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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hippie Bowman wrote: This is my opinion. Kids should be doing Kids things, and not be on SL. They should be outside playing, and socializing in RL! Just my opinion. Peace! I agree, SL is a place for adults to do kid's things! ;-)
  2. mikka Luik wrote: Agreed, and apologies for my flippant post..I was somewhat irked. Specifics would be appreciated. Mik Here are some statistics... http://dwellonit.taterunino.net/sl-statistical-charts/ New user signups are increasing, while concurrency continues to decrease. As I've said before here in the forums, one could read this as LL working hard to increase the number of people who will never visit SL again. ;-)
  3. Hi Warehouse, Tossing the app doesn't get rid of everything. If you have a corrupted setting or cache file, that might still cause problems. Someone else is having Mac problems too and I offered these suggestions... Good luck!
  4. Lia Abbot wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: I did not think girls farted! I thought they pooted! Oh well live and learn! HEHE! Peace! Val might, I don't. I was thinking of my ex! I simply lose a li'l pressure now and then. ;-) I didn't think this conversation could go any further downhill. I guess I forgot about Maddy... Watch out, Lia. We're headed your way!
  5. Hippie Bowman wrote: I did not think girls farted! I thought they pooted! Oh well live and learn! HEHE! Peace! Val might, I don't. I was thinking of my ex! I simply lose a li'l pressure now and then. ;-)
  6. valerie Inshan wrote: Thank you Maddy! Feeling much better now. /burps, farts then purrs. :heart: ... fondly remembers her wedding night.
  7. 7-13-2012 Ladder sales plummet, black cat adoptions slink lower, mirror shipments reflect downturn. 7-13-2015 Popsy Martinsdale, tired of thinking, stops for a moment and vanishes, never to be seen again. 7-13-2021 Jasper "Badboy" Turlington is injured by fast moving boulders while walking through the Valley of Death. Turlington misunderstood the numerous "Watch for Falling Rock" signs to mean he should be on the lookout for a lost American Indian, suggesting we should fear incompetence more than evil. 7-13-2985 Wendell Q. Meek III inherits the Earth, but is unable to use it, as his ex-wife, Miranda Bold inherits the reading glasses.
  8. valerie Inshan wrote: LOL Lia! Hugs you sweet pal! Winds up and pitches a cheeseburger at you. Open wide!!!
  9. Hippie Bowman wrote: valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning Hippie! Yay, it's Friday but.... it's the 13th!!! :matte-motes-evil: Hugs and love you all! Yikes! It is friday the 13th! Peace!
  10. 7-12-2013 One year after a review of Penn State's upper management reveals a willful ignorance of the activities of Jerry Sandusky and careless disregard for his victims, analysis of student test scores and grades reveals that Penn State hasn't actually graded student work for more than 26 years. The public is shocked to discover that grades are assigned by administrators who spend inordinate amounts of time in private, examining student ID photographs.
  11. valerie Inshan wrote: Relax, take a deep breath. As Scarlett said, tomorrow is another day. I don't doubt you will get fixed. :smileyhappy: Aurelia, be thankful you're not a cat! ;-)
  12. Hi Miller, When this has happened to me, it's been because some setting got corrupted. You might try deleting the viewer support files, which will be located in Library->Application Support->SecondLife (or whatever viewer you are using). If you are running Lion (Mac OS 10.7.x) you must hold down the Option key when accessing the Finder's "Go" menu to see "Library". You may wish to familiarize yourself with the contents of the viewer's support folder, in case there are things you wish to save, like chat logs. If you do wish to save things, drag the folder out to your desktop rather than into the trash. You can put back things bit by bit until you discover what (if anything) was hanging your viewer. You might also want to trash the viewer's cache folder, which will be found in Library->Caches->SecondLife Good luck!
