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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Yes. Check your spam filter. I have found that gmail sends about one SL message out of ten to my spam filter at random, for example.
  2. "It won't work"? Do you mean that you can't download the viewer, or that you can't log in to Second Life? 1. Have you checked to be sure that your laptop meets the recommended standards for Second Life? 2. Did you download the right version for your computer (PC, Mac, Linux)? 3. Are you behind a firewall, perhaps on a college campus? 4. Are you getting any error messages? Exactly what do they say? If you want to provide extra information or need to clarify your question, click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT. Please do not start a new thread. Doing that makes it hard for us to see what other people have already suggested, and it pushes other residents' questions off the page.
  3. You're dealing with a rendering problem that affects some people more than others, and seems to affect sculpties more than mesh and mesh more than regular prims. Usually you can force a non-rendered object to appear if you click (or right click) where the object ought to be. You can also often force recalcitrant objects to appear if you toggle in and out of wireframe mode (Shift + CTRL + R). For a more permanent solution, you may need to tweak a couple of Debug settings. See http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_vanishing_prims BTW, since you asked .... a simulator serves four regular sims. Learn more at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Server_architecture
  4. They might not need a sandbox, but you do. Either that or a friend with land. Here's how to open boxes (bags, too) >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185
  5. Search Marketplace, but don't get your hopes up. It's not going to be easy to find a baby for 40 cents worth of Lindens. If a miracle happens and you do find one, don't expect Great Quality. Forty cents doesn't buy much.
  6. Do you mean the green dot on the map or mini-map? I'm not sure, but I can offer a clue. The SW corner of a sim is the spot that the servers use as "home" or the "garbage collector". They use that spot, specifically <0.0,0.0,0.0>, as the origin of the sim's grid system and as the place where they drop things when they don't know what else to do with them. All sorts of traffic is routed through that spot. Think of it as the sim's "Square One." My guess is that if there's some ambiguity about where an av is, the map defaults to putting its green dot there. Frankly, I have never seen that happen myself, though, so it really is just a guess. I have no idea how you might "resolve" it.
  7. To quote Leonard Cohen,"There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." I suspect that the "holes" you are seeing are unintentional, however. You were probably sold an alpha clothing layer with the pants, but you have forgotten to wear it. That alpha layer will make your butt disappear so it doesn't show through. If not, then you'll have to do some creative editing of your shape, assuming that a Toodleedoo shape is modifiable.
  8. See http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail for everything you need to know. :smileywink:
  9. The sims are saved prior to restarts. There are over 8,000 servers supporting sim architecture alone, and they are backed up on a regular basis, several times a day. If you rez something after the most recent save but before the restart, however, your item will not be in the saved data image. That's why LL announces planned restarts several days in advance. They advise residents that although LL cannot predict precisely when a specific sim will be restarted, we need to be aware that restarts are imminent and to take reasonable precautions with no-copy items.
  10. I'm not quite clear what you are trying to do, but if it's just a matter of opening a box, here's how you do it >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185
  11. There are a couple of things going on. One is that Linden Lab runs several different virtual experiences besides Second Life. Visit http://lindenlab.com/ to see what they are managing now. You might argue that those are competition for SL, but they aren't competition for Linden Lab. The other thing that's changed recently is that this web site now has advertizing in its sidebar and header space. That's clearly a money-maker for LL, just the way that ads make money for Amazon.com. Google, and everyone else these days. I haven't seen ads for anything like SL, but there are certainly ads for RP games there. Competitiion? Maybe a little, but I suspect that it's nothing that worries Linden Lab. SL has a lot of great RP communities, and it offers players a different sort of creative platform for inventing their RP.
  12. Group-owned land facillitates collaboration between group members, making it easy to work together on builds and other projects. Group-owned land is held collectively by a group, not by any one group member. For the group to own land, its members must submit land contributions, donations that members make from their own personal land tier allowance. The group can own a total amount of land whose area equals 110% or less of the sum of all group contributions. Read more about group-owned land at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Group-owned-land/ta-p/700079
  13. Thanks for KarenMichelle Lane for this archived answer to an earlier question on this topic: Your PC has an invalid registry entry for the Media Player function. This can happen when you uninstall a previous media player from your PC or a automatic update fails for an existing media player. Take these steps: 1) Download and install QuickTime from www.quicktime.com. Allow it to become the default player for all it's normal mime & extension types.. 2) Perform a clean install of the SL Viewer following these instructions: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life... 3) Start SL and allow SLVoice to run thru your PC's firewall if prompted. 4) If prompted, also allow SLPlugin.exe to run thru your PC's firewall as well.
