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Jenni Darkwatch

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Everything posted by Jenni Darkwatch

  1. More information would definitely be helpful. Help->About and paste the content here, that tells people at least what viewer you have and what hardware you're on. What error do you get? When do you get it? When starting the client, when pressing the "Log In" button?
  2. Oki thanks. Those do sound like inbound connections but who knows, may be related. I don't know exactly how LLs infrastructure is set up after all.
  3. Nah not a reply from my server. It's an error message generated by Squid, which is fairly common proxy software. Since I don't use a reverse proxy, this reply has to come from LLs servers. According to my logs they never even hit my server.
  4. In the last week or two I see some rather odd messages like the one below. The script doesn't get throttled, but this error gets tossed. It's not entirely reproducable as far as I can tell. It almost looks like a Squid config error to me. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- %l body :lang(fa) { direction: rtl; font-size: 100%; font-family: Tahoma, Roya, sans-serif; float: right; } :lang(he) { direction: rtl; float: right; } --> </style> </head> <body> <div id="titles"> <h1>ERROR</h1> <h2>The requested URL could not be retrieved</h2> </div> <hr> <div id="content"> <p>The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: <a href="http://xxx.yyy.zzz/aaa/bbb.php">http://xxx.yyy.zzz/aaa/bbb.php</a></p> <blockquote id="error"> <p><b>Socket Failure</b></p> </blockquote> <p id="sysmsg">The system returned: <i>(98) Address already in use</i></p> <p>Squid is unable to create a TCP socket, presumably due to excessive load. Please retry your request.</p> <p>
  5. I've only ever used the Lindex myself, though I know of one workaround for some people: If you have a good, trustworthy friend in LL who can use the Lindex, send them the RL money and have them convert it to L$ and vice versa. As long as you avoid international wire transfers you're good. There's a few ways to do that without getting hit with ludicrous bank fees.
  6. Just rotate the texture until it works as intended... it's IMO the easy fix.
  7. To be fair, IRC had problems with very large channels as well. Nonetheless you're spot on. Compared to even ancient tech like IRC, SL's chat is primitive. Then again, IRC clients scripting abilities haven't been matched by many other chat protocols, nor have the excellent channel controls/flags.
  8. I know E is still around but it's really not worth it anymore. I've had it on my comp for a while, but hardly used it so I ditched it. Overall I like shinies (figures, right?) so I'm sticking with KDE for the time being. On my ancient lappy I have XFCE since that's all it can handle.
  9. shoot forgot i've not used Windows in years myself. At work I even use Linux primarily, though there Windows is unavoidable. The geekier ways to run Linux seem appealing until you get tired of compiling everything from scratch My own path was Slackware (between '96 and ~'02), running Linux built entirely from scratch for about a year, SuSE for a few months, RedHat somewhere in there too, then switching to Kubuntu since I'm neither fond of Gnome nor Unity, and Enlightenment is more or less dead. With *buntu switching away from X I may need to look around for a different distro again though - I do need X for work. We'll see. IMO the biggest factor for a distro (for me) is ease of use and package support. Anything Debian-based seems to be the way to go for that. At least right now, until a more popular packaging system comes along.
  10. it's not real obvious that you can send in-world messages through the profile page... took me a moment to figure that out when they switched to web profiles.
  11. Send a message through https://my.secondlife.com/jean.horten And don't change operating systems just because someone tells you to ;p
  12. SL will never get even anywhere near the quality of a professionally made combat game. Ever. Beyond that, most of what you describe is already doable and working in SL combat. As far as lootable avis... I can count the games that allow this on one hand, and none of those is doing particularly well. There's a fairly good reason that's not popular, it's the same reason perma-death isn't popular.
  13. Folders, though I do like boxes to keep a backup copy of purchased items in my inventory.
  14. That makes sense. I guess it's wait and see for now Thanks for the info, Qie. Much appreciated.
  15. Is there actually any information about what this "Experience Project" actually is? How it's supposed to work? Anything at all beyond the name?
  16. Welcome to the wonderful world of user generated content where each avi carries around more geometry and textures than your average first person shooter.
  17. Yes and no. There is support for on/off by just scripting the old light... I used this code segment in a flickering fluorescent light prim (with electric sparks in the original code): default{ state_entry(){ state LightsOn; }}state LightsOn{ state_entry(){ llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_POINT_LIGHT,TRUE,<1.0,1.0,1.0>,1.0,1.0,1]); llSetTimerEvent(llFrand(1)); } timer(){ state LightsOff; }}state LightsOff{ state_entry(){ llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_POINT_LIGHT,FALSE,<1.0,1.0,1.0>,1.0,1.0,1]); llSetTimerEvent(llFrand(1)); } timer(){ state LightsOn; }} You can vary all the parameters to for example simulate a candle flicker or tinting changes. The things we do not seem to have a function for is FOV, Focus, Ambiance and the actual projected texture. Edit: Crap should have mentioned, this is in a cone prim with projected light. I'll send it to you in-world if you like.
