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Jenni Darkwatch

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Everything posted by Jenni Darkwatch

  1. Aside from the "Second/" directory that looks fine. I've got no idea what Mageia broke there. For reference, this is what is in my bin/ and etc/ subdirectories: bin/:total 54252-rwxr-xr-x 1 jennifer jennifer 50686923 Sep 11 22:07 do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin-rwxr-xr-x 1 jennifer jennifer 3229276 Sep 11 22:07 linux-crash-logger.bindrwxr-xr-x 2 jennifer jennifer 4096 Sep 11 22:07 llplugin-rwxr-xr-x 1 jennifer jennifer 1166456 Sep 11 22:07 SLPlugin-rwxr-xr-x 1 jennifer jennifer 448627 Sep 11 22:07 SLVoice-rwxr-xr-x 1 jennifer jennifer 7431 Sep 11 21:43 update_installetc/:total 16-rwxr-xr-x 1 jennifer jennifer 248 Sep 11 21:43 handle_secondlifeprotocol.sh-rwxr-xr-x 1 jennifer jennifer 2611 Sep 11 21:43 launch_url.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 jennifer jennifer 1041 Sep 11 21:43 refresh_desktop_app_entry.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 jennifer jennifer 1516 Sep 11 21:43 register_secondlifeprotocol.sh If there were missing 32bit libraries the viewer would/should crash with a missing library error. Just to make sure, the path it gives you in the error is correct, right? When running "ldd bin/do-not-directly-run-secondlife-bin | grep 'not found'" I get the following list: libalut.so => not found libcollada14dom.so => not found libhunspell-1.3.so.0 => not found libboost_program_options-mt.so.1.52.0 => not found libboost_regex-mt.so.1.52.0 => not found libboost_context-mt.so.1.52.0 => not found libfmodex.so => not found libGLOD.so => not found libboost_thread-mt.so.1.52.0 => not found libboost_filesystem-mt.so.1.52.0 => not found libaprutil-1.so.0 => not found libapr-1.so.0 => not found However, all those are in the lib/ subdirectory. Anyway. I don't know enough about Mageia to figure out what broke where. All files seem to be where they should be.
  2. Out of curiosity, what's the output of "ls -la" in that directory?
  3. I'm guessing, but if Mageia is 64bit then you need the 32bit compatibility libraries. Run SL from a terminal, that ought to give you a hint on what's wrong.
  4. Many mainland water sims have underwater builds, done by moles. Including a drain where someone pulled the plug... mer temples, plenty of wrecks, there's Ahab's Haunt which is a pretty nice build complete with wrecks... Look at the connecting waterways between Corsica and Nautilus, they tend to have quite a bit of under/over water landscaping. Unfortunately the deepest lake in SL has no underwater landscaping worth mentioning, AFAIK.
  5. Generally speaking, humans of all cultures tend to generalize and "pervert" other cultures. Germans get reduced to Nazis, Lederhosen and Oktoberfest. Americans get reduced to shallow, dumb, giggling women that scream at every opportunity and men in cowboy gear with a whole arsenal of firearms in every corner of their home, car and even on their body. Chinese (and most Asians in general) get reduced to martial arts. Arabs get reduced to 1001 night and more recently to fanatic suicide bombers and misogynism. Even within one culture those generalizations exist. "Oh yes the people from city/state/religion X are..." Get over it and forget it. People (of all cultures, all education levels and all genders) are in the majority flat out ignorant, that's all there is to it. Feel free to try and go on a mission to correct those perceptions or campaign against it if you like. Or shrug it off and ignore people who you find offensive.
  6. In principle this hair should be doable in SL. Normal and specular maps are supported now and I didn't see anything in that tutorial that was out of bounds for SL. Since I'm not human in SL I wouldn't know which creator to approach about making something like that though. The ability to make something like that is relatively new, I doubt many hairstyles with spec/normal map currently exist in SL.
  7. I mute liberally for just about any possible reason imagineable. Wasting my limited online time on people I don't care about is not something I intend to ever do. Physical attacks are a different matter, but online doesn't have that. At most they can try to grief my avi, in which case I can just leave, sit down/disable particles (stops most griefer attacks) or log off. Btw, I disagree with the notion that it's totally impossible to hurt someone online. If that were the case, cyberbullying would not be a problem and would not exist. It's quite possible to destroy someones online reputation and that can be just as damaging and devastating as getting physically assaulted.
  8. To be honest I don't know if it's possible to make a convincing silk material/texture in SL. I've never seen one before materials came about and I can't see how it would work well. I'd guess experiment with specular and the alpha channel of the normalmap to see how close you can get.
  9. No. Normal maps are just "fake" height/pixel angle descriptios, plus a non-standard specular exponent in the alpha channel. I do not even know if Blender can bake that alpha channel, I always have to add that in a graphics editor. You could possibly fake some by creatively using the alpha channel on normal/specular but I've not exprimentedtoo much with that myself.
  10. I've bid on one auction but only for fun. If the land doesn't sell LL will in my experience set it to sale for L$1/sqm anyway. They may even split it for you - they've certainly done it once for a friend of mine.
  11. I'd think these need surface shaders which SL doesn't support.
  12. That piece of "news" is probably about as accurate as the astrology column in newspapers. It was written by some user, no sources, nothing. Not to mention it was obviously written by a total moron flunking elementary school.
