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Yhishara Cerise

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Everything posted by Yhishara Cerise

  1. I don't consider gachas a fad. Sure, some people don't play or like them but they are everywhere and they don't seem to be losing popularity. What has changed in regards to gachas is that creators and events are working out some of the problems people have with them. For instance, The Epiphany and their point system that you can redeem for exclusives not included in the set but designed to coordinate with the pieces, Gacha Garden and their Seed Of Inspiration prize for so many plays, and PocketGacha (and others) offering the opportunity to buy all the items in the gacha for a high price. I find gacha's fun so I like playing them. I do kind of wish though that a script would be created that would allow the extras we get to be turned in for store credit at the store that created the set. That way getting duplicates would be beneficial and wouldn't take up space in our inventories until we can give away or sell. (Rez item, pop up window comes up, option of "Apply Credit" and the pull price (or a percentage of the pull price) would be added to your store credit. )
  2. Try Stealthic or Sintiklia. They don't have that plastic-y wood look.
  3. I work as a model in Second Life. I went to Miss Virtual World Modeling Academy. Learned the ropes. Got in contact with other people that ran magazines (BOSL and SL FIerce) and am part of the BLVD modeling agency where I do castings for the BOSL fashion layouts. I have to limit my fashion show / pageant involvement because my schedule doesn't really allow for it (though I was Miss Virtual World Canada 2018). I used to work as a live model for Purplemoon Creations and Ghee. So I wouldn't say it is a scam. I have seen some that don't want to put the time in to submit castings or get involved with the people that can open the doors for them though. Can't blame the industry for people like that. Also the fashion industry has changed in that more bloggers than models are being asked to showcase the merchandise. But even that can be unreliable if people don't take the time to blog like they said they would.
  4. Since it is a topic also on the front page of general discussion: Security orbs that give you 10 seconds to leave. If I was fully rezzed in I would happily leave of my own accord but sometimes it takes more than 10 seconds to select a new location and hit teleport. People aren't going to these sims to annoy the people that live there, they more than likely have the landmark because it used to be a business and have no idea now that it's someone's private residence. I am not saying they can't help them along by notifying them - just give maybe 30 seconds instead.
  5. People may join or create them for many reasons, but in my opinion, it's just another way people have chosen to roleplay in Second Life.
  6. Some of the giant sized avatars were created by people that were involved in Second Life fashion shows. Some of the stages were pretty big and in order to have more stage presence they had to make their avatars taller than the average. Some just stuck with it off the runway.
  7. Lola's Tango mesh breasts. Deer antlers seemed to have been popular for a bit. The forest pieces from Skye Studios were on every sim for a time.
  8. You're absolutely right. No one knows exactly how you feel. So it is ironic then that I am going to say that you are not alone. You are just experiencing it for different reasons known only to you due to your own unique set of circumstances. If you truly have no one, and no one really cares about you, then it is actually liberating. You are then, at that point, free to do what you will with your life, as you have no one left to impress or gain the approval of. You can just be "you" doing the things you are interested in without having to live according to arbitrary life rules created by someone else. I think at the end of your life you will look back and say how interesting it all was compared to the person that had always followed the rules, fit in, and by doing so rendered themselves another faceless person that was just like everyone else.
  9. I agree. Just new on the grid and already seeking out the nude places lol When I was 10 days old I was still trying to figure out avatar appearance.
  10. Inventory management is tedious. Looking for things under search. Not the act itself but you get locations that no longer are there or are something completely different now than what they used to be because nothing is ever weeded out or updated if it changes ownership. This makes things hard to find for new (and old) players. Editing prims (from way back before mesh). Getting things to fit properly. But overall I would say finding a niche here is the most difficult. It's fine if you have some creative ability or talent that you can market. If you don't though it's hard to find things to really do here. It makes it boring, and then SL just becomes a chat room or just limited to shopping (if you have the Lindens).
  11. Thank you for explaining. That is how I initially read it that you were talking about it's use.
  12. I like this idea of having a menu of perks you can choose from to customize your subscription model, that way you can build it to suit your needs / wants in Second Life. For that Linden Lab would only need to think of things people do in Second Life and create the list based on those.
