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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. Theresa Tennyson wrote: That first post was my practical comment. This is my editoral comment: A few years ago broadcast television changed from analog to digital. A retired schoolteacher from New York put up a guest editorial in the New York Times basically whining, as she was one of the handful of people in the US who didn't have cable TV and she apparently couldn't be jazzed to do enough research to figure out how to get and install a converter box, which were widely available and even had their >$40 cost subsidized by government coupons. She was confused and wondering why she had to change even though this was a known situation for months - years, really. At the time, I was also not on cable, just got a converter box for my antenna TV, and was watching TV reception that was much better than it was before. I was thinking - this editorial writer also seemed like she'd be the sort of person who'd say "Young people are so lazy and have no initiative these days." Seemed like those traits weren't exactly confined to the young.... That's incredibly rude, and it's based on such a huge lack of understanding that it's hard to believe it was written by a sensible person. Your fundamental error was that you assumed that Melita wants a return to a previous viewer, when all she wants is a previous UI. I.e. all the advances but with an earlier interface. Perhaps you can now see how totally wrong you were, and perhaps you might even realise how very rude you were and offer Melita an apology. Like a great many people, Melita would be very happy with the Singularity V1-style viewer, which incorporates all the current advances, if she would use a TPV. She is not alone. Posts in this forum show that a huge number of people prefer a V1-style interface, and not one of them is desirous of a V1-style viewer without all the advances, and that includes Melita. @Melita. You mentioned security as being the reason for not using a TPV but, by 'security, you mentioned LL not dealing with bugs/faults if you are using a TPV. LL won't deal with faults that pertain to viewers when it's a TVP. E.g. is things don't rez as they should, and you're using a TPV, don't go to LL about it because they won't handle it - and rightly so. But if there's something wrong with a sim, for instance, then LL will deal with it. The viewer doesn't come into it. The other type of security that you may also have had in mind, is that of not trusting unknown people's programmes to run in our computers. That's a genuine consideration, and it was the reason why I wouldn't use TPVs for years. What happened with the very popular Emerald viewer vindicated the lack of trust in unknown people's programmes. There's no way round that. As individuals, we either take the risk (and it is a risk) or we don't. Nobody can say TPVs are safe, as the Emerald experience shows, and nobody can say that any particular viewer is safe, so it's up to each individual to decide for him/herself.
  2. Thank you all for your posts in this thread. Apart from the odd nay-sayer, the posts in this thread show that it was a waste of time starting it because it's so well-known that mesh doesn't work properly - at least in the area that I wrote about - clothes.
  3. Perrie Juran wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Tex Monday wrote: ETA: That I'd like to apply for a job as your quality control assistant, if it's available.... I'll need to see how intensive the work is before I decide whether or not to take on staff Every executive needs a secretary/personal assistant - my qualifications: *I'm a redhead *Excellent typing skills *I'm a redhead *Organized and efficient *I'm a redhead *Not great at making coffee but can brew stellar tea Did I mention I'm a redhead? I'd be careful before I'd hire Czari for this position Phil. She might deem many of the boobies not worthy of your attention before you ever got to see them and send the girls away. On the other hand, having Czari pre-screen them might save you from some nightmares. It's ok, Perrie. If I hired Czari, it would be as tea girl, which she claims to be qualified for, and not as a pre-evaluator.
  4. There are no "violations". There are quality evaluations, that's all. Men don't come into - not even to conduct the examinations. Except me, of course, but I'm a world-renowned expert on the subject. I'm not your average Tom, Dick or Harry.
  5. I didn't actually use the word "broken". I said that mesh doesn't work properly, and it doesn't. Perhaps turning down MeshMaxConcurrentRequests will work, but it should work properly with the default, which I'm using. If it doesn't, then it doesn't work properly. Using more than one viewer simultaneously is quite normal. If I'm not mistaken, there's an option in Prefs to allow it. So SL should work properly if I use two simultaneously. I would expect problems if I used a lot of viewers simultaneously but not problems like this. I'd expect more in the way of local problems. To my way of thinking, two viewers should not overpower the system. Incidentally, I'm not fussed about it. I just thought it was odd when I saw it. I don't need to do anything about it for myself.