  14. The symptoms you are describing all suggest a DNS failure. Take a look at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/dns_fail , especially if you are using a Mac.
  15. I agree with Syo. There is no age verification, and anyone at any age can purchase L$, provided that they have an approved pyment method on file. I suspect that there's more to this than appears from your note, but I don't know what that might be. If you want to provide extra information or need to clarify your question, click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT. Please do not start a new thread. Doing that makes it hard for us to see what other people have already suggested, and it pushes other residents' questions off the page. BTW, Lindens never come to this resident-to-resident Answers service. We are all SL residents like you, so we have no special insights into LL policy and we certainly have no way to do anything about your account.
  16. If you wish to sell your land to a specific Resident, it is very important that you take advantage of the Sell the land to:setting, or your land may be purchased by someone else. Some Residents use scripted agents, or "landbots," which can detect land at below-market prices the moment it appears in search, teleport to the spot and buy the land faster than any human can. While landbots are legal in Second Life and provide a valuable service for Residents who wish to sell land quickly, you risk losing your land to the wrong buyer if you do not follow the steps below. Remember, all sales are final. In the event that your land is purchased by someone other than the Resident you intend, Linden Lab cannot reverse the sale for you. To sell land to a specific Resident: Right-click on the ground and select About Land. In the GENERAL tab of the About Land window, click the Sell Land button. The SELL LAND window opens. Under Set a price, enter the amount in L$ for which you wish to sell the land. Under Sell the land to, select Specific person. The CHOOSE RESIDENT window opens. Enter the name of the Resident and click Go. Select the Resident's name and click OK. Under Sell the objects with the land?, choose either to keep or sell the objects on the parcel. Click Set Land for Sale. The specified Resident can now purchase your land.
  17. When you finished editing your shape with the Hover sliders, don't forget to hit the SAVE button at the top of the Appearance window.
  18. If you're trying to recover inventory, it's usually wise to clear your cache manually, from outside SL instead of using the Clear Cache button in Preferences. As Steph suggests, there a lot of information to download when your viewer has to rebuild your cache, and a flaky Internet connection can easily mess it up (which is probably how your cache was damaged in the first place). So, first, get off wireless. That's a bad choice for most people in SL anyway, and it just increases your chances of a bad download. Use a direct LAN cable to connect to your router. Then follow these instructions >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear . They are written for Firestorm users, but they'll work for any viewer, with some very obvious small changes. The most important sentence in those instructions, IMO, is the one that says, "While inventory repopulates, do not teleport anywhere, and do not attempt to access anything in your inventory." Just be patient.
  19. Nope. Linden Lab will have to try and repair it. This is why they put that disclaimer in the reactivation instructions in the Knowledge Base : Warning: Even if your account is restored, the associated inventory, land, and Linden dollar balance may be unrecoverable.
  20. That is very definitely way cool. I'd love to have that capability.
  21. Rolig Loon


    You are not allowed to gamble in SL. If you run a gambling game, you can be suspended or banned. See https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Policy_Regarding_Wagering_in_Second_Life
  22. If Maddy's suggestion doesn't work, try installing and logging in with a different viewer. When you have accepted the TOS, you can use any viewer you like, including the one you started with.
  23. I think the flames may look very cartoony by themselves. I suggest adding a particle effect too. Take your flame texture, blur it a bit, and make it into a particle texture that fades to transparent at the edges. Set that off in a fast-moving burst with a short lifetime at the same time as you run your animated texture. The two effects together ought to be spectacular.
  24. Mi dispiace dirvi che non vi è alcun indirizzo e-mail che è possibile utilizzare per parlare con Linden Lab. L'unica opzione è quella di utilizzare il numero di telefono per chiamare il loro ufficio di fatturazione. Lunga distanza (non gratuito, ma è possibile utilizzare Skype per comprimere un certo costo): + 01 703-286-6277. Purtroppo, lei ha ragione che i ragionieri in quell'ufficio parlano solo inglese, quindi probabilmente avrete bisogno di chiedere a un amico di tradurre per voi. Tigli mai a questo servizio di risposta. Ci sono tutti i residenti di SL come te, quindi non possiamo rispondere a domande sul tuo account.
  25. Ich gehe davon aus, dass Sie mit der Firestorm Viewer tun. Sie koennen Einstellungen >> Sound & Medien oeffnen . Klicken Sie auf die Schaltflaeche, die Verwalten Media Sites sagt. Das oeffnet ein Fenster, das alle URLs, die Sie zugelassen oder blockiert, auflistet. Verwenden Sie die Schaltflaechen in diesem Fenster zu ausgewaehlten URLs aus jeder Liste zu entfernen.
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