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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Emerald's not likely to load. It doesn't exist. If you still have a copy from a year ago, when the company was banned from SL and then folded. delete it.
  2. Can you tell us which viewer you are using? If you are using a text-only viewer like Radegast you will never be able to see your avatar (or anything else). You should have downloaded Linden Lab's official viewer from http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/?lang=en-US or one of the approved Third Party Viewers from http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory. Any of them should let you see your avatar, assuming that your computer meets SL's minimum performance standards >> https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php?lang=en-US ======= Are you using Internet Explorer 8 or 9 as your browser? If so, you need to set Compatibility mode for this web site. While you have this website open, click the Compatibility View button that is located directly to the right side of the address bar next to the Refresh button. It looks sort of like a torn piece of paper. Once you do that, IE 8 or IE9 will let you post things here with no problem.
  3. I assume that you are working in a public sandbox. Otherwise, there'd be no reason to collect things together when you leave (log out?). You really have two choices. You can link everything together, if the pieces are close enough together and if there aren't too many of them, or you can select them as unlinked pieces and save the entire mass as a coalesced object. there are minor tricks and variations on both options, and you can get some handy tools (like Rez Foo or Builder's Buddy) to help. BTW, you don't need to unlink anything when you want to change a texture. Just select the linkset with your Edit tool, click the Select Texture button, and click on the face that you want to retexture. Any change you make will only be applied to that face.
  4. You can't, unless they have sent you an IM in world and you have your IMs forwarded to e-mail. If that's the case, you can reply from your e-mail, so long as you do it within 24 hours.
  5. Rolig Loon

    login fail

    There are many reasons why you might get that message. It could be a simple matter of needing to reboot your modem and router. Unplug them both and go out for coffee. Plug them back in later and see if the problem has gone away. A more seriouys possibility...... You may have been suspended or banned. If so, you should have received an e-mail explaining why. Your account may also have been put on hold by mistake, or for an administrative reason -- maybe someone else has been using your account for phishing or other unauthorized purposes. In any case, the only poeple who can take your account off hold again are at Linden Lab. Read http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Why_is_my_account_on_hold%3F for more details and to find out what you can do next. ETA: Or yes, as Angel suggests, it could be the Mac problem. Are you on a Mac?
  6. My memory's quirky, so I always do. User names are constant. I can't count on recognizing the same person later if I've only seen a Display Name.
  7. Except Peewee and the rest of the gang here in the playhouse. Cool idea.
  8. Wow! I forgot all about First Look. That was ages ago.
  9. I'm not sure what you mean by the "fist look" viewer. Maybe 1.23? In any case, it sounds like your computer or its graphics card are below SL's minimum standards. Double check at https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php?lang=en-US.
  10. Double check first at https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php?lang=en-US to be sure that your laptop meets SL's minimum standards. If it does, try rebooting both your router and your modem by unplugging them for several minutes and then plugging them back in. If you have been using a wireless connection, try a direct cable instead. The behavior you are describing sounds like a bad Internet connection, so those steps may help.
  11. Void Singer wrote: you can pick up multiple items together by selecting them all and using the "take" right click option. I don't recommend exceeding 256 prims this way, and be very careful when re-rezzing them, especially near property/region borders. also in general I recommend taking a copy of all copyable items, just in case Unless your building is really complex or contains a lot of fiddly little parts, I usually do as Void is suggesting. Just go into Edit mode (CTRL + 3) and drag a selection rectangle around the entire building. While everything is highlighted, walk through and locate anything that is not selected for some reason, and add it to the selection (Shift +click). When everything is selected, click "Take." The whole thing goes to your inventory as a coalesced object. Do a second check to be sure that you haven't left anything behind. When you get to the new home, open Edit first, then rez the coalesced object. It will all be selected, so you can reposition the entire mass while Edit is still open.
  12. What other programs do you have running while you are in SL? If I am in world and my Anti-virus decides to do a scan of the hard drive, or if Microsoft decides to push a download, my frame rate drops way down. If you have e-mail running in the background or have added other software that is polling the Internatet regularly, those will slow things down too. Also, are you using wireless? If so, try a direct cable connection. You can lose a lot of bandwidth to interference on wifi, even if it's a private network. Everything from cell phones to garage door openers can conflict with wifi.
  13. Your graphics card is probably working overtime trying to keep up with changes as you move around. If your frame rate is really low, every step you take is like walking in quicksand. You can try to improve things by reducing your draw distance to something like 64m or less, for a start. In Preferences >> Graphics, set your quality to a lower setting too. Those things are band-aids, of course. The real cure is to upgrade to a more powerful graphics card. I'm assuming, of course, that you are moving slowly everywhere, not just in a few sims. If the problem is limited to a few sims where it's really crowded, then it's nothing ou can do much about. SL's servers can't handle huge crowds of avs all at once, so everyone slows down.
