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Mickey Vandeverre

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Everything posted by Mickey Vandeverre

  1. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: I just had a thought when i was explaining this issue to my wife.. When LL switches over to the "direct delevery" method it will open the doors to anyone in LS to sell whatever they want to, without having to pay a dime. No land needed for a magic box. no rent needed for a store. No need to put a single $L back into SL. This is a bad idea. LL needs to make some changes before they implement this. they will have alt after alt selling the same stuff just to maximize profits. Maybe we doo need to register as merchants before we can set up a store on the MP. Possibly have a 60 day age as well. just my $5L :matte-motes-confused: Yes, that is probably what will happen with direct delivery, Drake1. To me, it's not a problem. When it is easy for people to sell their creations, then they have lindens to spend. Plus, they are happy - happy goes a long way. I see it as a good thing - others will disagree I don't really care for a registration process or putting up hurdles. Yes, there are problems with fly-by-nights, but I wouldn't care to see hurdles for those who are having fun selling some stuff. And a lot of those are my customers and other people's customers. But I wouldn't be surprised if LL does put some more qualifications into the works, eventually.
  2. You can insult all day long. I'll do it right back. I'm at the computer, because I am checking every single delivery this morning. And if I have to come in here, and address each one of your rants - I'll do it. Insult all day long. Evidently you did not even read the Jira or the comments https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/web-4260 If your customers are not loading the cart - that is specific to your business, and you can read some tutorials or blog posts or something, if you need help with that concept. You repeatedly use this forum as your own personal ego booster - and I'm tired of it - and I guarantee you that your relentless behavior has something to do with why we can't have a decent conversation here with a Linden - concerning the issues. You can champion and position yourself all day long on how your rantings have saved SL. I disagree. I believe that you have singlehandedly destroyed any cooperation here in this forum. And I believe that you have done that for years. YOU step away from the computer..
  3. I have continually supported you on some of your issues. The ones that made sense. Although I do not care for your presentation style - you had support on those. Even when they are not particularly important to me, personally. If you are not having a particular problem with something, rather than keeping your freakin' mouth shut long enough to let others try to work it out..... ....and rather than showing even a minimal amount of empathy or support or reciprocation.... you come in here each time and rant and rave and supply misinformation that is damaging to other merchants, that will "try" to benefit your own business and your own ego. That blog post of yours is a huge disservice to shoppers and merchants. It is chock full of misinformation. If that helps your own personal business.....whatever. Maybe that is a good strategy for you. If you want to talk MACRO .....and continue to use that strategy....then you are blowing smoke. You continue to dive in with your rants and raves, every single time, even if the issue does not concern you. And it appears, simply to advertise your own ego and your own business.
  4. I am posting in large letters to get back to the topic. You can tell me to take a pill all day long. Lame. I am talking about right here, right now, TODAY. If you don't mind. This needs to be corrected. At the very least, it needed to be acknowledged, which they sort of did. Sort of. I've read your sales numbers before. They are minimal. You are not in a position to advise others that there is no delivery problem. You simply do not have the sales volume or the shopping cart experience that others do. I LOVE being a merchant. I LOVE talking to customers all day long. And I LOVE making stuff for them. I also know that many of them are merchants in the marketplace! Which is why I want to see this fixed - - as do many others. Twist that info however you like. You are not having a problem because you are not doing volume!
  5. You must not be doing the volume that others are. And you must not be merchandising effectively in order to get that cart full. In other words..... The fact that you are not experiencing a shopping cart failure... Is a problem in itself. But that concerns your business. Surely you can find a marketing tutorial somewhere and start correcting that.
  6. This current problem is related to delays overnight US hours. It is spelled out very clearly here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/web-4260 If you wake up in the morning with messages from customers - this is probably "why" Others are experiencing failed deliveries or delays all day. Someone here will keep telling you that is your own fault - your magic box - whatever - NO - many merchants are experiencing delays/failures. All of the ones I experience are related to a shopping cart load. When they purchase one at a time - there are no failures. Sometimes a delay at US night. That is spelled out very clearly at the beginning of that Jira. So no - it is not my personal magic box problem - nor the other merchants - it is a SHOPPING CART problem. Those saying it is not a problem - perhaps are not making multiple sales with each customer. They should probably spend their time learning how to do that.
