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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Almost certainly personal. If the problem has come on suddenly, the first suspect is your router. Try rebooting it. An intermittent Internet connection can lead to data loss when you are moving your avatar from one set of servers to another in SL. You migth also check to be sure that your ISP isn't doing something funny. Check here for a variety of other possible solutions >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Landmarks-teleporting-and-SLurls/ta-p/700123#Section_.1a .
  2. Use logic. You can test whether the object is attached at any place in your script. Since you want to test it when the script restarts, add it to your state_entry event as well. state_entry() { if (llGetAttached()) { llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); } } attach(key attached) { if(attached) { llRequestPermissions(attached,PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); } } run_time_permissions(integer permissions) { if (permissions & PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS) { llTakeControls(CONTROL_FWD,FALSE,TRUE); } }
  3. Second Life is surprisingly similar to RL in many ways. One of the most important ways is not very obvious until you live with it for a while. Both worlds require you to learn how to budget your resources. It would be lovely to be able to buy anything you like for your house in RL, but you have to stay within your dollar budget. Even if you are Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, you don't have an infinite amount of money to play with. In Second Life, money isn't usually the big budget issue, especially since you can make almost anything that you want out of thin air. Instead, you have to budget the things themselves. You don't have an infinite number of prims to play with. Those of us who have been in SL for many years are fond of saying that SL is not a game, and it isn't. Still, in this one important way, it is a game. Its goal it to help you learn how to economize, to get as close to creating the world you want to live in without running out of whatever you need to build it with. That's something worth learning in either world.
  4. At least for now, the Marketplace is not set up to allow merchants to sell one-of-a-kind items. If you own a single copy of something and cannot copy the item, you can't sell it on Marketplace with Direct Delivery yet. You can still do it if you have a Magic Box set up, which is one of the main reasons that Magic Boxes haven't been phased out yet.
  5. Thanks, George. All 3.x versions, all the way back to 3.0 (which was released in August 2011) are still available for download and installation at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes , so there's nothing mandatory about moving to a particular version within that range. True, you cannot download versions 2.x or 1.x any more, but there's little reason for going back that far. The BETA viewers do have mandatory upgrades occasionally because they are truly experimental and may contain design issues that could cause damage in world if not superceded. It may be one of those that Hitomi was talking about.
  6. First of all, I didn't do anything. Nobody here did. We are all SL residents like you. Lindens never come here, so you are wasting a pointless, somewhat childish rant. Second, and more important, no update is forced. (Well, not quite true. Two years ago Linden Lab had a forced upgrade to cure some security problems, but they haven't done it since then.) If you don't want your viewer upgraded automatically, just turn off Automatic Updates in Preferences. If you forgot to do that, and you want a previous version, just download and install the old version again >>> https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes . If you want Version 3.3.4, for example, look for the link on that page (it says https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/3.3.4 ) and click on it to see the download information.
  7. No, it's only upgraded automatically if you left the Automatic Updates option in Preferences at its default setting. Nothing is forced on you.
  8. The sim is on line. I just teleported there with no trouble, and there were 5 other people on the sim. You've been around in SL for a very long time, so I suspect that you have long since set your Preferences for access to adult sims. The only possibility that I can think of is that the sim owner has banned you.
  9. Eu non entendín súa pregunta moi ben. Se desexa cancelar a súa conta, Introduce o sitio web do Second Life co seu nome de usuario e contrasinal de Second Life. Ir á páxina Conta Cancelar. Prema no botón Cancelar Conta, na parte inferior da páxina.
