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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. You have probably already lost it. Chat is held in the servers as long as you are logged in. For the future, you can set Preferences >> Chat to save chat logs on your hard drive the same way that you can save IM logs. You can also set your timeout window in Preferences >> General (I think) to "Never go AFK", so that you don't log out as you just did.
  2. Linden Lab does not offer corporate accounts at this time. However, they do provide attractive options for corporations that want to do business in SL. I suggest reading the general guidelines at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Managing_business_projects_in_Second_Life and the more specific overview of the Solution Provider Program at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Solution_Provider_Program . The Second Life Solution Provider program helps enterprises, educational institutions, government organizations, nonprofits, and individuals connect with the global community of companies and individuals skilled at developing projects and experiences in Second Life. The program includes more than 300 organizations from around the world, offering a wide variety of products and services. There are many gold solution providers—listed in the comprehensive Solution Provider Directory. For more information about the Gold Program, or to receive an application, please email us directly.
  3. I'm not quite clear about what you are asking. If you are on the ground and want to move a skybox from the ground, where you rezzed it, to some elevation in the sky, open your Build/Edit tool (CTRL+3) the select the entire structure. Then go to the Object tab in the Build/Edit tool, and type in its Z position (not its Z size!) to the elevation you want. Hit Enter. Your structure should vanish from ground level and appear at the correct elevation. That is one good way to be sure that your skybox will be entirely inside your own parcel's boundary when it is in the sky. (If it was inside the boundary on the ground and all you did was lift it, it will still be.) It's a little harder to guarantee that if you actually rez or build the skybox in the sky, however. The best way is to create markers on the ground at the corners of your parcel and lift them to your target elevation first. You can also find scripted tools that make the job a little easier.
  4. Unless you plan on writing your own script -- not actually all that hard, but if you're not a scripter ...... -- just buy one of the systems that are designed for doing it. One popular system is Thinc Book . Another is Intellibook . I'm sure that there are others as well. Try searching in Marketplace.
  5. Nope. That's a special (and very handy) feature of Firestorm and Phoenix.
  6. All you need is talent and practice. You have the basic tools you need for building and scripting, built into your viewer. To learn how to use them, visit the Ivory Tower of Prims and the College of Scripting, Music & Science in world or consider taking free classes at someplace like Builder's Brewery or NCI. Texturing is a bit more challenging, because you need to do most of the heavy lifting outside of SL, using a graphic design program like Photoshop or GIMP, and then upload your work to apply it. You'll find a variety of tutorials at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Creation_Portal.
  7. So you finished all the easy stuff and all you have left is the most difficult part? Creating clothing in SL is all about textures. The bottom line is that you need to practice a lot with Photoshop or GIMP or you favorite graphic design program until you are comfortable with handling layers and channels, and have a good feel for its basic tools. Shading is perhaps the most challenging part of creating a good-looking texture, so it will take the most practice. There's really no subsitutute, even if you have a lot of native talent. You will find some excellent tutorials listed at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials. Personally, I still like Natalia Zelmanov's tutorials. They are a bit dated by now, but are well illustrated and at just the right level for a new designer. I also recommend going to your local bookstore to browse through manuals that show how to get the most out of your graphic design program. There are loads of choices, so look for one that fits your own learning style.
  8. You can't. If you are being stalked, follow the advice here >>> https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Stalkers . In particular, ... "Once you have filed all the ARs MUTE the offender and all its alts that you are aware of and instruct your friends to do the same. Very important. If you do not you will only be adding to the problem. Stalkers can only be fueled by what is given to them so don't give them anything to use. Be sure to ban the offender from all land you own. If the offender follows you around in places you have no control over -- AR and teleport away. Do not attempt to say anything or acknowledge a stalker -- that only fuels them. They are opportunists so don't give them an opportunity. Just AR and leave."
  9. To get a message to Sherman Radikal, either send him your notecard in world or send him a message at https://my.secondlife.com/Sherman.Radikal. As for your Marketplace problem, I suggest trying a different browser.
  10. Cinn's right. This is just like RL in that one regard. If you witness something that you think is a violation of our TOS or Community Standards, tell the authorities. It's not our call as residents to decide whether there is a violation or what to do about it.
  11. There are several alternate viewers offered by Linden Lab, but the ones that most people mean when they mention alternatives to the current V3 viewer are all Third Party Viewers. Because the code for SL's viewer is open source, several independent development teams have created excellent alternatives to LL's own viewer. Each has its own special set of features and is popular with a different set of residents in SL. You'll hear some good partisan debate about which viewer is "best", but I'd recommend trying viewers that are at one of the two links I provided in this response, to make up your own mind. Once you decide, it's probably not a good idea to switch back and forth among them often, because that increases the possibility of scrambling some of your settings.