  7. There are tons of people shopping in the marketplace. They love the convenience. They have become quite enamored with that convenience! You can try everything under the sun to get them to shop inworld. Have at it - while you are busting that out - someone else is taking your market. You can have a shop inworld. People are still shopping there. If your marketplace store has not shown significant numbers, then you have some tweaking to do. You cannot tweak that which you cannot control. You can talk about it all day, though. But while you're doing that - someone is taking your market. Find your own ways. Find ways that you have control over. Listen to your customers. They tell you what THEY want. or - you can manipulate them to accept what YOU want. The link above, that Toy supplied..... Many of those bullet points are way off base. Particularly #3 - That is just not true, and huge disservice to YOUR customers. Not to mention a slap in your face to how you conduct customer service.
  8. This thread is to ask/plead for HELP to get this delivery problem fixed. If you are not experiencing it, then lucky you. or - you're not selling anything. That's fine. or - you're not checking your transaction list hourly. That's fine. To each his own. Here is the Jira https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/web-4260 Major sales going on in the marketplace. You can listen to Rene and Toy beeatch about one thing or another all day, or you can figure out how to make sales in the marketplace. It's happenin' - all day long. If you want your stuff delivered in a timely fashion - keep talking. and go vote/watch that Jira - leave a comment - speak your mind.
  9. Let me ponder all that while I chew on that stogie. Right now, got a date with Bubba Linden http://twitpic.com/8elcce Miss Galli is absolutely correct - you gotta have a Linden in your pocket to get those orders out!
  10. The only thing I'm "wishing" for this week, is that they deliver what we sold. You must live in an affluent isolated burb somewhere. Stuff happened in physical world concerning economy. Not everyone can justify pumping money into virtual land anymore. Not sure why that is so hard to grasp. It's been on the news once or twice. I can't have dialogue on macro economics. Cute guy in that class - distracted. Somehow passed. Just know what I watch. Numbers gal. Can do numbers. Numbers ain't so bad. Just want them to deliver, that's all for this week. And I would like to ask that and in fact insist on it, without having to step across old codger merchants, in the process.
  11. Toy: "I can keep going.... but you see why MP has been and continues to be destroying inworld shopping. Some people here can say that MP is not the cause and that MP is just an extension of inworld stores.... but that would be just wishful thinking. More and more Merchants are realizing that they really dont need to deal with all the hassles and risks of operating an inworld store. They can just either dramatically reduce the size of their inworld store or close it all together and just operate on MP. " Marketplace offered a convenience for people. People are still shopping inworld. Additional sales and quick sales are being made on the marketplace, while they are not even inworld! psssst....it's called an ADD. There is a rather long list of reasons that contributed to difficulty in manning large inworld stores. Very simply, just a few, lag and a complete demise of valuable inworld marketing tools. Perhaps the introduction of other social opportunities where one does not even have to be inworld anymore to communicate. Probably throw in some new adventures across the web that are pulling time from inworld. And by all means, you are welcome to go on, I sure could. You guys remind me of the old codgers that used to sit in their physical downtown stores, twiddling their thumbs and dreaming of ways to get traffic back and saying it's just a matter of time.... "that internet/web thingamagig is a just a phase" - - while the web savvy retailers were loading their web sites and packing/shipping merchandise all day from a hole in the wall. If it helps your business to see your fellow merchants have difficulties with tools and Linden Lab service, then run with it. But honestly, it really does not look all that great to see you announce in public that you are enjoying it. And if you can't grasp yet, that some of your customers enjoy the convenience, or that some of your customers are people running a marketplace store without a shop inworld......and if you've not been able to see the numbers talk yet.... Ain't no amount of talking going to change that. Have a tin of sasparilla and an old stogie and enjoy your front porch chit-chats. Rather comical at times, actually.
