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Mickey Vandeverre

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Everything posted by Mickey Vandeverre

  1. Rene Erlanger wrote: Mickey Vandeverre wrote: Right now, Rene is telling Josh what he CANNOT DO. Josh knows what he CAN do! Incoherent ramblings - for the birds - drunken statements - fine, if that's what ya'll accept - RUN WITH IT! Sure makes my jobs a lot easier. Your problem is that you have GRAVE difficulty understanding people's postings on these forums. :smileymad: Again in my reply to Josh.....where did I post "WHAT HE CANNOT DO".?.....please anyone on this forum help me locate these phrases that i supposedly wrote in my reply to Josh. I stated that his initial comment was too generalistic.....as each SL market sector behaves differently, which is true. I went on to explain that the SL economy changes over time. ... partially due to certain events or LL policy changes and highlighted an example with current in-world traffic! You're wierd!! I don't give a rat's azz. I'll be WEIRD spelled correctly on PAGE ONE, with product to sell.... While you plant your NORMAL azz on page two without anything to sell. (your marketplace page is in the dust, btw) There ain't NO PAGE TWO. by the way. DONE.
  2. I'm not done with you! Lots of coffee. In the 20 pages of time, that you all have sat here, and talked about everything that you CANNOT DO....each one of you could have set up a twitter account and added 100 followers. Even with ZERO followers you can use hashtags. In that time - anyone could have designed a product that would compete in a 100L or less market. ANYONE. If you think you are losing to that market, then get your azz into that market - at least on one product out of 300! If you think that your stuff is so hot that you are not going to fool with that market, at least make an accessory item. One teeny weeny little add-on accessory item. .....during that time I could have built a whole new business in Second Life and added 10 twitter accounts to promote it! And it might be CHEAP product! I don't see from any searches that is necessary - but you all have probably convinced at a minimum of 100 other merchants in town (during the course of 20 pages) To SLASH THEIR PRICES. Duh. People watch - I'm watching - if did not know better - I would have gone right into my marketplace page and adjusted prices. THAT'S WHAT YOU ACCOMPLISH when you do this. Shooting self in foot.
  3. I can't believe that you are buying into discussion of WHAT YOU CANNOT DO. Shocking! I've placed WHAT YOU CAN DO here - and frankly, it's tiring. If her products were not as exciting as they were, I would not have bothered - she has GREAT PRODUCT! It bothers me to watch 20 or more pages convincing someone what they CANNOT do! Right now, Rene is telling Josh what he CANNOT DO. Josh knows what he CAN do! Incoherent ramblings - for the birds - drunken statements - fine, if that's what ya'll accept - RUN WITH IT! Sure makes my jobs a lot easier.
  4. I'm going to give you the prize for getting as close to the magic phrase as anyone is ever going to get. I'm not sure what that prize will be - maybe pat on the back. Magic Phrase: "How do I get to Page One?" You figure that out, and your business is solid all day long. While you sleep, even, while you take a hiatus even. If you're trying to get to page one for less than 100L - looks like you can even do that. But if you are telling me that your market is "high quality" - why the heck would you be concerned about catering to less than 100L? And before Rene gets here and starts 10 pages of no one is buying over 100L - that's a complete crock. Even if it were true, then you need to adjust your pricing for the market. But it's just not true.
  5. Dartagan - I have been plugging in phrases for three days now, trying to figure out what you all are talking about! Half of it has been for actual shopping - and I cannot see it. Even on very general phrases! If I do not see it TRYING, ON PURPOSE - I really do not know what you all are talking about. I use the "relevancy" general search. If it's less than 500L it's probably ok. You all keep telling me that your products are "high quality" and you want to get paid for them. I agree you need to get paid to some point, so I AM YOUR MARKET. If I'm your market, that you keep saying you build for, then I'm not going to punch in price adjustments on the search. Why would I do that, if I'm your market??? Even if I was competing in a freebie dominated search, I could get on page one with some google hits. I just told how to get to page one in the most basic sense. I'm not going to give all my marketing secrets in a public forum, so that I lose all of my own page one positioning. That would be stupid. I have not been promoting for months. I started yesterday. Right now, a tweet that took 3 minutes or less to prepare, will work all day for me. A pic I posted last night for product that isn't even packaged yet, will work all day, while I go to another job. When I get it finished and attach a marketplace link - you damn sure better count on that one being on page one by next Monday. eta: not to mention, I have to go do the same this morning for 3 other businesses that are all totally unrelated! If it had not been for coming in here to spell this out - I would have been done with that an hour ago, already - on 4 unrelated businesses, and ready to go do other stuff! Geez. So I'm not going to buy an "Time" arguments one bit.
