software for SL, by far.
  17. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Two of the most valuable tools aren't included in the free DAZ: the animation palette and the graph (not sure what they are called in DAZ). Last time I looked they're available for DAZ at $20 each. I couldn't make an animation without those two. They are called KeyMate, and GraphMate. I have a video for those too. lol
  18. I generally do not unzip into specific folders, cause you never know how the folder structure is set up. I made a video on how I install 3rd party content. I have the mcasual folder in this location. C:\Users\Medhue\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\Scripts
  19. Hi iCade! Daz is great but there are some glaring problems that aren't obvious to fix. I actually use Blender with the Avastar addon now. It really is a dream come true to any animator. I still use Daz to create animations for Daz characters, and I still think it is better than Poser. I just hate Poser's camera controls. So, how can you retime the animation in Daz? I found a script by mcasual that will retime Daz animations. It is pretty nice, but still quite confusing. Here is the link to the script you need to use. https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts2/mcjretimeanimation
  20. Oh, I'm not demonizing Mr. Gray, but all of LL's management. At least with Mr. Gray, we see him doing something. What every1 else spends their time doing for every week's paycheck, I have no clue. LL is SL's own worst enemy. Every single reason for the decline of SL can be directly attributed to LL's terrible decisions. This isn't just unwarrented bashing. You can see it directly in the statistics after each boneheaded move. Yeah, some of these boneheaded moves are tiny, but over time, it grows and grows. I'm seriously debating just giving up my sim. I don't see the point in paying LL that much every month. They don't give me any reason to keep it. Just look at these user group meetings. Before, we talked with the VPs. Now we talk to the developers, which might be good, but why isn't a VP there? So, we talk with developer, and they talk to upper management, again wasting more of the developer's time. It's nonsensical. We have developers going from meeting to meeting to meeting, instead of actually accomplishing something in a day. They rarely correct any of the mistakes. I pointed out years ago that the search engine change was the single biggest reason for the initial decline. We went from a search engine that ranked every business in SL according to their keywords, how many object they had on their land with those keywords, and how large the parcel was, which was custom made for SL, to a totally leftist search engine that randomly positions merchants. It makes no sense at all, but somehow, people that make 6 figure paychecks can't figure out why this search engine sucks. How the heck does any1 find anything. Then, to counter this, LL added the destination guide, which is a joke all in itself.
  21. I could not agree with you more Cathy. Last friday, in the 3rd Party meeting, which I watched on Youtube, Oz gave a reason why it took so long. Basically, he said the people that had the knowledge to tackle the issue were all working on the rendering update. This shows just how bad LL management is. The clothing deformer just needed some1 to spend a couple of weeks looking at it, and making a decision. That's it! Maybe if they decided to go with collision bones, then a few days to add the bones. They then could have gone back to working on the new rendering system, and updated the avatar when they had more information. We would have gotten workable clothing 2 years ago, but because LL can't manage well, we sat for 2 years with a completely unexceptable issue. Imagine the amount of users they pissed off. Imagine the amount of time and money they wasted. Imagine the amount of OUR time and money they wasted. It all just astounds me.
  22. Storm Clarence wrote: Daniel's blog posted the response from Mr. Gray. You know, I'd love to have a VP job at LL, as it seriously seems like they don't do anything at all. It's obvious why LL has so many problems. As Oz pointed out in the last 3rd party group meeting, they didn't tackle deforming mesh clothing until the people became available. So, the VP's do nothing, and know nothing, and can't make a decision to address a problem that takes any knowledgable 3D person 15 minutes to decide, and maybe half a day to add new collision bones. Here we are dealing with the TOS change, and LL has 8 people in upper management. Likely each 1 of them delays the process more, instead of making decisions in a timely manner. IMHO, it is glaringly obvious how a small team of developers can run circles around LL. They have no none 3D people standing in the way.
  23. No, they are not obsolete, if this is the base_animations I'm thinking of. I can't really help more, other than there are different skeletons for different functions. A recent example are the collision bones.
  24. I'll answer the whole study for you. People are everything in SL. Why? Cause we can! I'll take my payment in Bitcoins.
  25. Coby Foden wrote: Pandora Wrigglesworth wrote: The #1 reason why collision bones should be supported is simply that a lot of creators are already using them and have been for over a year now. What will happen to those already designed and sold "Liquid Mesh" clothes after the Fitted Mesh is released as ready to be used? Looks like that it's risky business to buy them at this stage as they might turn out to be unusable later on. Quote from: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Project_FittedMesh/ "At this time, the new skeleton should be considered provisional and subject to change; we do not yet recommend selling or buying garments rigged to it. Since we may find reasons to improve it during this testing process, and any change to the collision bones will likely break garments rigged before the change, we want to make sure that we have a set of bones that we can all live with into the indefinite future before it is any more widely used." (Underlining and bolding mine.) Any decent merchants would keep records, and update the product as needed. This isn't a new thing. I sell many products that I love so much that I change them and update them on a regular bases. Every1 gets the updated version. Even when I sell things through my website for Poser or Daz products, my delivery system automatically sends out emails with new download links to the updated products. LL could definitely make things easier on us merchants to send out updates. LL also hurts the process cause of their limit on how long you can view transactions, which means we all have to collect our transactions ourselves, which I don't have to do anywhere else on the net. I just always hear people bring up broken products, and I just don't see what the problem is, unless the creator is not making money and long gone.
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