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Mischa Tchailenov

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  1. Thank you, I will definitely try that. Relaxing to know that it not something I completely messed up, merely a "thing" that happens. Thank you all for your help
  2. Yes I'm using the w-hat, should I use another one or perhaps even another system in order to ensure that the avatar is found? And by the way thank you soo much for all the help so far, I'm learning as I go!
  3. I'm working on an item that will send messages back and forth from one avatar to the other. It works fine while using avatars with "two names" ie Mischa Tchailenov but for an avatar with "one name" ie Sheronda I get this message upon touching the object TEST V2.0 - FP: Invalid Key passed to instant message. This only happens when the "owner"- Mischa touches the object and a message should be sent to -Sheronda-, I've included the last name "Resident" but still get this error message. I hope this makes sense as I'm not a seasoned scripter, rather just someone learning by reading and fudging around with things. :) Any help would be greatly appreciated in this. Please and Thank You **About the IE9 - Now you see why I need help scripting, can't even figure out the IE9 Compatability :) ** Yes I had much to say. Here is the portion of the script that is used to enter the name. if (inputName = "partner") { inputName = ""; partnerSet = TRUE; partnerName = message; req = llHTTPRequest( URL + "?terse=1&name=" + llEscapeURL(partnerName), [], "" ); llOwnerSay("Welcome to your partner "+ message); llListenRemove(listener); return; } } http_response(key id, integer status, list meta, string body) { // llOwnerSay(partnerName + "'s UUID is " + body ); partnerKey = (key)body; okey = partnerKey; // llOwnerSay("http key: " + (string)okey); } I hope this is what you all were talking about. Thank you for the help as well. My scripting "lingo" is probably a tad off and I apologize, I'm still learning.
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