  6. Rene Erlanger wrote: Well, that's fine..I miss you too! lol Most of your forum ramblings are out their for the Birds ........It's incoherent mumbo jumbo!! My Bad! Keep forgetting that around here Marketing = Incoherent Mumbo Jumbo = For the Birds Suppose I shouldn't be complaining. Certainly does keep the competition to a minimum. Page 18 - still no magic phrase
  7. I doubt that calling someone drunk is going to help you with your theory. That's out of line. You use the forums here as your dump outlet. It was a relief when you left. The worst thing for retention or sales or keeping prices where you want them....... ....is to come in here and listen to people with comments such as yours and Toy's. I wouldn't buy from you either.
  8. If you've been gone so long that you have not seen the numbers change from inworld to marketplace, then holy cow, dude, you've got some major catching up to do. I'm afraid that I've wasted a good portion of my day with someone who is totally out of the loop. I'm not sure who your friends are, but they're out of the loop too. Either you're making good money or you're breaking even or you're going down or you don't care. If you're making money, then I'm not sure why you're hopping around to all the threads in the forums and tossing about disdain for the SL platform over and over again, but you used to do that way back. Not sure why you're back to do it again. If you're breaking even, then you better get your azz on marketplace. If you're going down, then get your azz on marketplace and start turning in some land. And start doing some marketing. If you're not doing any marketing at all, then you have no business harping on this LL lack of marketing. You are blowing smoke out your azz now. If you don't care, then take your lousy attitude over to IMVU and infect their forums.
  9. um yeah, ok, whatever..... but I still don't see your examples plucked out yet, on marketplace. Still waiting.
  10. I finally got down to your last few paragraphs.... There are barter systems going into place all over the country now. Seems to me, that Coffee and Power is a wee bit like a barter system. I was growing tomatoes when I was a jet setter rolling, because I love gardening. So I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. I hope you never lose your job, because you've got one hell of a long way to fall, with that ego of yours.
  11. Keyword phrases: Gun Rack Pick Up - ZERO - big honking ZERO available Gun Rack - only 27 - and NOT ONE for a Pick Up Truck - no freebies on front page Front Porch - healthy mix of prices Hound Dog - Holy Cow! Ain't no freebies on that page, Bubba! That's for dang sure! Yee Haw
  12. But Momma Luna! I gotta leave the front porch of the river shack and go out to my pick-up truck, get my gun off that rack, and sit on the porch and clean it with my hound dog before bedtime! Good Grief. He is so far off, it's just freakin' hilarious.
  13. Excuse me? What does that mean pull the gun from the gun rack in the back window? Expand please?
  14. ok, Now I might get grumpy. Who the F do you think that you are talking to? How dare you judge how people use their money. Do you realize that you are talking to customers? Do you ask that question of everyone who purchases from you? Now this part is hilarious, because I see a hell of a lot more tears from Merchants in this thread, than from those who are having fun.
  15. Oh, good grief, I am NOT Grumpy! I'm sitting here laughing my ass off at some of the comments Rene is making! Where do you get Grumpy? That's not even close. I'll tell you what...I'm pumped! I'm comin' back here next week and going to bust some stuff out, because it looks like a bunch of folks are sittin' on their asses! I'm not even going to address your stuff. I'm totally disappointed in you. Totally. And embarassed. Big Time. That ain't grumpy. Ya'll sound like the grumpy ones. I think you're scared shizless with no plan.
  16. You are commenting on ... "Missed Opportunities???" For Real? After you just went through everything that you are NOT doing?
  17. Where are the Abundance of Freebies on the marketplace? I've asked you that several times - give me examples of a keyword where every single item on the first page of search is dominated by freebies. That still won't prove anything , just suggests that market is not the best one to compete in, if you have no drive and no gumption and no marketing in place. Or it suggests that you should use other keywords. You're using that for your argument, over and over again. Where is it?
  18. Didn't you say that you've been gone for a few months? How can you assess everything if you've been gone? Ralph??? Is that YOU?
  19. Not sure how it's getting personal - you made a great plug for IMVU - I told you to get your azz over there, so you can start making some money before heavy competition sets in. Sounds like some competition rattles you a bit. I downsized in physical world, when the web commerce started. It would have been incredibly stupid, not to. Everyone started shopping on the web. The folks that thought they could keep a fancy little downtown store with outrageous overhead, well I think most went under big time. I love SL because it's like an incubator. Much less financial risk here, to test things out. I'm testing now, and it's working great - had an awesome weekend in the store.
  20. I wasn't shopping inworld, Rene. I was shopping in marketplace. eta: And the term was not "grass"
  21. Wow - sounds like you're missing some major opportunities there, Rene. How do you make it on the other retail sites without paying attention to keywords?
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