  18. 1) OpenGL is the _only_ real choice for cross-platform support. 'course, if you're saying "F* everyone" then DirectX is a good choice, though in performance not really different from OpenGL. 2) You forgot the entire deferred rendering, spotlights, gloss/bump revamp and a dozen more things. 3) Every asset in SL has to be streamed to the client. Add specular/displacement/etc maps and you download a lot more. What OpenGL has to do with anything there is a mystery to me. 4) Hard to believe, but consoles (other than XBox) don't use DirectX. DirectX is much hyped, but it's not the be-all, end-all of graphics APIs. Additionally, DirectX is Windows (and XBox) only, SL is also available for Mac and Linux (officially) and various smartphones (unofficially). 5) HDR sounds nice, but to be honest I've never noticed any improvement in realism with games that had/have it. 6) Materials support is coming. Brace for the irate screams of upset users on old 1880s steam engines. 7) Pixel shaders exist in SL: Water has it. But again, if you add that too, loading things in SL will get even slower. SL's graphics, unlike game graphics, can't be improved all that terribly much without pissing people off. People screamed when Windlight came out, they screamed when sculpts came out, they've screamed when Lighting&Shadows came out. LL is making constant improvements like materials support - with the tradeoff that it'll require beefier computers to run SL, which in turn will piss off people "Wah I ran SL on my 1880 steam engine just fine, now it won't! You suck, roll it back". Take bump mapping for example. SL had that for a while, in a simple form. How many creators use it? Not many. Take projected lights as another example. How many of those do you see in SL? Aside from my own builds I've not seen any yet. Then there's the amateur aspect of SL. The vast majority of creators in SL, even some of the popular ones, are utterly clueless when it comes to creating what is essentially game content. Overly huge textures are abundant in SL. Much of the bad looks and lousy rendering can squarely be blamed on clueless creators. On the other hand, SLs diversity is exactly because creating is so easy even for utterly clueless people.
  19. I use a gamepad frequently to control the camera in SL. My RL partner does the same, works perfectly and it's very convenient when building. Neither of us use it to control the avi though.
  20. If you can actually hear your harddrive there's something more amiss... I'm guessing you may hear cooling fans maybe? The viewer "adjusted" some settings on update, namely enabling light&shadow.
  21. Czari Zenovka wrote: I miss PacMan and MsPacMan. One of my techno-geek friends loaded those games and other oldies on my PC years ago but that was many HD's back...anyone know where to get those games for PC now? There's always M.A.M.E. Go to http://www.mame.net/ and download the appropriate emulator for your PC, then download the ROM either from http://www.emuparadise.me/M.A.M.E._-_Multiple_Arcade_Machine_Emulator_ROMs/Pac-Man_%28Midway%29/15250 (that's the direct link to Pac Man, they do have Ms. Pac Man too) or from http://coolrom.com/roms/mame/9849/Ms._Pac-Man.php (Ms Pac Man, but they, too, have a large collection of ROMs for M.A.M.E.)
  22. Yeah the UI is definitely too big. I don't think the SL GUI toolkit supports it, but to be honest I've always wondered what those title bars are for? The min/max/close buttons can easily be in the toolbar, the title is in most cases not needed unless minimizing the window. As for the toolbar buttons... many programs have a selection what to show: Icons, Text, Icons+Text and a checkbox for toggling small/big icons. With SL I agree with other's sentiments: The UI should be toggle-able insofar that ti maximizes real estate. As an _option_, collapse the entire main menu ("Me Communicate World Build...") into one button similar to a start menu, put it on the same row as navbar/favbar. Make all icons (including the customizable ones for inventory and the ones in the navbar) toggleable between small/big. In the chat, allow _optionally_ hiding the "toolbar" and display a gear icon to the right of the input bar (or in the title bar). I'm reasonably sure the CHUI will evolve over time, just like the v2/v3 interface did. There's a lot about CHUI I do like: Easy ad-hoc conferences, easy toggles for displays, easy transfer of voice between chats/IMs, nice list of people within chat range and so on. It's rough around the edges, but every new code/UI is. I still vote for LL to just hire Hitomi to design the entire UI ~g~
  23. They won't see you status. Media on a Prim isn't truly shared. If you set the homepage to facebook.com there and log in, FB sets a cookie - on your computer. This cookie isn't shared by the server, it's viewer-only. Therefore, someone else looking at it will only see the FB login page. Even better(?): If you browse FB or write something, it's completely private. No one else can watch what you're doing.
  24. Same here... matching physics shapes is sometimes just too much of a pain due to the "same-bounding-box" requirement
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