  13. Agreed. For something as prevalent as mesh is they can't "gate' it from anyone no matter what subscription model they are under.
  14. Ever seen the movie Stephanie? Some children swear and quite enjoy it lol
  15. Do I want a Linden home? No. The prim count is way to low to make them worthwhile. Been there, done that, not worth doing again. I have an item that gets me in to events faster at the push of a button. (Whether or not my computer can handle it when I get in is another matter lol) I am not at my group limit now - I am about 10 or so away. I can buy Lindens. I think it's $10 for 2500L If I pay that amount for the subscription I get 1200 -but I get $2500 for just buying Lindens for the same amount of money. It's more worthwhile for me to go that route because I will use the Lindens more than I can use all the other premium perks. What is in the premium area that I can't find visiting resident created areas? I rarely ever need Linden Lab support and if I ever did, I might subscribe and get my issue fixed then immediately unsubscribe. Not really what they are wanting I'm thinking. There are several houseboat creators in SL I'm sure. With the right plot of land you can recreate pretty much that exact scene. I am sorry, I am really not meaning to be argumentative but I am just saying why many people (myself included) may not find premium worth getting.
  16. The limitations I suggested wouldn't affect anyone that is a premium subscriber. Those limitations would actually be removed for you because you are paying Linden Lab a membership fee. It would not take away anything from residents like you. The limitations would, however, affect me because right now I am not paying a membership fee. If I wanted those limits removed I would have to do as you did - and start paying a fee - which means - more money for Linden Lab because they would gain more money through membership. For me, I could still get around the limits. Instead of visiting events in one day - I would have to visit them over several days. I could still buy as many Lindens as I want just not all at one time like I can now. If they hit me up with those limits - I don't think it would stop me from doing the things I am doing now - I would just be inconvenienced. I would have to pay to have those inconveniences removed. I am using the examples of online games such as Everquest 2 and Lord of the Rings Online as an example because that is exactly how they did it. And if I had to - I would just pay the money. But that is also my point - there is no incentive now. I think that those paying should have more benefits than someone not paying - but right now there is no incentive for people like me because I can do everything you can do. And residents like you are footing the bill. How is that fair?
  17. I think that regardless of what Linden Lab does or does NOT do we will always have those people that throw a fit and walk away. The topic of this thread was to ask what we would suggest to increase revenue for Linden Labs. Right now I am not paying Linden Labs a subscription fee. I looked at it and thought about what would make me subscribe. I can't and won't speak for anyone else so I wrote in what would have that result for ME. In other words - I am NOT part of the group you are talking about that would turn tail and run away because Linden Lab decided to charge fees for perks I have in world. As I said before, I have all the perks right now but without paying a thing extra to Linden Labs even though they keep the Second Life world running. Though I suppose I am also not one of the people that the original poster was directing the question to because I am NOT complaining about Linden Lab apart from thinking the fees to set up a homestead are far too high. That's pretty much it for my complaints lol.
  18. game1 /ɡām/ noun noun: game; plural noun: games 1. a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck. Second Life is a game - it is a form of play (because I enjoy myself when logged in and it is a form of relaxation for me just like any other form of game) we do have to play by the rules that Linden LAB set up, it is decided by skill in that people are using their creative SKILLS to be creative in many aspects of Second Life (building, styling, photography, music, entertaining, sim building etc). It is also competitive because if your abilities are not good enough you will not stay in business for very long - regardless of how you are making money.
