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Jo Yardley

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Everything posted by Jo Yardley

  1. I completely agree. Bad PR is the last thing SL needs right now. Of course this will bring many new curious people to SL and plenty will stay but it takes me a lot of effort to explain to my friends that SL is more then just shopping, chatting, cheating, pervyness and kiddyporn. And people who come to SL because they are interested in a good way and not because of some sensationalism and wanting to see how bad it is or how sad we all are, are in my humble opinion not as valuable to SL as those who come here because they realise all the potential and possibilities it has.
  2. Yes absolutely. I've actively promoted SL on facebook to all my friends and share links to videos, photos, etc. there. Most people have a negative view of SL, just like I did. But once I show pictures and videos they realise SL isn't as they thought it is. I've lured several friends to SL and most of them have not only stayed but are now very active members.
  3. Ima Rang wrote: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1518809/ I'm not sure how it could be streamed and I'm also not sure that charging for viewing would not violate US Laws. Perhaps you could contact the creator/production co. and see if they would be willing to show it inworld. Oh yes, that was my idea. I don't understand why the production company is not showing it inside SL and charge for it. Any other way would be illegal. I work in the tv/movie business myself and would defenitely done that.
  4. Generally SL is not (yet) good enough to offer a quality shared video experience. I've tried many expensvie video players and due to connection, lag, etc, half the audience is always a bit behind. We do have 1920s movies in our cinema, lots of fun but no competition to seeing a video. But yes, if someone has a good low lag cinema somewhere they could make a little money showing movies. And especially with a documentary about SL, it would seem obvious to me to screen it in SL, even have a premiere there with VIPS and so on. I can't see the OWN channel and won't buy a dvd, so it may never reach me (legally) and it is a shame that it won't reach 80% (just a guess) of people in SL who don't get US tv. And if you charge people say $2, I am sure you make more then your tiers. Come to think of it, LL should propbably help the documentary makers by giving them a free cinema and stream to show it. Because in the end, this is all free PR.
  5. Much more exciting then mesh! I think I've already freed up about 200 prims by simply rebuilding some of my old buildings.
  6. We had this as well, LL took 6 months (!) to even open our tickets or AR's and then didn't do much. In the end the only thing that really worked was get our own region. But there are a few options that may help. Send an IM to all your neighbours in that region asking them to ban this griefer. if they have no access to the region, griefing becomes a lot harder.
  7. It would be nice (and smart) to stream the documentary in SL in a parcel that you need to pay to have access to. This way people outside of the US can see it as well and the makers don't lose any revenue. How many people do you think would pay a few bucks to see this together with friends in SL?
  8. The Doctor rarely causes problems, i think he looked like someone who would not have stand out much in almost all decades of the 20th century in most series. But the friends he sometimes brings... mind you that makes me shout at the tv as well hehehe. "OH look there is a man in Victorian London.... and he is walking around with a half naked tart who has no idea of proper etiquette! She should be arrested!"
  9. At the entrance of our 1920s Berlin sim we have a 'realistic avatar' kit, put together with some of Penny her info and tips. It will help you figure out how tall your avatar really is and you can send the info inside the kit to everyone calling you a kid. I also have put a tab in my profile explaining that my avatar is 6ft and is thus not short or a kid. Also dressing like an adult (a proper one in a suit, not like how many adults dress these days in rl with jeans and baseball cap, t-shirt, et) and growing a moustache also works
  10. We've had a few Doctor Who's visit us, but we treat him just as a little unusual visitor from England As long as they wear proper clothing (Dr Who usually does) and if they set the Tardis to invisible
  11. And what were you doing with your left hand?
  12. We never ban anyone just for being a furry, the only direct bans we allow are when people misbehave and break rules in an extreme way and whos acts are against the ToS. Before visitors make it even into the sim they pass several signs, receive chat messages, IM's and blue pop up screens they have to click to close. So by the time they get passed the teleport area they rarely have a valid excuse for still breaking our sims rules. And even if they do we still generally warn them trough IM's. If they don't reply we rarely ban, we usually freeze and if need be eject. They are always welcome to return and try again. BUT the problem with some of the modern viewers or settings is that IM's are often easily overlooked. Little blinking tab in the bottom of your screen in stead of a pop up window. Sometimes this causes problems because they don't realise we're trying to reach them.
  13. Oh don't get me started... Negro is not a bad word, it is just french (or something) for dark/black and it was named over a century ago. It's not like they were named like what people say in rap songs all the time... Anyway, they taste delicious.
  14. When I was young, you could get it everywhere Mind you, I remember a train running trough our house during a hippie party with big blocks of pot on them. I was more interested in the train. Yes, I am old.
  15. If I was not Dutch, I'd surrender to us right about now!
  16. Anyone want a stroopwafel? IM me inworld, I've made a few
  17. Gevulde koek, zaansche kermis, oliebollen.. My god, we are the culinary masters of the universe!
  18. Oh my god! How could I forget! You are so evil, I now have such a longing for the Tompoes (as us common folk used to call them heheh). Can we buy these in SL?
  19. I'm Dutch and never tried drugs, I guess when they are legal they are less interesting to some young rebels All the other things mentioned in this topic are MUCH more dangerous!! Oh... Bosche Bollen... Negerzoenen... mmmmmmh
  20. Spacecake? Isn't that for the tourists? I've never tried any of that stuff and I've lived in Amsterdam for ever.
  21. Oh god yes! I've eaten myself sick on those many times. Every other nation in the world better surrender to Dutch rule, we will take over soon!
  22. Oh yes.... that and the full english breakfast are one of the few weapons standing in the way of Dutch World domination! Mind you, we brought the British Empire almost to its knees before... with gin
  23. Just checked, it is!!!!!!!!
  24. But more important... does this mean 60x60x60 prims are here too?
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