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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. Clothes are made of two different kinds of things. First, there are clothing layers. These are textures...paintings that are applied to the avatar mesh in defined areas and in a specified order. Clothing layers appear close to the body, with the minor exception of long sleeves and pant legs and system skirts. The layers are: Undershirt, underpants, socks, gloves, shirt, pants, jacket, skirt. These are created in Photoshop (or another paint program). To help you do your painting in the right places, there are free clothing templates you can download and open in Photoshop. In newer versions of Photoshop, you can paint directly on a 3D model of your avatar, which can make it easier to align seams and patterns. The other kind of clothing parts are attachments. These are prims, not clothing layers. Stand up collars, fancy cuffs, poofy sleeves, pant legs, and flexible skirts are attachments of this sort. Most clothing prims are sculpties, which are organic shapes created in yet another type of program, a 3D modeling application. Blender and Wings 3D are popular and free applications for this. Putting a texture on a sculpty can be very tricky. There's another free program called Sculpty Paint that can make this easier. Well, possible. Start simple: Make some tattoos, or a few bikinis. Then a t-shirt with a funny logo on it and some jeans. Remember that you can upload items for free on the Beta grid, which can save you a lot of money while you're testing your new creations.
  2. Are you completely invisible, or do you appear as a white egg or a cloud of fog?
  3. To add to Ceera's excellent answer, you can also lease land on a Private Estate. You get the same number of prims per square meter as you do on Mainland, unless the Estate Owner has set up some other arrangement. Be sure to read and understand the Covenant when leasing land on an Estate. You don't need a Premium membership to lease Estate land, and you don't pay tier to Linden Lab. You do, however, pay a weekly or monthly fee to the Estate Owner, which is generally called "tier".
  4. Do you own or rent the land the box is on? If you just go plopping prims on others' land, you can expect them to be returned.
  5. Jeepers! What can you make in your first four days that you can reasonably expect to sell??
  6. Sara dear...first off, I hope that you are over 18. Second Life is for adults, especially the sex parts. If you are, go to the Dashboard page of your account on this website, click Account and then the link for Age Verification. Once you have verified that you're an adult, you can visit places in SL where sex is allowed. Once you have done that, call me in world.
  7. MANY ways to dance! See my blog post, Shall We Dance?
  8. That's really weird! First, you shouldn't be able to do that. Second, there should be only one IM sent. You can receive it multiple places...in world, by email, on your profile messages here...but once you close the IM and delete it, you shouldn't get it again. You may need to write a Support Ticket for this one.
  9. I'm sure there must be something of the sort in SL. Once upon a time, there was a version of the semi-legitimate Mafia depicted in Neal Stephenson's novel "Snow Crash", on which Second Life itself is loosely based. I always got a kick out of them...they ran ads! "You've Got a Friend in the Family". Uncle Enzio is one of my favorite fictional characters.
  10. In addition to valerie's answer: The word is spelled "share". You can't "shair" anything, because it's not a word.
  11. In addition to Kobuk's excellent answer: From your message, it appears that you are trying to buy only $1 worth of lindens. You should not buy very small amounts of $L, because LL charges a flat $.30 fee for each purchase.
  12. See my blog post that explains All About Shoes! OMG, Shoes!
  13. We have a public rezzing area at the docks in the Masocado region, and there are several other rezzing spots around the Blake Sea area. You may run into difficulty if you have a really BIG yacht though.
  14. Set a landing point for your parcel in About Land, then try listing the event again.
  15. Tour the sims of Caledon! And read the wonderful web comic by Phil Foglio, Girl Genius
  16. You need a better understanding of how to buy and rent land, and what it costs. Come to my class at Caledon Oxbridge University on Friday, 5 pm SL time. You can sell stuff on the Marketplace with no in world store at all. You can rent store space for $10 -20 USD per month, or even less. The cost will depend on how many prims you want to have, for your vendors, signs, and other furniture.
  17. Inara Pey's great blog, Living ina Modem World, reviews many third party viewers.
  18. I visited that store just now. All the demos are in the large signs, and work correctly. There are no transparent "thief" prims over any of the vendors. The small vendor signs below the large displays will sell you a pack of skins in a given skin tone. The small black and white vendors will sell you a fat pack of all the skins in a given line. It all seems straightforward to me. My verdict: User error. I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but I hope you learned to pay closer attention to the confirmation screen you get when you click Buy.
  19. No, you have no obligation. In fact, if you are reporting accurately, it sounds as if THEY are going back on their bargain with YOU. Here's my question for you, though: $L60 per hour is a wage of about 25 cents per hour. In most places in the USA, the minimum wage is a bit more than that...$7.25 per hour, or 29 times what you are making in your Second Life job, even at the old, higher rate. So, why are you spending hours of your time doing this? Unless your SL "job" is something that you actually love doing (I love teaching, for instance), it's not worth spending your precious free time. If you need money for SL, take a second job in RL, or work a little overtime. You work a lot less hours for a lot more gain. Use your in world time to have fun, explore, shop, or learn how to create and sell content. Successful content creators in SL have a shot at making a much better income than any SL "wage slave".
  20. It could be one of the many graphics bugs in Viewer 2. However, if you have not updated the viewer recently, and the problem only began recently, it could be that the graphics card in your computer is going bad. Download and install the free utility GPU-Z and have a look at the voltages and temperatures on your card while running SL. If the temps are going above 60 deg C, pop your case covers and check your fans for proper operation and the inside of your case for dust buildup. Re-seat the card and its power connections.
  21. There is a known bug that prevents residents with an empty Block list from receiving IMs or inventory offers when they are off line. The fix for this is being rolled out, and when it is, you should see your missing items delivered. Or you can clear the log jam yourself by right clicking an object or person you don't particularly care for, and select Block.
  22. But this thread is ABOUT derailing...ergo, derailments are On Topic.
  23. You'll also want the "Develop" menu. A lot of the things that were in the Advanced menu in the old viewer moved there. CTRL+ALT+D for Advanced CTRL+ALT+Q for Develop
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