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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Happy Summer Soltice, Hippie!!! Val must be having a blast on vacation, she's gone quiet. Hi, Kids!!!
  2. 6-21-2012 Sopping wet Druids battle the rain and fog in tents to celebrate the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge, unaware that just miles away, drunken patrons at a Domino's Pizza in nearby Amesbury are plotting the largest domino toppling demonstration in history. 6-21-2012 An Oracle database error results in CEO Larry Ellison purchasing 98% of the Hawaiian island of Lanai rather than the $98 lanai set on sale at his local Home Depot.
  3. 6-20-2015 Three years after the near collapse of the European Union, leaders of the 27 member states finally ratify the adoption of an already existing currency which, unlike the Euro, is recognized, trusted and accepted around the world, and is tied to a tangable, and potentially durable asset. The new currency, "McDonald's Gift Certificates", is an immediate success.
  4. Lia Abbot wrote: Hiya Hippie! /me looks round Where is everybody? I'm up already. Geez you're an early bird. Hi, Kids!!!
  5. Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: From Hippie's post today... 1565 – Matsunaga Hisahide assassinates the 13th Ashikaga shogun, Ashikaga Yo**bleep**eru. And now my entry... 6-17-2012 Not content to let the dead rest in peace, Linden Lab assinates both the name of the late shogun Ashikaga Yo-shi-teru and the underlying URL to his Wikipedia entry. (Thank you bitly ;-) HAHA! They wacked that! OMG! Peace! I must admit that Yo**bleep**eru is fun to say. ;-)
  6. From Hippie's post today... 1565 – Matsunaga Hisahide assassinates the 13th Ashikaga shogun, Ashikaga Yo**bleep**eru. And now my entry... 6-17-2012 Not content to let the dead rest in peace, Linden Lab assinates both the name of the late shogun Ashikaga Yo-shi-teru and the underlying URL to his Wikipedia entry. (Thank you bitly ;-)
  7. 6-16-2012 Just hours after Nik Wallenda sailed past Canadian border guards, stating "inspiring people" as his profession, Walmart stores noted a spike in rope sales to illegal immigrants over the age of 30.
  8. Lia Abbot wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: valerie Inshan wrote: Godd morning and goobye folks! See you on July 1st! Love you all. Here's one of the most fantastic commercial of all times: Now you know how my ex-husband felt when I was listening to "Car Talk" on National Public Radio. Have a blast on holiday, Val! Okay Kids, she'll be gone for two weeks, let's see what mayhem we can create! Doncha just love those Tappet brothers? Darn! I'm not getting e-mails when you guys post. Any suggestions? I do. Did you hear they're retiring? Why on Earth would you want to be notified when I post? Get a life!!!! ;-) I've never played with the "Subscriptions and Bookmark" settings under "My Settings" at the top of the page, so I'm not sure exactly (or maybe even approximately) how they work. Have you checked "Automatically subscribe me to topics I participate in"?
  9. valerie Inshan wrote: Godd morning and goobye folks! See you on July 1st! Love you all. Here's one of the most fantastic commercial of all times: Now you know how my ex-husband felt when I was listening to "Car Talk" on National Public Radio. Have a blast on holiday, Val! Okay Kids, she'll be gone for two weeks, let's see what mayhem we can create!
  10. Valerie, enjoy your vacation, you've earned it! I hope you come back well rested and ready to get into trouble. And, as for the rest of you kids... Hi!!!!!
  11. 6-12-2012 One day after Al Queda released a video showing its dead second-in-command, Abu Yahya al-Libi, Elvis Presley released his cover of Fiona Apple's "Extraordinary Machine". Over the next few years, hundreds of YouTube videos would be released by formerly dead people. The "Zombie Video" craze would reach its zenith with with the Judy Garland/Kurt Cobain cover of "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off" in 2013 and its nadir with Richard Nixon's audio book "Oh, The Places You'll Go" by Dr. Seuss in 2015.
  12. Could you capture your specs with the viewer help thingy & post all that here? Would be real helpful.
  13. Lia Abbot wrote: Here's one you might try Maddy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diet_of_Worms
  14. valerie Inshan wrote: Yay, happy Friday to you all folks! Woot, less than a week before vacations! I've started a diet to fit in my bathing suit. Val, I think I could fit my diet into a bathing suit. It's my body that's the problem. Hi, Kids!!!
  15. Cali Souther wrote: Meanwhile, in Southern California .. you are considered the ultimate pollutant if you smoke a cigarrette.... I always say, there are plenty of things out there just waiting to kill you... (smoking cigs being only one of them). (waits for the flaming to follow) LOL This Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel headline/photo combo gave me a chuckle some years ago...
  16. Late again... 6-5-2012 Author Ray Bradbury jumps off his very last cliff. Sleeping people around the world report seeing Bradbury soaring through their dreams on sparkling homebuilt electric wings. 6-7-2019 Twitter shutters its doors, depriving Linden Labs of its only way to communicate with residents. 6-7-2023 Linden Labs is "shocked" to learn that Twitter has gone out of business.
  17. Eileen, what the hell are you doing in a hospital?! Get out quick!!! Until then, I wish you a speedy and full recovery. Oh, and wink at the staff. I've heard it helps.
  18. valerie Inshan wrote: Cali Souther wrote: awww the recent pics are so cute... sorry .. but I have to post this one for Maddy! Omg Cali! Can you imagine I am just having breakfast looking at THIS? Spooky!!! :smileysurprised:I love that li'l fella, Cali. Hugs to you and Val!!! And I can't tell you how much effort it took for me to log in to this damn busted place so I could say... Hi, Kids!!!
  19. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: I'm not finicky..........I like most all foods (vegetables especially) but, darn it, a noodle is a noodle. And a noodle should look like a noodle...not some weird colored cork screwy, soggy, limp green thing in my salad LOL. So you prolly wouldn't approve of pasta in autumn colors shaped like leaves? Or orange pumpkins and black spiders? Or green Xmas trees and red bells? Or pink and purple bunnies and eggs? There are countless ways to ruin pasta!
  20. When I want some color, I reach for the food coloring. There's nothing like red/white(okay pale beige)/blue pasta salad on the 4th of July! I do like red onion, red/green/orange/yellow peppers, eggplant strips for purple and mushrooms and chicken for white, all marinated in lime juice, olive oil, garlic and black/red pepper and then tossed on the grill. I cook till there's a few black grill marks on everything, then lay it all on wild rice or pasta.
  21. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: That actually sounds pretty good but I'd substitute the sour cream with mayonaise (yeah that heart attack stuff ). I'd also put some onions and celery in it for crunch. Now we're getting somewhere, Peggy. Griffin, what if we replace the tuna with chicken? No wait Peggy, you'd use mayo instead of sour cream, are you nuts?!
  22. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Whatever floats your boat. I wonder if he could make enough to float a boat. I certainly wouldn't rock it if I were in it. Welcome aboard, SirFatmanPonce.
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