  19. I was speaking as what would affect my gameplay enough to make me subscribe. Unlike most free to play games Second Life never had any limitations on those NOT subscribing as other online games do. I can do everything a paid account can do without the obligation of a monthly fee. So why would I bother? That actually isn't right - there SHOULD be limitations. Let me use Lord of the Rings Online as an example. I don't pay any monthly fees for that game now. But way, WAY back when it first launched I paid $200 to become a lifetime member. They made their money and I paid for the privileges and perks I have in that game today. Implement those things I listed above for Second Life and it would either make me modify my game play or begin paying a subscription (and I probably would pay). For some people though - the limitations that would make me subscribe wouldn't affect them at all. You are right. Linden Labs gets their money either way regardless of who owns a region. So let me explain this scenario I find myself facing at this moment. I have always wanted a private island. In order to buy it from Linden Labs I have to pay huge start up fees. As that is a deterrent for me I can't/won't pay Linden Labs to do that. That leaves the option of renting it from another player. There are a few companies out there that would let me do that and all without a subscription. So no problem. They have a renter and I have my island. But limit me on how much land I can rent without a subscription - then I have a choice to make. I can pay the $12.00 a month to be able to rent that huge parcel of land (meaning extra revenue for Linden Labs) IN ADDITION to them receiving tier from the actual owner of the parcel OR I can make do on a smaller parcel but without having to pay anything except tier but that means not having as much land as I want to have. Considering how much it already costs rent wise - an extra $12.00 is NOT going to make much difference. As it's a penalty / limitation I am willing to accept I can safely say I would stay in Second Life if they did impose those kinds of things. (And part of me thinks that Linden Labs have given many of us a free ride without that initial membership cost that LOTRO did that it is about time that they started charging us for things. I know that is an unpopular opinion as well.)
  20. Sometimes one good scream - maybe two - is enough to let it all out
  21. *blinks eyes and raises eyebrows* I didn't know Tinies were even still a thing in SL. Every time I looked for them I found next to nothing related to them and what I did find was very outdated. Nice to know they are still around. *************** As for menswear, I agree, there is a sad lack of male related items in SL and even the "men only" events seem to have a few female items thrown in.
  22. I am not overly affected by anything that Linden Labs does or any recent changes they have made. Since the question was "how would we balance the spreadsheet?" and also increase revenue I have given it some thought as a non-Premium member. I asked myself "What would get me to subscribe?" Right now there is no incentive for me to do so. The present stipend is a joke as you really can't do much in SL with only 1200L. I don't need a premium membership to buy land. The Linden Homes do not have enough prims or space. I am not at my group limit now and many of the groups I am a part of I could leave to be under the new limits with no real hardship. I don't usually do anything because there is a free gift involved and gifts are only good if you like them (which is hit or miss for every single group I am a part of). Getting into events faster isn't really a big deal because there are resident created gadgets to help with that. I very rarely need any customer support and when I do it has always been available even if I don't subscribe. So the answer for me was (and some will hate it I'm sure) that there has to be imposed limitations. Limit how much land I can own without a premium membership. (Limit 8192 maybe - still a good size property to do most things.) Limit how many Lindens I can buy in a 24 hour period. (Can still buy them but not all at once). Limit how many Lindens I can spend in a 24 hour period (Considering I am a gacha junkie this would be a hard one) Limit inventory size. (My avatar is almost 10 years old and I am a packrat. So far I haven't had many performance issues but I am sure there is a ton I could get rid of or box up if I had to). Override the chat rules for groups so that they are read only for non premium members. (Can still get the news but can't talk about them.) To just name a few things. The penalties aren't really massive to me, but they would definitely be an inconvenience. That's not a bad thing if a subscription could solve them or at least mitigate them. Land usage and inventory uses resources that I am not directly paying for. Though I do love to shop, and still would even with limitations, I would have to spread out over a few days instead of taking a single day to visit events and I would have to work harder at keeping my inventory in order. While it would be annoying not to be able to respond to people in groups there are some that are already "read only". I like the ideas people have shared about having various subscription plans available with different options and I think they could be good for giving people incentives to subscribe. Lets say they have a 5 tier subscription model. The perks could include upload fees being reduced or getting a certain amount for free based on what you pay per month, discounts or bonuses when buying Lindens, number of groups you could be a part of, increases to inventory size, reduced limitations on spending, and so on. You can pick and choose what perks you want based on your personal activities in Second Life. I also don't know what all people do in SL that Linden Labs could modify on their end to give a perk or limitation to. I also don't know what they themselves are limited in doing. Some things might be beyond them to do anything about especially considering they are 16 already. I do know that I am not averse to having a game company like Linden Labs make money on their product. I have to admit though that I don't like it when people say "Get rid of the non subscribers". Many non-Premium members like myself support Linden Labs indirectly by supporting businesses and renting property and sometimes we spend far more in a month than the monthly fee would cost us. We ARE contributing too.
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