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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but llRezAtRoot will rez the object you want. You can't change the script in that object (except in the sense that you can pass it information ... I just mean that you can't change the script itself), but you could have several versions of the scripted object available in your rezzer and then rez only the specific version that the user requests.
  2. Aha, so your viewer recognizes that your graphics card is minimally acceptable. Try increasing your maximum bandwidth and lowering your draw distance. That might help.
  3. Um.... llInstantMessage takes a UUID, not a name, so it shouldn't care what the person's name is. I suspect the problem is elsewhere, and that the "Resident" thing is a red herring. Can you post the script so we can take a look at it?
  4. If they are scripted objects, you can use the Top Scripts list in World >> Estate/Region >> Debug. You can use filters to sort the list by owner and then click the Beacons button on one selected item to set a beacon on it.
  5. You can't ever be 100% sure, but that's the way life is in RL too. That's why we teach little kids not to accept candy from strangers. When you accept a gift, consider the source and decide whether it's from someone you ought to trust. If it is, go ahead and wear it (or rez it, or whatever), but keep in some corner of your mind that there might be things to watch out for, like unexpected dancing or particle showers. Those things rarely happen, but if they do at least you have a clue what caused them. The warning about accepting gifts isn't meant to paralyse you into immobility.... just make you aware that some people aren't nice guys. As if you didn't know that already. :smileywink:
  6. Rolig Loon

    Camera perv

    Yes, Show Look At is a very coarse tool. It tells you the direction that someone is looking but not what the person is looking at. Some people don't seem to understand that, so they assume you are looking at them instead of at a distant spot over their shoulder. In the Phoenix viewer, you can go into Preferences >> Phoenix >> Shields and disable the BROADCAST CAMERA FOCUS POINT option so that other people can't see what direction you're looking.
  7. Your computer ought to know how to do this without being told, but you may need to give it a dope slap. Find the SL viewer software on your hard drive, then right click on it and select Properties >> Compatability. Then specify 32-bit compatability mode.
  8. Maybe it's turned off. Smart creators usually build in a switch (either a touch-activated one or one that responds to a chat command) so that you can turn off those shoe sounds and not annoy people around you. Check the instructions that came with your shoes, or at least try clicking on them to see if that does it.
  9. Yup. I should have been clearer that the sum of 0.1 second delays is the minimum that the script will experience. All the more reason for loading the notecard lines once and being done with it.
  10. Laneybug Macbain wrote: I have been to other sims with lots and lots of people there and the lag is worse, yes, but not significantly. So I don't understand why you don't lag at our place and don't understand why the other places are not significantly more laggy. There are only a couple others that say they "usually" don't lag. But they, too, lag sometimes or crash the rest of the time. I have heard that if you are sharing a server with other sims that are laggy, they can leech their lag over to your sim. Don't know if that's true but am surely to goodness fed up with banging my head on the wall. Yeah, I don't understand it either, and I agree.... it stinks. Your sims truly are beautiful. I've enjoyed visiting occasionally over the past couple of years, but if had to deal with a lot of lag every time I came, I probably wouldn't visit as often either. Other than what I've already suggested, though, I don't have a clue how to beat your problem. Sorry. :smileysad:
  11. So, it sounds as if you're having a hard time deciding whether you are looking to create things because you need the money, or whether it's something that you really want to do. As I suggested earlier, doing almost anything in SL just because you need the money is probably a poor use of your time. You'll be putting a lot of effort into work instead of enjoying whatever you needed your money for. You can earn a lot more money much faster in RL, import a little to SL, and relax. If you are really interested in being a creator, however, then forget about how much money you might earn with it. Treat it as a hobby and have fun with it. That's mostly what SL is about, after all. If you do earn L$, so much the better. I earn enough from building, clothing design, and scripting to pay for rent on a shop and on another parcel where my home is, and have some left over to play with. In months when the income is lower, I cut back on the "extras," just like in RL. If the income dropped a lot more, I'd get rid of the house and its parcel, too, or consider bringing a little money in from RL. All those things are nice, but they aren't what's important to me. I create things in SL because it's what I like to do. It's why I'm here. It's not a job to earn L$ so I can do other things.
  12. Yes, there are a lot of lovely textures on that sim, but that's only going to affect how rapidly they all load. It won't have any significant effect on your ability to move around, chat, and do other normal things. You'll just see some gray areas instead of non-cached tetures for a while. I can't get back in world right now to double check, but as I recall your "high prim" sim isn;t really all that high prim. You have something just shy of 11,000 prims on it, so there's about 1/5 of your prim allotment left. That's a comfortable margin. The script time on the sim was close to 20 ms this morning, which is on the high side of normal but not bad. I don't remember noticing anything out of the ordinary with Physics time either. All in all, the numbers on your sim do look good. I don't want to add fuel to the hysteria about the number of scripts that people are carrying these days, but that is one obvious factor to consider. As a general rule, if people are carrying more than 50 scripts (equivalent to about 2MB of script memory), they may be adding measureably to sim lag. That's all the more true if many of those scripts are Mono-compiled -- at least until LL finally beats the Mono bug. Even on the fairly quiet sims where I spend a lot of my time, I have recorded times when a sim's servers have stalled for up to 30 seconds when a lot of people are TPing in for an event. I would never suggest installing a script meter as a punitive device, but you might want to try using one just to see how much script load people are bringing in, and maybe setting one up as an educational tool. Off the top of my head, I don't know what else to suggest right now.