  10. Rolig Loon


    Both problems were caused by the same thing: a crummy Internet connection. The good news is that you can probably recover from them fairly easily. The inventory that you see in your viewer is a cached copy of the inventory that is in SL's servers. If it's missing, it's probably because it was damaged somehow, so you'll need to force your viewer to create a new copy. Here's how >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear . The instructions are written for people who use the Firestorm viewer, but they will work for any viewer with some small, obvious changes. BTW, this is more than simply clearing your cahce by clicking the button in Preferences. This is more complete. Now, as to your "rookie" appearance... That also is probably the result of a lousy connection. Follow these instructions >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail. Just work your way down the list until you find something that works. Don't start with the harder things at the bottom. So.... the crummy connection. First, if you have been using wireless, DON'T. Wireless is a bad way to connect to SL. Then, try rebooting your router. Unplug it from the power for a few minutes. Then, read these suggestions for other ideas about wanys to diagnose and improve your Internet connection >>> http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ BTW, since you asked about sending a ticket ... you can do that at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ . Unless you are a Premium member, hoiwever, you won't be able to ask about technical issues. If you ARE a premium member, it's often faster to use Live Chat, or simply come back here and ask.
  11. If you live in Asia or Australia, you will probably have better luck with the following numbers instead of Google DNS: and Even those in other parts of the world might find this pair to work better.
  12. It is really hard to find, and it's not in the Knowledge Base. It's here >>> https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Direct_Delivery_and_Automatic_Notification_System
  13. Your house isn't on your iPad. It is in world, where you left it. If you can't find the e-mail that Linden Lab sent you when you registered for the house, you can find it by opening your dashboard st secondlife.com and navigating to Land Manager >>> My Mainland . You should see the location of your house listed there, so just TP to it. Ste the spot to Home (in your World menu) when you get there so you remember how to get back
  14. You'll get long ping times if there is a local problem with your router or your ISP, or if there is a slow node somewhere on the Internet between you and the servers. Here's one way to find out..... If you are on a computer using Windows, click Start >>> cmd (or Start >> Run if you are on XP) and then type tracert where you are prompted for input and hit Enter. If you are on a MAC, open Network Utilities, then select the Traceroute tab, or type traceroute in the terminal. Whichever way you do it, you should get a trace of the route that a signal takes between your computer and Linden Lab. (Actually, the IP address I gave you here is for my own sim in SL, but you can substitue the address for your own sim. Look for it in Help >> About Second Life. The times should be the same, regardless.) The times along the route should each be 100 msec or significantly less. Mine are mostly in the range of 40 msec or less. If there are much larger ones, or if the total ping time is more than 150 msec, you'll know where the problem is. It you have an intermittent problem, you may need to do the test many times. If the slow step is at the start (your own computer or ISP) you can focus your attention on your router or ask your ISP for help. If it's anywhere else, all you can do is wait and hope that the Internet is just having a bad day.
  15. Or go into Appearance mode and select Edit Shape. Then look in the upper right corner of the edit window. If it says Male, click Female. If it says Female, click Male. Presto! Instant gender change.
  16. Are you using Firestorm or Phoenix? If you find that your hair suddenly appears to be attached to a place other than your head, even after a relog, try this .... open Debug Settings, and type in: ProtectBridgeFolder; set to FALSE open the #Firestorm folder in your inventory, and in that, the #LSL Bridge folder detach the #Firestorm LSL Bridge, then delete it search your inventory for any other copies of the bridge and delete them all, including any links to bridges empty your trash relog re-enable ProtectBridgeFolder If you are on Firestorm Mesh Beta (3) or later, re-enable the bridge generate a new one bridge: use the top menu bar, go to Avatar → Avatar Health → Recreate LSL Bridge.
  17. Oh. THAT is certifiably weird. AFAIK, the only things that cannot be deleted from inventory are the objects in your Library folder, clear at the bottom of inventory. Those are permanent items, put there by Linden Lab. You should be able to delete anything else. The good news is that it doesn't make any difference. There isn't really any "object" in your inventory. Inventory is just like a Table of Contents that tells your viewer where to go looking for stuff in SL's servers. An object doesn't "exist" until you rez it in world. If you never rez the thing, it stays where it is, as nothing more than an entry in a table.