  12. People LOVE shopping on the marketplace! It is huge fun for them. It is a major convenience (for the most part) and it is a merchant service IN ADDITION to inworld shopping. Not every merchant may display every single item on the floor, and this is huge advantage for them to offer an endless selection of product. This benefits the shopper as well. Many people shopping on marketplace are not inworld. Perhaps they are sitting in their physical world office right now, taking a break from paperwork. Actually, can verify they are not inworld while shopping, as I just sent notes to a dozen - and they were not inworld, even minutes after purchasing. It would be a fail to inworld store, only if one did not figure out how to maximize both methods of shopping for their customers, and cost effectively for one's own style of business.
  13. Elle Crescendo wrote: Personally I prefer to re deliver to my customers myself. I find I don't have that many non deliveries, I generally log in daily and in the interest of customer service I'd prefer to deal with these issues myself. I believe I handle it quicker than the customer relying on LL to respond to a ticket which could take days. Raising a ticket is an inconvenience to my customers and it's possible a lot of residents probably don't know how to do that. It's part of being a merchant, it goes with the territory Hi Elle - yes, it appears that some tickets might be taking days. I filed another ticket last night, and will start doing that on every fail, if there is enough time left after hand delivering. There was some verbiage in the response, though, that indicated a merchant may not file for a customer. I am filing for both....to make sure customer got refund, and to ask for reimbursement on the hand deliveries, in which we as a merchant were not paid for. Not sure if that is going to happen or not. We'll see. Knowing how long the ticket takes.....yes, we definitely better be correcting these ourselves.
  14. That is wonderful that you are not having any problems. Have a great sales day.
  15. Hi mischief - even if we were allowed to do that, it wouldn't be fair to my group members who shop inworld, and have supported the store for over 3 years now. This is what I am offering, and it's working. But it is time consuming, and I'm afraid that every merchant will not be able to add the extra hours to their day. Not sure if I can keep up this pace indefinitely. And there are still losses for the merchants on missing the sales revenue. Not sure how long that pace will hold either. http://mickeyv.wordpress.com/2012/01/27/etc-customer-satisfaction-guarantee-etcetera-low-prim-furniture-second-life-store/ Several people commented that they enjoyed shopping on marketplace, enjoyed shopping from their chair. even a virtual chair in their virtual home! It's just easier for them. Not everyone is an inworld shopper. I may have to modify that - - now that I know how long it is taking for a support ticket to be answered. And now that I know some people are not getting refunds within the hour.
  16. This Jira was marked "fixed" yesterday morning. NO. it is not fixed, and the refund times are taking longer than an hour now. As far as filing support tickets - I just received a response on one, that was filed probably over the weekend - probably 2 or 3 days prior - I don't know, where the heck do we get time to track all of this? So if a customer has to wait 2 or 3 days for a response - no way am I going to ask them to file a ticket. On top of that - the ticket asked for more info! Good grief - the info was in the dang ticket - look it up. This issue is not fixed by a longshot. ETA: I'm reading that ticket response right now - and they did not even read my request - it was pretty clear I was a merchant asking them to check on a customer who did not receive a refund. I gave the customers name. How hard is to look up the name and match it up with their purchase? We do that all dang day long - they cannot do that? That ticket was sent in on the 26th. The response date asking for more information was on the 30th. That is 4 days. I would HIGHLY recommend, if you're a marketplace biz, and want to keep your biz, to do something just a wee bit more proactive for your customers than THAT. Good grief.
  17. If you continue to call others' virtual joy "crap"....then you don't "get it."
  18. They know it's a major fail. And I will keep pointing it out through any method available. I'm not going to pass that burden on to customers and interrupt their Fun. My name and store name is on that marketplace page. My store name is on the box. I'm not going to leave that name and business in Linden Lab hands to handle a customer service request promptly. Would assume that most here, know why. And I'm not going to have my brand name attached to a fiasco in customer service. Most of us have limited time. We can choose our own methods. I prefer taking care of my customers first, with that time. You are welcome to imply that method is not doing our civic duty, have at it, but I've got deliveries to make this morning. ETA: Nice Edit. We can work together as merchants, or we can fight each others' attempts to cope. Either way works fine for me.
  19. holy cow. I'm wearin' a translator, but I don't see a button for that language.
