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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. I like it, Immy. I'm not sure that it fits my application, but I like the approach.
  2. Oh, now that's the easiest solution yet. :smileywink:
  3. You can try using several. Take a look HERE, for example. Don't be surprised, though, if you simply can't find some people. Newbies are most likely to be among the missing, because it takes a while for them to interact with enough in-world systems that build the Name2Key databases.
  4. Yes, I understand. I agree that the principle is more important than the sum, so I wasn't trying to make light of that. I was only trying to inject some perspective and counsel a bit of patience. Marketplace may be an automated system, but the merchants who have their shops there are real people with lives outside SL. Many of them are not in world or even checking their e-mail every day. In my experience, most try to do everything they can to address customer concerns as soon as they hear about them.
  5. The quick answer is NO. Your username (the one you registered with and you use for login) is permanent. You CAN use a Display name in world, though. It's like using a nickname in RL. To see how, check the links I posted earlier in this thread.
  6. It's a bit early to panic about most of the sellers. It takes a while for people to see their e-mail, especially in the middle of a Sunday. Give them a few days, on the theory that they might even be out of town. Then send a gentle and polite reminder. Merchants are quite aware of the delivery problems that have been plaguing Marketplace recently, so most will be willing to redeliver things once you send them all the pertinent details, particularly if you bought items with copy perms. As for the one merchant who told you to file a support ticket ..... I guess that's what you'll have to do. LL can see whether the transfer actually went through. Don't expect speedy delivery, though. Being philosophical about it..... L$800 is still only about $3 US, so even if the item is never delivered, you're not out much more than the price of coffee and a donut.
  7. I agree. This is another good example of the benefits that come from having more than one viewer available. Phoenix often comes up with the next generation of bright ideas a little faster than LL does, but then LL is smart enough to build many of them into their viewers. Left on their own, I'm not sure that either viewer would progress quite as fast.
  8. Hehehe ... I was going to write "itty-bitty", but ..... well, I wasn't sure I knew how to spell it.
  9. Darkie Minotaur wrote: In that case I would opt for an obvious character like * to go in front of the /me Good plan.
  10. Void Singer wrote: input = llDumpList2String( llParseStringKeepNulls( input, ["/me "], [] ), "/me " ); I cheat.... view as html to see how ETA: a leading space is probably better, since mine will also print the literal string if copied from chat... but if you are just looking to supress /me from strings, it works a charm Oh, now that is tricky. I wouldn't have thought of the non-breaking white space. I'll have to remember that one, Void. In this case, even the leading blank space isn't ideal, because I can't be confident that my client will always remember to cut&paste the chat line my script produces without copying the space too. Still, given a choice between two potential user errors, I'd rather do that than have a line start without /me at all.
  11. Oh. D'uh. A blank. Why didn't I think of that? :smileytongue:
  12. This is silly. I want to read a line from a notecard and say it in llOwnerSay. The line might say something like /me says Hello, Avatar! If it does, I want the substring /me to print out too. This .... if (llGetSubString(words,0,0) == "/"){ llOwnerSay("/\/me " + words); } almost works, but I get an extra "/" in the message. If I try to get rid of the extra "/", then /me becomes active, which of course makes it disappear instead of printing out. I'm going nuts. How do I get rid of the extra "/"? :smileysurprised:
  13. If the objects are vehicles or other physical objects (like bullets, maybe), it's quite possible that that could have crossed into your land while they were moving and then got stalled. The normal frame rate for a sim is on the order of 40fps, so an object moving fast enough can easily travel across a sim boundary and be well inside the sim before the servers recognize that it is there. The same thing can happen in a microcosmic way if you fire a non-phantom physical projectile at a non-phantom target. If the projectile is moving fast enough (or the target is thin enough), it can go all the way through before the servers know that it's there. And. of course, it's not supposed to do that. :smileywink:
  14. Bee, your router is not IN your computer, so it's not one of those components that are typically updated automatically. It is the device that sits between your computer and your modem, potentially connecting two or more computers, printers, or wireless devices to the modem and then to the internet. The name and model number of the router are printed right on it.
  15. That's true, and it's somewhat dated for use now, too. Now that I can get free temporary uploads easily, I find it much easier to do my fitting directly on my own av in world. SLCP shows a lower-resolution image and it's more awkward to rotate and view than my own av.
  16. Clarissa Lowell wrote: Rolig Loon wrote: Or use Photoshop CS4 or CS5, both of which allow you to work on your design in 3D, so that you can paint directly on the avatar body. How do you export the avatar to Photoshop CS? Yes I have looked at the Robin Wood tutorials. It just says open the file I think. It's a great tutorial don't get me wrong. Yup, that's all you have to do. Open the obj file, just the same way you'd open any other file. Or are you asking where you get the avatar obj file? It's right on Robin's site, on the same page as the tutorial.