  13. Coincidentally I was sailing across two continents yesterday and didn't encounter the issue, not even when test driving a speedboat. However, on my home sim scripts - even simple ones - seem to get "stuck" every once in a while after restarts. Only specific scripts though and I have no idea (nor bothered to investigate) why. It's been going on since ~Feb 19th or so.
  14. Just don't go to Blake Sea then. It _is_ the largest open body of water in SL though. Beach parcels are generally expensive, agreed. Those who want L$400k however are just weird. If you look around you can get beach stuff for a lot less than that, even on the Nautilus continent. There's a 1040sqm on Marsco for 13259 with protected water on the south (which can be sailed all the way to Blake Sea if you like long trips). Some 512sqm for ~L$6000 on Novatron... Just open the map and follow the coastlines of the main continents and see what's there. If you see something you like you can always try to negotiate the price down. Btw, private island costs (new) US$1k for setup and US$300/month to rent from LL. Mainland costs whatever you are willing to pay and a full sim (with 6553sqm tier leftover if you use a group) costs US$200/month to rent from LL.
  15. The E4200 should be able to handle voice just fine. Try this: Log in to the router, go to Applications&Gaming->DMZ, enable it, set the source and destination IP to your PC. This works best when assigning a static IP to the PC but for testing it should be fine.
  16. What model router is it? To me it sounds like the routers NAT isn't working as intended and may need a forward rule set. If your router supports it you could also place your PC into the DMZ. Some routers have that ability, but not all.
  17. There's no way to automatically set the value to the same as the diffuse as far as I know. The other problem of values reverting: I've only ever seen that if you enter negatove values. Since every setting can be represented with positive value too it's not a huge problem, just annoying.
  18. Noch ein Zusatz zu der exzellenten Erklaerung: Die Landkapazitaet (english "Land Impact" was uebrigens nicht dasselbe ist wie Prims) kannst du basierend auf den Quadratmetern wie folgt berechnen: Landkapazitaet = Quadratmeter * 15000/65536 (das Ergebnis dann runden) Es gibt ein Gegenden in denen man die doppelte Landkapazitaet bekommt, die sind dann allerdings auch schweineteuer und meist nicht sonderlich gross. Weiterhin macht es meist Sinn das Land als Gruppe zu kaufen, denn dann kannst du mit deinem Tier 10% mehr Land besitzen ohne mehr zu bezahlen. Als Beispiel wenn du 8192qm tier bezahlst hast du ja eh noch die 512qm die mit der Premium-Mitgliedschaft inklusive sind, also 8192qm + 512qm = 8704qm Wenn du aber nun das als Gruppe machst, kannst du nochmal 10% mehr Land besitzen. 8704qm + 10% = 9568qm (abgerundet weil Land nur in 16qm inkrementen gekauft werden kann). Parzellen solcher groesse gibt es allerdings eher selten, die sind meist in in etwa den Tier-leveln angepasst (also 512qm, 1024qm, 4096qm, 8192qm und so weiter). Und zu guter letzt natuerlich aufpassen was fuer Land du kaufst: General, Mature oder Adult (nur in Zindra). Adult land ist generell schweineteuer. Wenn ihr Boot fahren wollt ist Land auf dem Nautilus-Kontinent empfehlenswert, alternativ auch Corsica (noerdlich von Nautilus). Hier ist eine Karte mit den Kontinentnamen: http://zeusgayclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/SL-Continents.jpg Du kannst mich auch gerne inworld erreichen falls gewuenscht.
  19. That's indeed an odd artefact you discovered there. It's intuitively not logical, but I don't know enough about implementation in OpenGL to know whether that's normal or not.
  20. If you bought a product you tend to get some support though - depending on country you're even entitled to some support. Unfortunately I have no idea how much LL makes from L$ exchange and how much of LLs income is from tier payments. I suppose it would make sense to give support as soon as some L$ exchange threshold has been met.
  21. Money you spend within SL doesn't necessarily go to LL though. If you get paid in SL in L$ and you pay someone else in SL with that, LL sees none of it. LL sees a miniscule amount if you buy/sell L$ through their webpage, not even remotely enough to justify full support for free players. Besides, you do get some support. Just not much. Premium gets a little more. Estate owners get even more. It's a simple tiered support system like many other companies have as well. If you want to look at comparable models, look at Free-To-Play games. They rarely offer full support for free players, it's simply not financially feasible.
  22. Running a support system costs time and therefore money. Expecting support for free is just silly. That's what the forums are for, where other residents usually help if they can.
  23. Kind of funny, really. SL lives from amateur user generated content. Yet people want professionally-designed looks, which often require extremely expensive hardware and software to generate, and top notch hardware to render. Mesh and material support already make it possible to create completely stunning environments. Look the top mesh creators in SL - houses, avatars and so on have evolved tremendously. Yet people complain because it requires better-than-average hardware and to create such content requires a lot of skill and a lot of time. I'm just very amused about the obvious disconnect there: LL repeatedly gets demand to run SL on the crappiest hardware (a.k.a. smartphones and tablets) yet look like tech demos that wouldn't even run on anything but extremely high-end PCs. And whenever LL adds tools to make SL look better (sculpties, mesh, materials and even windlight back-when) a lot of users scream bloody murder and want heads to roll. Edit: Not trying to knock anyone, just amused by diverging views in different threads
  24. Without ia32 libs it'd not get as far as it did. It'd crash out immediately.
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