  20. hi Smokey - they added a memo to that Jira today, working on a fix in Adeti or whatever it is called. I'm not really sure what that means, except that perhaps the fix is in Beta? hmmm
  21. Excuse me for just a minute, Dartagan...I'm looking at an order where a new customer purchased 8 items in one shot, from my store, early this morning, and half were not delivered. Will be back later, and we can talk about our favorite hors d'ouevres. Right here, in the front office....in front of everyone. Including customers.
  22. ....is context important anymore? Not like we use this forum to raise issues that can actually be heard or addressed. And not real sure what "commerce" is any more, as applies to this venue. Let's chit chat. I remember working for a company where food was important. Best working days of my life. Made a ton of money there, too. We were the happiest workers ever. And everyone knew this. Everyone wanted to work there. The nights we took the Limo out for dinner, talk of the town. But one Friday afternoon, we started our soiree just a wee bit too early. Right there in the front office, the party trays were laid out, and it was big sales week, so there was champagne, too. Lots of it. So there we were, lounging around, not a care in the world, champagne pouring, fancy little hors d'ouevres all spread out, and a client with an "issue" walks in. An "issue" that was rather large, and had not been taken care of properly by his rep that week. Oh boy. That was no longer a pretty scene! Dude kinda crashed the party, to say the least. He wasn't a huge account. But he had a huge mouth. Ooopsy. That company is no longer in business. I doubt it was due to that one event. Philosophy of that company was to coddle the reps, provide everything they need and more...in a luxurious way, to add, and make sure they are happy. Plus, that draws in successful reps with huge accounts from other companies, who want the same treatment. Huge lure. A lot of money and energy was spent on that. It was great PR. And result = huge profit. hmmm...wonder if that money and energy was pulled from the money and energy that could be spent on customers. Well, hell...did not matter. Everyone at the office was happy.
  23. Wow. onus - recourse - factual issues - other party - mitigate............ there's a place for every fantasy in second life, I suppose.
  24. "Wait, that's wrong. In years here, I've never had a billing error go in my favor. Please disregard." You know what? I don't recall an error ever going in that particular direction either. Interesting.
  25. Important Update: Zanara has solved this issue for us, and it requires merely an update on your magic box. Please see very last page of this thread. My apologies for raising such a fuss, not knowing this. Also - it appears that the Jira that was plugged into this thread quite a few times has been addressed, and that problem solved. Thank you, Zanara, for all of your efforts on that. Livid. 4 Major Shopping Cart fails overnight. These are people who loaded the shopping carts up. These are people who are having a blast in second life shopping. These are people who have been Super Sweet! Spent 2 hours this morning trying to make heads and tails of who needs to get what - which store's items failed, out of that 10 - did they get a refund? no, still waiting. Send instructions on how to submit support ticket. Several of these carts were chock full of my items - they did not get half. They were very kind to come back after the refund came in and try again. Some are trying now. I doubt they will come back a third time - and it appears that the second time failed again for one person. And as I write this.....another Major Fail is sitting there, happening right this minute. The last two days of sales lost will be a tier fee this week. Not a happy camper at all. on that Jira - we have not had a Linden contact since mid-December. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/web-4260 UPDATE: I have just found out that this is wrong Jira for handling shopping cart failure Issues. I have made a new Jira here: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7654 You think we are nickel and diming here? Damn straight we are. It adds up. The least you can do is to send an auto-notice with a failed delivery, that instructs them on what procedure to take. We, as merchants, are handling this glitch for you, daily, with considerable amounts of hours invested, simply to maintain our good customer service, that we've had for years, in order that you do not make us look like complete incompetents. In addition, our add-on sales are complete fail, if a shopping cart does not work. Those add-on sales pay tier from my store. Taken hit for three weeks now - maybe others have taken hit for longer that - certainly appears that way in the Jira, looking at dates. This is Major Fail. If it's a Fail we have to live with, then for goodness sake, just acknowledge it, and help us out here, with some kind of auto-notice to our customers. The customers are Super Sweet concerning this issue, by the way. We are fortunate on that. My sweet time toward LL has expired. Thanks for the Valentine Banner - looks awesome - popped for some featured ads - but doubt any of those items will get delivered.
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