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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. valerie Inshan wrote: good bye for now my friends. I love you, take good care of the ones yoiu love. I love you dearly. I hope you won't be too far away, Val. Be gentle with yourself.
  2. Lia Abbot wrote: Darn emmett, you uncovered my ignorance. Now Val will never speak to me again. It's some kind of snack, I think. Nice try Lia. Don't believe her Emmett, she's a wiley one. The actual translation of her message is... "Je voudrais" = "Hey Voodooress" (a wordplay on "Valerie", suggesting Val's a witch) "Une royale avec fromage" = "My royalty stems from my age." I'd say this was a veiled insult, but a quick look at the picture shows it to be wearing an ascot and beret. And this is why Val will never speak to Lia again.
  3. Oooh, you're gonna have the seven sisters in your eyes!! What image manipulation tool are you using, Emmett?
  4. Lia Abbot wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Lia Abbot wrote: Hiya Hippie! Happy Monday? Isn't that an oxymoron? Oxymorons in virtual reality? Happy Monday, Kids!!!! In your case I sometimes wonder about the 'Oxy' bit Peroxymoron. I'm blonde!!!
  5. Lia Abbot wrote: Hiya Hippie! Happy Monday? Isn't that an oxymoron? Oxymorons in virtual reality? Happy Monday, Kids!!!!
  6. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: My RL so needs scripting There's no way in hell I'd script for unreliable hardware. How would we ever assign blame when nothing works as intended?
  7. valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Hippie! I will try to make it for the breakfast tomorrow after THIS: Val, if that's how the French "man" their polling places, I'm emigrating! But I see a donkey and elephant, and so suspect the red, white and blue might be a li'l closer to home. If ya'll don't see me at breakfast tomorrow, it's cuz I'm voting for something... anything! Happy Weekend, Kids!!!
  8. Dillon Levenque wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Sometimes I lie awake at night and ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.' - Charles M. Schulz Charles Schulz knew Snugs? Surely you see some resemblance to Lucy?
  9. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: What we need is more SL tunes :-) I think this should be LL's theme tune http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QokSZixYbI
  10. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: 5-4-1676 King Charles II of England cuts the ribbon on the just completed Royal Greenwich Observatory. As per Charles' instructions, the hilltop observatory offers its telescope (designed to be easily operated with one hand) an unobstructed view of the London skyline. Charles is often seen entering the observatory at dusk and exiting again just before dawn... smiling. Are you sure? While I wholeheartedly believe your normally impeccably-researched articles it seems highly unlikely that Charles II would stoop to 'solitary vices' given the number of mistresses he had. Or perhaps I have misconstrued and he was just happy to have got a night's sleep for a change. He was trying to avoid the plague?
  11. 5-4-1676 King Charles II of England cuts the ribbon on the just completed Royal Greenwich Observatory. As per Charles' instructions, the hilltop observatory offers its telescope (designed to be easily operated with one hand) an unobstructed view of the London skyline. Charles is often seen entering the observatory at dusk and exiting again just before dawn... smiling. 5-4-2013 Twelve years to the day after its unveiling, a bizarre mechanical failure in the Milwaukee Art Museum's Calatrava "Wing" causes the articulated roof to tear loose from the building and take flight. Four days later, the butterfly-like structure is found perched on the flower-like top of China's Shanghai building.
  12. Sometimes I lie awake at night and ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.' - Charles M. Schulz
  13. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: As I mused on LL's complete lack of interest in engaging with its customers I wondered if it was just us they wouldn't talk to, so I took a digital wander over to look at their press releases. (http://lindenlab.com/press/releases). What depressing stuff it is. I couldn't bring myself to go back further than 2009 but here's the summary: 2009 (good news in bold) 20th January: (working) OnStreet and XStreet XL bought-out, to be replaced by (not working) marketplace 27th January: LL spend money on 2 more executives (the faceless sort, as they should be) 21st April: Zindra debacle 30th April: The first and only 'annual' Linden prize 20th May: \o/ 15 Billion minutes of voice reached \o/ 27th May: Gold Solution Provider program - RL companies didn't want SL solutions, even if you paid LL to advertise you. 31st August: LL buy another executive - this time to kill profiles and make SL look like twit-face 22nd September: \o/ 1 Billion hours, 1 Billion US$ reached \o/ 11th November: SL Enterprise launched for business. Like (free) opensim but costs US$55,000. No known takers. 2010 19th January: Another executive (CFO) 31st March: (loved) viewer 1 replaced by (loathed) viewer 2 9th June: 30% of the company fired. 24th June: \o/ Kingdon fired at last \o/ 23rd December: Rodvik joined (I thought that was good news for a long time) 2011 - LL had absolutely nothing to say for themselves or about SL 2012 16th February: New toys are more interesting than SL 2013 CDC reveals that Second Life is actually a vaccine, deployed to stop the spread of virtual worlds. With innoculation rates (new user signups) now over 50,000/day, the infected population (concurrency) has dropped to just 26,000. The vaccine was first discovered by a team of researchers guided by Professor Philip Lactic of Tufts University. CDC spokesperson Dr. Viru Lence sets a target worldwide extermination date of 2020.