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: At the recent meeting of the 'Forum Committee', I, Phil Deakins, was unanimously elected to the post of forum 'Jiggly Boob Examiner and Evaluator' (JBEE), starting immediately. Would all those who would like to have an examination and evaluation please contact me to arrange an appointment. Your first appointments have arrived. Under those fluff balls, I imagine it will be impossible to examine and evaluate the bounce. Please ask them to come back minus the fluff.
  7. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: At the recent meeting of the 'Forum Committee', I, Phil Deakins, was unanimously elected to the post of forum 'Jiggly Boob Examiner and Evaluator' (JBEE), starting immediately. Would all those who would like to have an examination and evaluation please contact me to arrange an appointment. If you're content with only one jiggling boob, Snugs is probably available. Earlier today, I heard about that lol. It came up when a friend and I discovered perpetual motion - her boobs simply wouldn't stop bouncing even though she was standing perfectly still. It made me feel dizzy because my head was going up and down in sync.
  8. Tex Monday wrote: ETA: That I'd like to apply for a job as your quality control assistant, if it's available.... I'll need to see how intensive the work is before I decide whether or not to take on staff
  9. Theresa Tennyson wrote: So what you're saying is, WHILE YOU HAVE TWO VIEWERS RUNNING SIMULTANEOUSLY AT THE SAME TIME YOU ARE RUNNING A WEB BROWSER, ALL THE WHILE COMMUNICATING ACROSS THE FREAKING ATLANTIC OCEAN, "mesh doesn't work properly." What you're seeing are symptoms of mesh transfers timing out because of an overloaded connection. Which you have overloaded your OWN SELF. Listen to Qie You seem to be suggesting that I run one viewer and nothing else for mesh to work properly. If that's what's required, then mesh doesn't work properly - as I said
  10. Ooo that sounds good, Venus. I could gather a *lot* of 'official' information there
  11. I'm watching two people in my store right now. In Singularity, one of them, a girl, has her upper torso is tilted over at 90 deg, and also twisted at 90 deg. She has no feet and her hair is absolutely wrong. The male looks fine. In the LL viewer, the male has nothing from his waist down to his feet. His feet are visible though, and the female looks fine. Mesh in SL simply doesn't work properly.
  12. I'm watching two people in my store right now. In Singularity, one of them, a girl, has her upper torso is tilted over at 90 deg, and also twisted at 90 deg. She has no feet and her hair is absolutely wrong. The male looks fine. In the LL viewer, the male has nothing from his waist down to his feet. His feet are visible though, and the female looks fine. Mesh in SL simply doesn't work properly.
  13. That's alright, Sassy. Examinations and evaluations are not compulsory.
  14. At the recent meeting of the 'Forum Committee', I, Phil Deakins, was unanimously elected to the post of forum 'Jiggly Boob Examiner and Evaluator' (JBEE), starting immediately. Would all those who would like to have an examination and evaluation please contact me to arrange an appointment.
  15. At the recent meeting of the 'Forum Committee', I, Phil Deakins, was unanimously elected to the post of forum 'Jiggly Boob Examiner and Evaluator' (JBEE), starting immediately. Would all those who would like to have an examination and evaluation please contact me to arrange an appointment.
  16. Alternatively, you may have pushed it off the side the viewer (if that's actually possible). If you have a HUD on the screen, right click it an click Edit. The scroll-wheel out. If it's off the side, it'll come into view and you can move it back onto the normal view of the screen.
  17. I can't disagree with any of what you wrote, Perrie, and especially that part about CHUI, which is simply flawed. So flawed in one respect that I'm now thinking that I might ditch LL's viewer for my main avatar (this one). An example of the flaw that I'm thinking of, which really gets up my nose, is when I am in more than one IM. I am typing in one IM to someone, then the person in the other IM sends something and that IM immediately takes the focus so that I am suddenly typing in the wrong IM. Since I look at the keyboard when I'm typing, I don't know that it's happened until I've finished and probably sent the text to the wrong person. Sometimes, when several chats are on the go, I can't find space to type to one of them, because the focus keeps changing and I can't get a typed word in edgeways. It's utterly idiotic but then it's an LL product so such stupidity is not altogether unexpected.
  18. Teagan Tobias wrote: I hate the tired statement that people left V2 because they had to learn to use it. That is just not correct for many people, me for one. It had nothing to do with learning to use it, V2 was just a disaster as far as a viewer goes. Learning to use it was not the problem, the problem was just how bad the viewer was. V3 is a lot better and I keep it up to date and do use it, and almost only it, with this avatar. I have to second that.