  13. I was just on the sim I think you're talking about -- a beautiful place that I've visted many times before -- but I didn't notice any lag. The sim stats are showing time dilation = 0.994 and 44.7 sim FPS. It's essentially lag free, by the numbers, and I'm having no trouble moving around. Maybe it's just the time of day. When are you experiencing the lag issue?
  14. I agree. There's a 0.1 second delay every time you call llGetNotecardLine or llGetNumberOfNotecardLines. That may not sound like much for a single line, but if you have even ten lines on a card, that's a full second of delay. You might as well do all that reading once in a setup routine and get it out of the way. My own preferred method would be to read the NC lines into a list and then say random ones with llSay(0,llList2String(my_list, (integer)llFrand(len))) , where len = llGetListLength(my_list).
  15. It looks as if your computer meets the recommended requirements for SL. Compare with https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php?lang=en-US. What sort of problem are you having when SL is "not working?"
  16. I think it depends partly on how much time you want to put in and partly on how "self-sufficient" you want to be. There are a lot of designers in SL, and competition is steep. If you are going to make more than a subsistence income, you either need to have more than average design talent or enough time and persistence to raise above the background noise (or both). Frankly, unless your heart is in it, this sounds a lot like a job --- another one of those things that you would come to hate about your "online life." You could support your SL needs better with a lot less work by importing cash from RL every once in a while, and you'd enjoy SL more too. If you really do want to head into content creation in SL, it might be smart to look into taking a couple of classes in graphic design at a local tech school or community college. You'd start out in SL with a firmer grasp of the design tools than a lot of self-taught content creators, and you'd get direct feedback from your instructors to help sharpen your latent design talent. You'd find out quickly whether this is something you really enjoy doing too, and it might even open up some job opportunities in RL.
  17. Really? It's cool. Try shingling a roof without it, for example. It's not easy. If you want to be sure that the texture aligns with the edges of your angled segments, always use the planar setting. Experiment. You'll like it. :smileywink:
  18. Yeah, AFK sometimes cancels for no apparent reason. You can try going into Preferences and setting the time before AFK to some really small number (I don't know what the minimum setting is -- never tried it). That way, even if you do pop out of gear, you'll go back to AFK pretty quickly.
  19. The link is right at the end of my post. Among many other things, it explains how to check for packet loss and what to do about it.
  20. Don't panic prematurely. Did you work through the full list of suggestions on the Bake-Fail web site that I gave you a link for? Have you checked your statistics bar to see whether you are experiencing any packet loss, for example? There are quite a few possibilities. Most are things that you can do something about, and only a few are beyond your control (like your ISP's service).
  21. When that happens, it is usually a sign that the Internet connection between your computer and SL's servers is weak or intermittent. When you change your appearance, the changes always take place on your own computer and are then uploaded to SL, where the servers make them available to everyone else's viewer. That process takes a very large amount of bandwidth and can fail if it is interrupted. I'd suggest first being sure that you are on a direct cable connection, not wireless. Many people have no trouble with wireless, but it can be problematic for some. Wireless connections can compete for bandwidth with other computers and even with cell phones, garage door openers, and other things. Next, check your router and modem. Reboot both of them by unplugging them for a few minutes and replugging them. If you still have trouble, you can adjust the maximum bandwidth setting in your client or make other changes that may help. For a comprehensive list of other troubleshooting tips, see THIS WEB SITE.
  22. You ought to be able to open it by just dragging it to the ground in any place where you are allowed to rez objects, like a sandbox. Right click on the rezzed object and select "Open". You should get the option to copy all items to your inventory. Do that and the unpacked contents will be in a new folder, which you can see under your inventory's Recent tab. Depending on how they were packaged, they might also be copied directly to the Animations folder in your inventory.
  23. You can upload any textures to SL if they are in JPG, TGA, PNG, or BMP format. It doesn't make any difference what program you use to create those files. Before you upload a texture, it is smart to make each of its dimensions an even power of 2 (that is, 32, 64, 128, 512, or 1024), so that you have images that are, for example, 128 x 512 pixels. Otherwise, SL will automatically redimension odd-sized images to power-of-two dimensions, causing some potential distortion and loss of resolution. No dimension of an image can be larger than 1024 pixels. To apply a texture to any prim face, just drag it from your inventory with your mouse and drop it onto the face. To apply a texture to all faces of a prim, open your Edit window (CTRL + 3), select the prim, go to the Textures tab, and drag the texture into the texture-picker panel. There are other ways as well, but that's a good one to know about for starters. Take a look at THIS KNOWLEDGE BASE ARTICLE for more information.
  24. You don't. LL does that, using their own mystical formula. All you do is be patient. :smileyhappy:
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