  12. Hmmm... we are all parts of the same one-component system (just us electrons here). So you hypothesize that as LL feels less pressure (but feels more heat) to increase land mass, it will be at the expense of avatars? Could be.
  13. As Lucinda says, if you are working with a physical object, use llSetStatus(STATUS_ROTATE_X,FALSE) and then rotate by whatever method you were planning. If you are rotating a non-physical object, then use llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_ROTATION, llEuler2Rot(<0.0, y, z>)*llGetRot()]) or llSetRot(llEuler2Rot(<0.0, y, z>)*llGetRot()) , where x and y are in radians.
  14. If you change the rotation where you are proposing to do it, you will end up in a different spot. The rotation in that line is correcting the target position for any rotation in your teleporter. What you want to do is change your orientation on the teleporter itself. To do that, change the sit target. You can do that easily in this case because the sit target is defined before anyone sits on the teleporter. So, instead of llSitTarget(target,ZERO_ROTATION), you want llSitTarget (target, new_rotation). The real trick is figuring out what that new_rotation should be. One way is to do it empirically. You only have four potential targets, so set up the device by visiting each location in turn, then figuring out how much you need to rotate in order to face (33,89,z). Another way is to calculate the rotation. I think this ought to work (untested, but it looks right) ... rotation new_rotation = llRotBetween( <1.0,0.0,0.0>, llVecNorm( <33.0,89.0,target.z> - target ) ); You may need to multiply that by llGetRot(), but I think not. I can't get in world to be sure.
  15. The best way is to follow the directions that came with it, probably in an accompanying notecard or in the merchant's shop. If you never received instructions, or can't find them, contact the merchant or creator and ask. No one else is likely to know. BTW, your message has a title but no text. If that's not what you meant to do, are you using Internet Explorer 9 as your browser? If so, you need to set Compatibility mode for this web site. While you have this website open, click the Compatibility View button that is located directly to the right side of the address bar next to the Refresh button. It looks sort of like a torn piece of paper. Once you do that, IE9 will let you post things here with no problem.
  16. That's an intriguing concept. Give it a shot.
  17. For starters, your master sound control (upper right corner of the screen) has sliders to control the sound volume for music, ambient sounds, user interface, and a mess of other things. Try adjusting them. Also, if you do not have voice enabled in Preferences >> Chat, you won't hear a thing. For other possibilities, read here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_voice
  18. I assume that "they" are "Marketplace." If so, the theoretical answer is that items are shipped and delivered at precisely the same instant. As soon as the item shows as "Delivered" in your Transaction History, it has been sent and, theoretically, delivered. However, there's no way to predict the randomness that messes up theory. Items that are sold in Marketplace are not delivered by Marketplace, They are delivered from the merchant's Magic Box, a scripted prim somewhere on the merchant's land in SL. If the Magic Box's script jams, or the sim goes offline, or the merchant makes a mistake along the way, or if you make a mistake (order too many things at once, forget to come in world to receive your purchases, accidentally refuse delivery ...), Marketplace might think that an item was delivered .... but it wasn't. That's not the way the system is supposed to work, so there's no way to predict it.
  19. The same way you mute anyone. Right-click on yourself and choose Block. Select Communicate > NEARBY, right-click your own name and choose Block/Unblock. A small red icon appears next to the name. Click the Chat button at the bottom of the Viewer window to open the NEARBY CHAT window, mouse over the your own name, click the small "i" icon, then click the gear icon and choose Block.
  20. Nope. What "doesn't work?" Note that This function should not be called from group deeded objects. It will silently fail. This function silently fails for an avatar that has muted itself.
  21. If you find hair that is "almost" right, be sure that you will have copy and mod perms and then buy it. You can always move prims around to get the hair out of your eyes or make the ponytail stand up straighter. You don't have to wear it exactly the way it comes out of the box.
  22. You could write the relatively simple script for making a lucky chair and then apply your own texture to a self-made lucky chair, but it's much easier to just buy one. Go to Marketplace and type "lucky chair": in the search field.
  23. When you get JASS2, it includes the proper version of Blender as part of the package, along with Primstar and the correct version of Python. You might already have the right versions of one or more of those, but with JASS2, you can be sure that you do. The installation routine installs everything, so all you have to do is start working. You can get the free version of JASS2, which has all of that functionality, but I recommend the "Pro" version. It's not really very pricey and it it's necessary if you are planning on making oblong sculpts.
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