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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. Yes, it is 10% now in fees? That is too much, when they are so popular and don't need the Marketplace. When they have a giveaway, they rent other locations. So people get the freebie, maybe not on the first day, but on the second or third day. I like the redeliver option on MP too... I think the Lelutka hud has a button for redelivery? Or am I wrong? ---------------------------- New people can get a lot of Genus stuff made with SL UV, and that is more than good enough. And the Genus Strong is many times better than Jamie, IMHO. I went back to Strong on only one alt, and that is because I have a skin made for Genus that I will use. That alt has so little EvoX, so it is easy to change. She is too new for the first freebie Lelutka, it would have suited her better than later gifts.
  2. I think Evo X map could have won that battle, even if 4K came out the same time. I admit I am not a creator, but that cross pattern and line down the face that 4K has, looks like a bad idea. Where Evo X has a much more clean look and appear to be easier to work with. If 4K came out when Genus was hot and popular, creators would have been forced to adapt to the UV, or else people would go and buy 4K skins elsewhere. I think it would be something like 50/50 or 60/40 between the UV's. As it is now, I don't think 4K will be a dangerous rival for Evo X. How popular they will be... it will be made some, but how much?
  3. I installed the new Firestorm, and the picture is still 4:3 in profiles. Not square. Why? I have version 6.6.14 (69596). It is the new one, right? EDIT to add: Half of my accounts has square profile pictures. I looked at all of them now. Strange. You should think it was all.
  4. Then it's not just me. I will see if I have time to write a notecard. But I am so busy now, and I hate to write notecards. I bet I'm not the only one looking for Genus gifts and cheap stuff. So she will surely hear about it. It was very considerate of her to include BOM layers packed in a box in the folder. Izzie's is good quality. But appliers has one benefit over tattoos, we can lower the opacity and make the lipstick sheer like lipgloss. So it would be cool to have a working applier.
  5. I'm working on an alt's new profile pic. What do you like? I read that Firestorm only display 1:1 format now... It means I have to do it over. 🤔 It is too close for me if I crop it to 1:1 now.... Edit to add: I can't stop looking at the hair part that looks like it cut in his cheekbone. It does not, it is the hair that's cut straight over. But I can't stop looking at it and think that it is clipping in his cheekbone.
  6. I agree that LL should update the content packs, maybe too little time or just an oversight. @Abnor Mole ?
  7. This seller has walls with Victorian doors too: Second Life Marketplace - [E] Victorian Verne Upstairs Wall Divider Add On I have a couple of her walls, and the doors look the same.
  8. An update on my makeup issues: I have applied another lipstick to my alt's head. Second Life Marketplace - OTTILIE - Strawberry Lip Balm - Genus Lipstick So I know the settings is right, I have not turned off the lips or set the opacity so low that they don't show up. Second Life Marketplace - Izzie's - Valentine's Make-Up Set (Valentine's Gift) This is the applier where the eyeshadow works, but not the lips. I don't care much, since the BOM layers are included. But it would be nice to know if the applier work for others. I do not care to send Izzie Button a notecard if it is some weirdness only for me. It's a freebie, but she should know if it is something wrong with it.
  9. Glitchy yes! It react so slow. I ran into another thing that I think is an issue. I shopped some cheap Genus makeup on the marketplace. I got a set of eyeshadows/cheeks/lips where the lipstick would not apply. I thought it was because the new head might be scripted differently, but then I tried other appliers for lipstick and they worked. The makeup is not from the last weeks, so it has to be made for the previous heads. Have any of you had problems applying makeup? It could be only slow responding and glitches too.
  10. The Genus HUD does not work for removing ears. I have checked that no other HUD is blocking it. The "Info, help and FAQ" goes to Flickr where I can't read without becoming a member and I will not do it and wait for a reply. Maybe I can get help here? Hide scalp does not work either. Edit: Well damn, I had not deleted the older Genus head, so I was trying to get the old HUD to work with the new head! 😅
  11. Her store is still up, so she has to pay tier to LL, or rent from another resident. It would be great to see a Pink Fuel release again. We can hope?
  12. Wow! Thank you so much! 😍 Edit: I went there and bought one skin for 99 L. That's not a bad price! The previous gacha skins is set out for a low price, I bought Somi bare skin.
  13. One of my alts trying the new free head. Framed in yellow is the old head. Look at the neck. This was the reason I tried to find a look that suited the alt with other heads. The skin is a Mudskin gacha from 2019. Mudskin does not participate in any sales, besides Black Friday, so buying a gacha skin from a reseller is the economical way of getting a Mudskin. I have not changed anything on the shape or eyebrow shape. My first impression was "The neck is better, but still not so good". But when I moved the camera and sun around, I think it is good, it is the light in the image (second on top) that caused it. The body is Maitreya.