  19. I also use the LL viewer for my main av, but I use Singularity for my alt because of 2 features. One is that is still uses the old profiles which, unlike the web-based profiles, actually load every time, and load quickly. The other is that it can get the UUID of an object from the Edit box. I make use of the latter sometimes. But, to answer your question, it's my opinion that many or most people who use 3rd party viewers do so to be different from the 'standard' - the standard being the LL viewer. Some use them for specific features, such as Restrained Life, but, imo, most people who use them have no particular use for their additional features, and they just use them to be non-standard. It's a sort of pride thing, imo.
  20. Yes, blogs are another target. I remember Google doing something about links from blogs. It's in the back of my mind that they stopped indexing those links but I may mistaken. They certainly do all they can to combat 'wrong' links in their index, and no doubt the other major engines do the same. Just out of interest, the same applied here in SL when LL used Google's mini-engine. Link spam was successful here too. I know because I made use of it to push my own parcels up the rankings and also the parcels of some competitors up the rankings. At one time I was responsible for 8 of the top 10 rankings for one important searchterm, and most of them were competitors. The reason I did that was to push one particular competitor down the rankings, which I did very successfully. And it was all done with links to their parcels' pages. I've no idea if links still have the same sort of power with the engine that LL uses now, because I stopped taking an interest a long time ago, but I imagine that they have some power because I can't imagine anyone writing an engine these days without giving inbound links some significant power.
  21. Apart from money trees, there is no quick way to get L$. If you don't have the time to spend in SL, you don't have time to get what free money there is. Money trees and Linden Realms are your best bets for speed.
  22. Madeline Blackbart wrote: seanabrady wrote: If your time is already limited do you really want to spend that time waiting for one or two lindens? There are still money trees and some of the coin/fishing games let you chase free money. I am really not sure what you get out of collecting 10L over a week though. The need to L$ is really overstated IMHO. I think the time is better spent on a really nice hunt. HERE HERE! Hunts and reading a few freebie blogs is a far better use of time. the 1$l you get from camping for an hour is completely usuless for actually buying things. Nonsense! Camping pays much more than that. I know one that pays 2L per 15 minutes, for instance. You're trying to give camping a bad name
  23. This is exactly why they do it.... The biggest single factor in search engine rankings is links to pages - inbound links. Although Google wasn't the first engine to incorporate links in their rankings algorithm, they were the first to give them such a huge weight. In fact, they describe their links evaluating system (PageRank) as the heart of their system. When Google then became so popular, and produced much better results than the other engines, the other engines followed suit. Search engines treat a link to a page as a vote for the page, and the clickable link text is attributed to the target page - and weighs heavily in its favour. The more inbound links, from good sources, that a webpage has, the higher in the rankings it will be. Forum link spammers aren't interested in forum users. They are only interested in the pages where they put their links being indexed by the search engines. When they are indexed, the target pages have more inbound links and, therefore, do better in the rankings. Forums are easy places to place their links, so they auto-post in thousands of forums. Many will be removed, of course, and will do them no good, but some will be missed and improve the rankings. The type of spam that is most likely to be missed, and achieve the best results, is not the myriad of threads, like the 'Mumbai' ones. It's the apparently normal post that, when it's slipped down and out of sight, is completely altered to contain link spam. There's an example on the first page of threads right now - it got necro-posted to so it popped up to the top again. The original post was quite normal, but later it was changed to be pure spam. Many forums will miss that type and the spammer is successful. [ETA: the thread has now been removed so don't go looking for it. It was missed and was working very well for the spammer but another link-spammer necro-posted to it which caused it to be seen in all its altered glory, and now it is gone] Good forum systems have an option to disallow the editing of posts after a certain period of time has elapsed, so that type of spam can't be done. But many forums do allow it, including this one, and spamming in them works.
  24. Dillon Levenque wrote: That leaves the second possibility: you know you're irritating people all over mainland but you keep doing it just because for some reason LL lets you get away with it Aaah. That took me back to the good ol' days when most forum users were dead against traffic bots but LL allowed them. The forum hasn't been the same for me since traffic bots were disallowed, but it's very nice to reminisce once in a while :matte-motes-grin: Of course, I never stood alone in my support of traffic bots, because there were genuine pros and cons, but I was always in a minority. AnnMarie does stand alone because there is nothing at all on the 'pro' side for her vehicles.
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