  18. Locate the item in your inventory, right click on it, and select Delete.
  19. There's essentially no chance of getting a refund. As the TOS states. "Linden Lab does not accept returns or provide refunds of products or services purchased from Linden Lab." However, you should be able to get an explanation for what's happened with your enhanced listings, and it wouldn;t hurt to try for a refund if you are sure that LL has made a mistake. If you're a Premium member, you could try contacting Live Chat about the technical side of it. You could also file a support ticket, using the category Marketplace >> General Marketplace Issues. If you have a non-technical issue related to billing concerns, you can call the Linden Lab billing team at the following toll-free numbers: US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  20. That is correct. Follow the directions in that message. Wait ... Is the question "How do I rez things in world?" Locate an item in your inventory, and use your mouse to drag/drop it from there to the ground (or any other surface) in world.
  21. Rolig Loon


    You don't, but you can certainly blog about SL and your experiences in world. Many people do. Look at Lindal Kidd's, for example, or Nalates Urriah's. All you have to do is find a blog system like www.blogger.com , create an account, and start writing.
  22. No, unfortunately, there is no way to prevent those counters from doing what they do. Ansariel is quite right that they are worthless at best, because they report numbers that are (1) unreliable and (2) only slightly relevant to sim performance. Those devices started to become popular a couple of years ago, before Linden Lab finally cured what used to be known as the Mono Bug. In those days, people who wore an excessive number of Mono-compiled scripts into a sim could quite literally stall its servers for several seconds. It was a major contributor to sim lag. Those days are well behind us now. The effect today is quite small compared to other, more serious problems like overuse of physical object and excessive numbers of high-resolution textures. Having said all of that, many landowners still use the detectors and believe that they do something useful. Because a landowner can eject you for any reason at all (or for no reason), there's no point in ignoring or complaining about a warning. If you really want to visit the sim, lower your script use. BTW, I rarely carry more than 13 scripts, for a grand total of about 300Kb of memory. It's not because I'm pious, but simply because I can't see any purpose in carrying unnecessary scripts around.
  23. Well, it was worth a shot. You do seem to be installing correctly too. People who don't do a clean install can inherit all sorts of problems. I'm momentarily as a loss to explain your eyebrow problem, unfortunately. BTW. 4.0 is excessive for your LOD setting. You're making your viewer work harde3r for only a negligible gain. Firestorm defaults to 3.2 when you install it, which is fine for most people.
  24. You cannot pay for any RL obligations, including your land fee payments, with L$. As you agreed when you accepted the TOS, "You acknowledge that Linden dollars are not real currency or any type of financial instrument and are not redeemable for any sum of money from Linden Lab at any time." So, you have to sell your L$ to other SL residents first. That's what the Lindex is for. See here for more information about selling L$ >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-and-selling-Linden-dollars/ta-p/700107#Section_.1 . Once you have sold your L$, the dollar amount that you get for the sale goes into your Dollar Balance. When you owe money to Linden Lab, they will take money from that balance first. If there isn't enough there, they will bill your recorded payment source (PayPal or your credit card) for the rest. You can always check your Dollar Balance at secondlife.com >> Account >> Account Summary. BTW, your caps key seems to be stuck. Get it fixed soon so that people don't think that you are being rude by SHOUTING.
  25. Don't be too surprised if you don't get into the Destination Guide, or don't even hear a thing Linden Lab gets a LOT of nominations. Selections for inclusion are at the sole discretion of Linden Lab. Criteria favoring selection: The venue is a high-quality implementation of the Second Life experience. The venue appeals broadly to the Second Life community, including new Residents. The venue is exceptional or unique. The venue is being promoted outside Second Life and is participating in the inSL logo program, if appropriate. The venue has a real and active community. The submission includes a compelling and visually interesting screenshot. The submitted description text accurately describes the location. Criteria weighing against selection: The venue or one like it has been included before. The venue has been warned for failure to comply with some aspect of the Terms of Service. The venue is currently violating the Terms of Service through use of bots, campers, illegal gambling, or mainland Adult content. The submitted screenshot contains promotion text over the main image. The submitted description text includes lists of keywords and/or incoherent or inaccurate text.
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