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Jenni Darkwatch

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Everything posted by Jenni Darkwatch

  1. Strife Onizuka wrote: The function probably has some creator-land ownership requirement or simulator flag that must be enabled. Try using the function in the game sim? According to the wiki there are indeed some restrictions, but even when obeying them all it doesn't seem to work - not even inside the game sim. I did notice that the "entry" sim uses a different version than the rest of SL, and the game sim is a special simulator apparently. My guess is that the LSL wiki description is inaccurate and there are additional requirements for this to work. It compiles fine with that function, but that's it. No errors when triggering it, nothing to indicate just what it doesn't like.
  2. I am not sure if it's indeed done by using llTeleportAgent... a script using that thing compiles, but does indeed not do anything.
  3. Agreed, it is indeed a very fun little game. I'm guessing they'll expand it, for the time being it's very amusing though. The L$? Meh. Fun time waster otherwise.
  4. AFAIK, it's not possible to sync in-world time to RL time.
  5. ~shrug~ at this point in time, IPv6 is useless for end users. While operating systems have supported it for a while, home routers and even most network software simply has not. IPv4 is too entrenched. IPv6 will not be in widespread use by end users anytime soon.
  6. Sounds to me like the profile settings got destroyed. Just delete or move that accounts' settings directory.
  7. Medhue Simoni wrote: Last thing, which is about lag and not about animation. Lag is complex, and the vast majority of times, has nothing at all to do with scripting. It has everything to do with what you wear and how intelligently it is created. The ARC or avatar rending cost can show you a general understanding of how much lag your avatar is creating. I run a decent desktop, so lag is almost never an issue, but I constantly hear other say that they are laggy, or that my sim is laggy. I constantly monitor my sim, so they are just making assumptions, and I will immediately check their ARC, which is almost always super high. If they are on a laptop, they are definitely going to be lagged out, most of the time, unless they are by themselves. In general terms, wearing many sculpties will cause more lag than wearing prims, and a mesh is by far less laggy than most, if made properly. ARC is a (poor) indicator of client side lag. Scrips are server-side and (can) cause server side lag. In general, the number of scripts is insofar irrelevant as the sim will throttle scripts when it runs out of time. Script memory consumption is a bigger factor. Each simulator has a limited amount of memory available. If all sims on one server exceed the servers' memory the server starts to swap to disk. As soon as this happens, the server becomes godawfully slow. I've toyed with the idea of booting everyone with more than 20MB script memory use off my land unconditionally. Even 20MB is too much.
  8. Why on earth would anyone buy a sim from LL? It's far cheaper to just buy sims off someone eager to get rid of it. Aside from that, tier for Estate is simply too high. The benefits don't justify or outweigh the drawbacks, in my opinion. Oh and StarSong? You've done a great job on VT over the years. I doubt this sale will make you lose tenants, though who knows I might be wrong.
  9. The UI is definitely a step forward. Cleaner, configurable, nice. Color scheme still sucks, but thats personal preference I guess :) Glad to see the UI gets some love.
  10. Turn off parcel media (in preferences), that should take care of many of those silly things. Parcel streams can also be an issue, if you want to be really sure turn them off too and back on when you want/need to listen to them. Alternatively, but that's non-trivial, you could set your or her PC to use some anonymizing VPN service on the 'net for one of your PCs. Trouble with that will be bandwidth - most low-cost or free ones don't offer the bandwidth needed to run SL through it. I use a commercial (busines-class) anonymizing VPN for that purpose, works well.
  11. New software and new interfaces ALWAYS piss a few people off. It's a given. I see it every year or so with new releases of our own software. Eventually as a programmer you learn to identify and ignore people who simply are resistant to change and take feedback from people who aren't. Peggy is right on the money with her assessment, IMO. And no, that does not mean v2/v3 UI is the ultimate design. It's better than the horrible 1.x crud, but it's still far from even a decent UI. Since LL employees probably don't generally read the forums I'll not even bother to go into detail.
  12. Any kind of OS crash is generally not any applications' fault. SL tends to crash computers because it taxes the hardware and often causes it to fail when no other software does. My money is on a faulty driver or a hardware issue.
  13. Error 0xc000001d (presuming you're on Windows) means you're missing some library or another or a library is out of date. Which library? Dunno. I don't use Windows.
  14. Auto-greeters are annoying 99% of the time. In places where they pop a dialog every freaking time I enter it's especially annoying. It's not hard to make them remember that I've already been spammed with pointless, useless dialog menus and refrain from doing so in the future. The really bad thing is that you cannot block them without blocking the owner. Human "greeters" are a different animal. Some of them are ok, most of them are not. It's akin to walking into a store and some random clerk asking whether I need help. If I'd need help, I'd ask. Since I didn't ask, I don't need help. A simple "Hi and welcome to..." in local is plenty sufficient. There's no need to get private.
  15. They can put pretty much whatever they want in their policy/covenant/whatever. Can they enforce it in this case? Not really, they'll never know who AR'd whom. As you put it quite nicely, if people put silly nonsense like the IM clause into their profile, it doesn't make it ok for them to publish private IM logs. Just like the owner of that region can say he bans anyone who files ARs - it means absolutely nothing except that said owner has lost his/her/its mind and is apparently a few dozen cards shy of a full deck.
  16. I have to agree with Ishtara. LL seems to have little to no clue what SL _could_ be like. Floundering about kinda hits the nail on the head. Too bad LL has no interest in listening to anything their customers say.
  17. There are many ways to get textures in bulk out of SL, but I think most (all?) of them are banned by LL even if it's your own textures. One hint: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Texture_Cache
  18. Could be driver... nvidias 280.x (on windows) crashes when using the latest viewers.
  19. Seems asinine to use that format, indeed. Either use yyyy-mm-dd or better just use the locale setting of the OS, which is easy enough to do on a webpage.
  20. Random surveys on obscure web pages mean exactly nothing.
  21. Ein bissel mehr Info waer hilfreich gewesen: Was fuer ein Betriebssystem, was fuer einen Viewer du benutzt... Im Grunde gibts fuer das spezielle Problem offenbar nur teil-loesungen. Eine ist wohl, den DNS von hand zu setzen, z.B. auf Googles DNS server oder auch sonst einen der freien oeffentlichen DNS server. Die Anleitung fuer Googles server gibts z.B. in Englisch hier: http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using.html
  22. Even people with v2 will often have media turned off. I wouldn't count on many people being able to see it.
  23. Only if you intend to get fired. There's proxies to get around such web filters... but I can tell you, since I am one of the people enforcing internet usage policies at my employers' workplace... you'd be gone the same day you tried bypassing the filter.
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