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: While sadly in real life we need to stay disguised while we are on Earth, we Martians do enjoy that in SL we can just be ourselves while we are protecting you from other aliens that want to take over your planet. Don't trust this one, lx42. He has a space modulator and he's not afraid to use it. It can be very kinky modulating at the lower settings. You should try it some time. Ooooh, so that's the Earth shattering Kaboom?
  15. Perrie Juran wrote: While sadly in real life we need to stay disguised while we are on Earth, we Martians do enjoy that in SL we can just be ourselves while we are protecting you from other aliens that want to take over your planet. Don't trust this one, lx42. He has a space modulator and he's not afraid to use it.
  16. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: ROB34466IIIa wrote: Yep .. when all else fails .. call on Ed Wood. He sure knew how to preserve the frightening legend of the vampire. *laugh* Don' t sweat it, emmet .. these oldbies just gamble you never seen Plan 9 from Outer Space before ... ^.^ I downloaded Plan 9 a while ago. It's public domain (I don't think anyone wants the copyright!) C'mon Peter, how can you fault a movie in which there is the line "future events such as these will affect you... in the future"?! And that big bald blubbery guy? Be still my beating heart!!!!
  17. emmettcullen93 wrote: 5-1-12 emmett cullen makes a new fan base. and actually to amazement maddy is the first membet to join. woot ;P Where's my tee-shirt?!
  18. 5-1-2013 Rupert Murdoch, deposed head of a once powerful media empire, is caught eavesdropping on patrons at the Olive Garden restaurant where he is employed as a waiter. 5-1-2014 Linden Lab announces "Linden Boxes". Given free to all residents as full-perm library objects, the large cardboard appliance boxes make the perfect home for the indigent. Marxists soon complain that, as everyone on the grid has one, they have been deprived of the joy of stealing from the overlords to gain the admiration of the indolent. 5-1-2045 The last surviving member of the aptly named band Limp Bizkit dies childless, like all the others.
  19. emmettcullen93 wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: emmettcullen93 wrote: innula ur hurting my feelings im telling edward u posted that. Ooooh, you're so mean, Innula. I like you! ;-) o thanx maddy You're so very welcome, Emmett!!! ;-)
  20. Lia Abbot wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Oh my! Looks like I am going to have to give google translator a workout! HEHE! Peace! Nah, Google translater is rubbish. It couldn't understand a word of what I writ. Google translator is in good company, then.
  21. Lexxi Gynoid wrote: Um. My post had paragraphs and all before I posted it. Welcome aboard, Lexxi! The forum software is designed to annoy you! Did you craft your post elsewhere, then past it into the forum? That usually produces a mess for me.
  22. Innula Zenovka wrote: emmettcullen93 wrote: innula ur hurting my feelings im telling edward u posted that. Ooooh, you're so mean, Innula. I like you! ;-)
  23. I'm sure I've posted this before in another tread, I'm sure I'll do it again someday...
  24. 4-30-1932 Dance queen Kathryn "Crazy Legs" Wilson, originator of the "Charleston", retires from Vaudeville just as the Lindy Hop gains popularity. When asked where she first conceived of the dance, Wilson replied "While waiting in line for the loo." 4-30-2013 Linden Labs announces "Linden Circus", a virtual carnival which disillusioned residents can run away to join. Specially created "Carnie" avatars come complete with five o'clock shadows (male and female) missing teeth, nicotine stained fingertips and shabby clothing. On it's first day of operation, Linden Circus enlists more than half of Second Life's population. 4-30-2032 String Theorists are temporarily vindicated when experimental physicists at CERN's recently completed Ginormous Hadron Collider smash together two proton streams at 42TEV, producing the recently theorized Edsel particle. The particle, which had been hyped as the be-all and end-all of particles, is immediately criticized by the still mostly male physics community as looking too much like a certain female naughty bit. 4-30-2041 The "Loo Theory" of dance is proposed by cultural anthropologists after adoption of updated public space building codes, which require extra restroom capacity for females, correlates strongly with a reduction in the number of new dance moves invented by women. 4-30-2059 Musicologist Louise "Crazy Legs" Pelou discovers the original transcript of "Skip to My Loo". Subsequent misspellings of the title and lyrics obscured the true meaning of the song for more than 200 years. 4-30-2060 Widespread recognition of "Loo Theory" is celebrated in Google's graphic of the day.
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