  17. Rolig Loon


    Rebaking (CTRL+Alt+R) sometimes works, but if your computer and SL's servers are having a hard time agreeing on what you should look like, sometimes it's necessary to rebuild your avatar from scratch. It's easy. Go to CTRL+Alt+Q (if you are on the V2 viewer) or CTRL+Alt+D (if you are on any other viewer), and select Character >> Character Test (Male/Female). That will reset your avatar to newbie factory settings. You will need to add your favorite shape, skin, and attachments to get back to looking normal again. I keep all of those things in an inventory folder that I call Emergency ME, so that I can just drop the entire folder on my avatar and recover in an instant after rebuilding.
  18. That's a mistake. It's pretty clear on the wiki: llListenRemove takes the callback number as its argument, not the channel.
  19. I spent my first two years in SL with a modified newbie look, experimenting occasionally with my shape and trying on different skins while I tried to decide what felt like ME. With the help of a friend, I finally hit on the right shape and homed in on a look that matched my personality in world. In the couple of years since then, I have built up a small collection of skins that all have the same general feel but express different moods and fit different situations. I use a couple of alts to help me test scripts and model clothing designs. Somehow, I feel more comfortable experimenting with their appearance than I do with my own now. After all, they're not ME.
  20. Do you mean that you can't teleport anywhere? If so, check your firewall settings. If your firewall is blocking outbound TCP port 12043, you may not be able to teleport or even walk across sim borders.
  21. Only the Estate owner or Estate manager can request a rollback. You need to submit a support ticket in order to request a rollback. Please explain: What has happened Why you need the rollback Which Region it is Precisely how far back in time you would need to go to repair the situation It helps if you provide the time in 24 hour format, and always Pacific Time rather than your local time If you have a Basic account and are an Estate Manager, you can still submit a ticket through the Support Portal. Choose the Special Questions - Basic account or Guest Login ticket type. Then, fill out the information. Any other support ticket submitted by the "guest/guest" login will be ignored. LL is not responsible for problems caused by Estate managers requesting rollbacks against the Estate owners' wishes. If they are trusted by you as Estate managers, we will trust them for rollback requests. Generally, rollbacks can not be processed for a time frame longer than 72 hours from the original event. Please be aware that LL cannot roll back indefinitely. The longer you wait before requesting the rollback, the more chance that LL will not be able to do this for you, so do make the request as soon as the problem occurs. For more information about rollbacks, see http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-private-Regions/ta-p/700115#Private_Region_auto-saves_and_restores_.28rollbacks.29
  22. No mistake. Most of the skins in LL's collection for newcomers to SL are PG-rated, so that people can't take off the underwear accidentally when they change outfits in public. As Angel says, all you need to do is find a different skin that doesn't have underwear built in. You can try the ones in your Library, but you may have the best luck shopping in world for free skins. Later, when you see what's available and feel that you can afford it, you can trade up to a more expensive, higher-quality skin.
  23. That one has been debated around and around for a long time. The best answer I have seen is one that Torley Linden posted last year, "Move Maximum bandwidth slider all the way to the right... yeah, crank that baby!" I have been doing that myself and have not had any bandwidth problems. As far as the stats bar goes...... You will sometimes see momentary spikes if your graphics card is having to download and render a lot of new textures, for example if you have just TP'd into a megamall with hundreds of vendor pics. Those shouldn't be much to worry about. Set your local cache size large enough to hold textures that you encounter on a daily basis, and those spike times should be infrequent. So long as you are in the green most of the time, don't fret.
  24. I don't know how significant it is, but there's a small trickle of L$ from the accounts of deceased (or otherwise departed) residents who have had group liabilities. I can think of several people who have died over the past 4 years that I have been in SL but whose accounts are still active. If they died with L$ in their accounts, they are probably paying out a few L$ every billing period to some of the groups that they belong to. :smileyindifferent:
  25. Cheyenne Palisades wrote: I would put light on only one prim. That's because avatars can see only about four point lights at a time ..... Six, actually. :smileywink: It's an OpenGL limitation. OpenGL will let your graphics card render up to 8 light sources. SL reserves one each for the Sun and the Mon, leaving 6 for us to play with. There's an arcane formula for determining which 6 are visible to you at any time. It depends on how far you are from the light source, and on how big and how bright the emitter is. So you can sometimes see a fairly distant but bright light source and not see a smaller, closer one that is much fainter.
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