  14. Yeah, so would I. I didn't feel like complicating things at the time, though, and I am a bit leery of inviting a newbie scripter to try experimenting with self-replicators. :=P
  15. The easiest way to do it would be to use a cylindrical prim and just change the hole size from 0 to 95 when you want to open it as an aperature. If you do it with a script, all you'll need to do is use llSetPrimitiveParams on PRIM_TYPE_CYLINDER. Take a look at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetLinkPrimitiveParams to see how the parameters are defined.
  16. Take a good look at the script that Innula mentioned. As written, it TP's you to a camera position, but that's not the important part of the script. I think you could modify it to work as a sit TP and feed the position of the target directly to his jumpto function instead of feeding it a camera position. Normally, we think of position vectors within a single sim, but you can target a position on the other side of a sim border too. If a position is 50m north of your sim's border, for example, its Y coordinate is 256.0 + 50.0 = 306.0 . If it's 100m west of the sim's border, its X coordinate is -100.0. So a target coordinate of <310.0,35.0,22.0> should land you correctly at <54.0,35.0,22.0> in the next sim.
  17. That's unfortunate, because a telehub negates your easy options. Estate owners and managers or owners of a group to whom land is deeded can always TP freely, circumventing any telehubs or preset landing points, but nobody else can.
  18. I can offer a diagnostic suggestion, perhaps. If you aren't already using Debug Permissions, turn it on now. Take a look HERE to see how to do it and what it has to offer. I have been turned inside out many times trying to track down a permissions issue and have found Debug Permissions a very helpful tool.
  19. Well, the example I posted will put you in the middle of the island, because that's where <128,128,22> is. If you change those to your real target coordinates, it should work, unless your target sim has a telehub that forces incoming TPs to a preset spot. The SLURL option will do the same thing. default{ touch_start(integer num) { string target_spot = "http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/NewSimName/128/128/22"; llSay(0, "Click this link in your Chat History window to teleport >>> " + target_spot); }}
  20. I sell a HUD on Marketplace that has a TP to Cam position script that works with llMapDestination too. Works like a dream. Thanks for mentioning Ezian's script, Innula. I tried doing the same thing as an attachment with WarpPos/PosJump and had very squirrely results. I ought to give his a try to see if it's more reliable. Crossing a sim boundary with a pseudo-teleport can be bumpy.
  21. Using a distant sit target is often a tricky proposition. I can get tossed all over the place when I use this method to simply go from place to place in a single building. Crossing a sim boundary and having to deal with the Mono bug, among other things, is likely to be problematic. If you want a smooth TP that is almost 100% reliable, use llMapDestination instead. default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { vector target = <128,128,22>; //Where I'm going llMapDestination("NewSimNameHere",target,ZERO_VECTOR); }} You could also have your script echo a SLURL in chat. That's another very reliable mehod which, like llMapDestination, is a two-click teleport.
  22. Wait it out. That happens sometimes. I was having a heck of a time last night getting rid of prims. Sometimes you can force a dead prim to disappear by walking into it or trying to edit it, but sometimes you simply have to wait until the server is ready to recognize that it doesn't exist any more. BTW, it's tempting to just derender the prim, but I'd recommend against doing that. Derendering will make it disappear on your own viewer, but nobody else's. Once you can't see it any more, there's no way for you to tell whether it ever really did vanish too.
  23. You ought to be about to use About Land to get everything you need. Go to each parcel, open About Land and look at the General page to see who is the owner. If it's group owned, click the Info button to open the group page and then scroll down the list of group members to see who the owners are. You or any member of the group ought to be able to see what you want to know.
  24. Hey, Fern! (/me waves) In addition to the server problems that seem to be bothering everyone this morning, it looks like you are running the 1.23 viewer on an old laptop. It appears to meet SL's minimum standards, but may be having a hard time keeping up. You might check to be sure that the drivers for the graphics card are up to date. Also, if you have been using it with a wifi connection, try switching to a direct cable to cut down on interference and possible bandwidth loss. Finally, consider using a different viewer (V2 or one of the approved TPVs) to see if you get better performance. An increasing number of SL's newer features are unavailable to residents who are still on 1.23.
  25. Redzone's creator was banned from SL and Redzone should no longer exist, so there shouldn't be anything to worry about. The Phoenix viewer opens a little dialog box if you have your parcel media turned on and enter a new parcel where streaming media is active. I assume that most of the other viewers do too now. You have the option to Accept or Deny the media stream, or to permanently blacklist or whitelist it. That window is a response to residents' concerns about IP snoopers. If Redzone or anything else tries to determine your IP address by seeing where the stream is being sent, that should stop it.
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