  14. I was there today (or my alt was, same that) with the new group activated. 😉 The gift wall didn't give me the head, and the schedule says it is not updated until tomorrow. (I read the schedule after I was there, hehe)
  15. I have not the new head yet, the free one is updated tomorrow. Not surprising, that the ones who paid for their heads get them first. It is as it should be. I am grateful to get the update for free anyway. I did not see enough of a difference between the free head and the others, to buy one. I am looking forward to see how the neck looks, that was my major reason to put the Strong head away when Lelutka started to give out their free heads. But that the heads still have a hole when the ears is turned off, is a disappointment. I am going to use my old Mudskin with SL UV, that is not a problem, is it? Mudskin has made lovely new skins, all are for EvoX. Maybe they will make a new Genus skin. It was people in the Genus store, almost as many as in Lelutka when I go there. Some will use Genus because they prefer the shape. Can't creators say poppycock, and go on making SL UV skins for Genus? Why not save time and do so?
  16. What do you say now? Is it enough of a difference with the 4K skin? My alts that had Genus heads, switched to LeLutka because of the neck and eyes. Since that is fixed, they can go back. I used free LeLutka heads and bought skins in the weekend sales, so it is not like I wasted money on them. I get the updated Strong free head soon. If the 4K skins are not all that special, I think I use only SL UV.
  17. Maybe it was a mistake, to bring in as much textures and 4K, and think it will make the heads sound superior to LeLutka. We'll see. I did not know that the EvoX HD would be so popular and take over the market as it did. Perhaps it will be the same with 4K. It can be interesting times, a war between EvoX and Genus 4K. We, as customers, will benefit. It will be more sales and offers. I wonder if LeLutka will lower their price. Maybe LeLutka will put out a permanent freebie. So they fight the Strong head with their own freebie. I am sure the Genus Strong freebie is the only reason the brand has survived. People who took the freebie head would still buy some makeup, eyelashes and skins. Especially in sales. I see more Genus than Catwa when I shop in the weekends. And soon LaraX too. I think I will spend more money, pamper myself a bit.
  18. In Naria Panthar's video, she says something I am not sure I understand. She says the new skins are "4K" and I got the impression that skin creators must work with 4 parts. "They will need four parts". And put them together so they meet. She mention it from 40:00 and before that she toggles 4K on and off several times and say the difference is not that noticeable. You who got 4K skins, do you see a difference? It is a free group gift skin in the Genus store, I assume it is a 4K skin. I have to wait until my free heads is updated. Isn't that going to make more work for the creators? LeLutka EvoX is using one texture, and has only moved out the ears on a separate layer. But who knows what creators do, maybe we will see a ton of 4K skins and makeups as it went with LeLutka. There are very few hairbases included, only in dark brown? And as appliers, so it is alpha clashing. The hairbases should be on a tattoo layer too. Since BoM is what most are wearing these days. My alts does not have much makeups and skins for EvoX, so it is no big problem to go back to Genus for them.
  19. I have been looking for a replacement for Lel Lake for a while. I have been in their store and taking home demos. All faces after Lake has been too rounded and baby'ish. I know I can make the head longer, but the nose does not respond well. I want a bit longer nose like Lake has. I have a ton of EvoX makeup, and I can't use it on Genus. I have, however, been looking at the Genus Strong head that isn't free. It appear to have a longer nose and less baby look. Changing from LeLutka would be like earth shaking for me. I was Simone until Lake. I am still hoping that LeLutka makes a head I like. Why do I want to change from Lake, if I love it? When the eyes close, the eyelids are not so pretty and the nostrils/lower nose can't I get right. I took a quick glance at the male heads. They look very good, even if it is hard to tell without skins on, only the grey head. I might... might get one of those if it is a super sale.
  20. I can only speculate that they move staff around, they do not have personell enough to work on all fronts the same time. So important stuff happens, or people get ill, and other things has to wait. Just my guess.
  21. My alts were made when I had more time and money for SL. And they have all the free Lelutka heads, some have LOGO, some have Catwa... etc. But it is 2 looks I could not get "right" when I was tired of the bad neck fit and eyes for the Genus head. The Lelutka heads are a much better product, but... So I am eager to look at the updated Genus Strong heads. One alt with Mudskin, one with Revoul, on the old SL UV layer. It is the neck fit I am must curious about.
  22. BTW, is it a new UV on the heads? Different from SLUV?
  23. I know! ☺️ I am so tempted to go back to Genus on one alt. Or two... It was the free head, so I have to wait.
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