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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. There's a lot of edgecasing "Daddy-Babygirl-Incest" stuff at the moment in SL. It's "hot." It's actually one of the issues I'm addressing in my new exhibition opening on Thursday, "Virtual Toxic." I'm not supposed to advertise and all, but details in my forum signature. This is one of the relevant images, that I've post here before. (There's another that I'm pretty sure the mods would zap.)
  2. On sale, this weekend only! A lovely long-sleeved crop with the graphic "Daddy's Lil C*m Dumpster." No, I'm not making this up.
  3. Oh, totally. If only for one's health. But, again, standing without slouching, not fidgeting (something else that is sometimes associated with "girlishness"), holding your head up -- that "means" looking adult. And as I actually sort of do want to look adult, I do those things. Except when I'm wearing an army surplus jacket and Docs, of course. πŸ™‚
  4. "Proper deportment," definitely a lost art. But it was also of course really about "how to look like an acceptable (and attractive and desirable) girl." I'd get admonished for fidgeting or goofing around, but in terms of how I stood and walked, I was self-taught. I affected to be a bit "punkish" as a teen, so I'd stand around looking "tough" (OMG, but I sure wasn't, though). How I walked in my Docs and work boots was every bit as much a part of my "costume" as my old army surplus jacket.
  5. Ain't disagreeing with you. But I hope you'll have noted the scare quotes around "girly" and "cute." We're not talking about objective fact: this is about cultural perception. It seems to have derived most immediately from Japanese anime and kawaii, but in general there is a long tradition in many cultures of "awkward" feet position, footwear, and walking styles designating female "cuteness" and also, sometimes, a somewhat elite status. "if you’ve spent any time in Japan, you may have noticed that many Japanese women have a very distinctive β€œpigeon-toed” way of walking, with their toes pointed inward. It’s a very common sight, and supposedly the main reason why a large number of women walk this way is simply because they think it looks cute." (https://soranews24.com/2015/02/04/the-number-one-thing-that-foreign-men-find-not-so-kawaii-about-japanese-women/)
  6. SUCH a good neighbour! This is what I love about SL -- people helping out people. 😊😏 I don't know how to create a JIRA, but I am very good at loaning sugar to people when they run out.
  7. The media are not, it's true, known for managing nuance and complication. I love Second Life. I wouldn't be here after more than 13 years if I didn't. I love its potential, and, sometimes, its actual accomplishments. And most especially I love the people. And, I want SL to succeed. But it's not my job to produce carefully laundered PR for Linden Lab. In fact, I wouldn't take that job were I offered pay to do it. I think that most of my posts here, and what I say elsewhere, strike a sometimes difficult balance between extolling the virtues and wonder of the place, and critiquing some of the darker aspects of what it offers. I try to do that anyway. I'm not oblivious to the impact of what we say here and elsewhere about the platform, and I think that criticisms and "exposΓ©s" need to be couched responsibly so that nuance and complexity are not lost. But I'm a consumer advocate, and an advocate for informed consent and participation -- not to mention critical thinking. And that means talking about the good, the bad, and the ugly.
  8. I don't know what this means, TDD There's something to be said for preserving mistakes and awfulness, rather than sanitizing and pretending it never happened. But not always.
  9. Creativity -- art, photography, music, literature . . . or even just building cool environments for people to enjoy. The art is a major reason I'm still here. I have fun goofing around with photography myself, and I love being blown away by the things that people create here. The arts community in SL is really pretty amazing, and surprisingly extensive. Which is the perfect lead-in for an utterly shameless shill for one of our own, forumite @manoji Yachvili, whose amazing art -- and gallery -- was featured on Tuesday in Strawberry Linden's blog. I'm really pretty proud to know her. And proud to be associated, even at a couple of removes, from her amazing work and passion. Manoji is one of the things that works really well in SL too. πŸ™‚
  10. Well, exactly. A slight spelling variation on the N-Word (you can guess what) still pulls up no shortage of hits. I'm honestly not sure. The stuff is still out there -- and can be found by anyone actively looking for it (as I am) relatively easily. It just renders it a bit more invisible. My attitude has always tended to be that, if SL is going to host nasty sh*t -- and there's no shortage of that that apparently does not violate the ToS -- then they should own it. It's hypocritical and a bit sleazy to allow stuff like snuff, dolcet and "daddy dom -- babygirl" incest sims, but quietly tuck it away so that only those who want access to it know it's there.
  11. Well, here's something rather interesting that I've discovered. Using the old engine, I was able to search -- and invariably find -- groups, places, and profiles that included racist terms (such as the N-word) prohibited by the LL ToS, but still appearing in many descriptions. These profiles and descriptions are still there (I know these descriptions already) -- but now one can't search for them. I . . . guess that's a good thing? Or is it simply tucking the some of the nasty stuff under the bed where no one can see it?
  12. This is a really accomplished pic! The depth of field and the shadows are very nicely done! Also, lovely avatar! (Ok, I'm going to shut up for a bit, before I get run in for spamming the thread. 😏)
  13. Cute! I have to say, though -- your profile pic! Have you posted pics of that avi? You should!
  14. You are the first person in SL EVER to do that. No, really. πŸ™‚
  15. Wow. This is a super good portrait! Really lovely!! I love the high key look!
  16. β€οΈπŸ˜˜πŸ˜ΊπŸ€ πŸ’«βœ¨πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸ‘πŸŽ€πŸŽ‚πŸ¦πŸŽπŸŒˆπŸŽͺπŸ¦„
  17. Oh yes. Honestly, tentacle sex or whatever? Meh, so what. If it were the worst thing available here, I'd have no complaints.
  18. "Used to"???? Oh Nick. Dear, sweet, naive Nick . . .
  19. The Old Ways . . . are the Best Ways. Damned whippersnappers!
  20. No, it's NOT good riddance, because we need them. Otherwise SL continues its transition into a retirement home for aging computer geeks, cyber-utopians, and Canadian feminists who are too enamoured of digital shopping for their own good. The whole point of good design is to facilitate use. By anyone you want to use the platform -- and that includes people who may be coming with expectations that they have, not surprisingly, brought from experience on other platforms or games. It's supposed to be easy. And it should change over time, as user interfaces everywhere evolve. What looked spiffy in 2006 just looks tired and old-fashioned now. You say they should adapt. How about you adapting to new ways of doing things? You're up to it, surely? /me fingers the lever of the trapdoor.
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