  13. 7-11-2012 Yushu-Gilin Province, People's Republic of China, sues to block ex-sister city San Bernadino, CA's bid for bankruptcy, claiming San Bernadino never returned its friendship ring when it broke off their relationship and started hanging with Kigali Prefecture, Rwanda, way back in 2000. 7-11-2015 A careful reexamination of the history of Alexander the Great reveals that "Gordian Knot" was actually a euphemism for "bra strap", and that Alexander's famed cutting of the knot was actually the frustrated result of his inability to manipulate strap hooks with his beefy fingers.
  14. Lia Abbot wrote: Now you're making me feel old Val. Clarence was from a show in the 70s called Daktari, long since forgotten. Lia? You are old! Good morning, Kids!!!
  15. valerie Inshan wrote: Thanks Maddy! Hugs! MEOWWWW!!!
  16. valerie Inshan wrote: Mac OSX: Users/ Username/Library/Application Support/SecondLife/ Avatarname/chat.txt Where Username is your system account name and Avatarname is your Second Life username. Important: You may need to enable your file browser's ability to view hidden files to access your chat logs at their default location. And, starting with Lion (OS X 10.7) you must hold down the Option key while pulling down the Finder's "Go" menu to see the "Library" folder.
  17. 7-10-2012 BSD Medical Corp. (Nasdaq: BSDM) shares fall 10% as updates to autocorrect dictionaries redirect investors elsewhere. 7-10-2012 Shares of Alcoa Aluminum fall 3% after Tom Cruise's divorce reinvigorates criticism of the Church of Scientology, raising fears that foil hat sales will plummet. 7-10-2013 Lance Armstrong's credibility is impugned during his drug doping trial when he single handedly picks up the jury box and hurls it, along with twelve stunned jurors, through the courtroom window onto the lawn outside.
  18. bejjinks wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: bejjinks wrote: “Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. Because the Christians are so non-violent to other religions, right? I'm not making a blanket statement about all Christians. I'm saying that Martin Luther King Jr. and I are non-violent and we both happen to be Christians. I'm saying that maybe some Christians are violent but there are Christians who are not violent. And you can't make me be loving by hating me without cause. Trust me that it does not help me to stay kind when people track me down in Second Life and act violently toward me but I will stay non-violent like Martin Luther King Jr. You might not have made blanket statements about Christians, but you were at least tossing towels over others here... "I better not tell you I'm male because if I tell you that I'm male, it means that I hate women. Apparently I can't tell you anything about who I am or you will assume I'm trying to make you just like me. So fine, I'll go crawl under a rock and die because apparently, anyone who is different from you is oppressing you and preventing you from expressing yourself. So let's kill everyone who isn't exactly like you and then you can finally be accepted and no longer oppressed. Then maybe there will be peace on Earth." I'll guess this hyperbole was born of frustration, perhaps over the way you were treated by this SL person you mention. I can sympathize with that, I've experienced threats in SL as well and it's quite unpleasant. But to extrapolate that behavior to others isn't warranted. Give us time to exhibit bad behavior before convicting us!
  19. Thanks for breakfast, Val! I missed ya Lia, not much, but some ;-) I saw some Emmett activity in-world, so I know he's still alive. Happy Monday, Kids!!! ... pinches Hippie and runs.
  20. Charolotte Caxton wrote: She's not kidding, look what she's packed for lunch I'm swearing off orgies for a while. Look what happened after the last one...
  21. Charolotte Caxton wrote: bejjinks wrote: So let's kill everyone who isn't exactly like you and then you can finally be accepted and no longer oppressed. Then maybe there will be peace on Earth. Who let him in on your secret plan? Watch it C, or you'll be the first to go.
  22. bejjinks wrote: Okay, I've learned my lesson. I better not tell you I'm male because if I tell you that I'm male, it means that I hate women. Apparently I can't tell you anything about who I am or you will assume I'm trying to make you just like me. So fine, I'll go crawl under a rock and die because apparently, anyone who is different from you is oppressing you and preventing you from expressing yourself. So let's kill everyone who isn't exactly like you and then you can finally be accepted and no longer oppressed. Then maybe there will be peace on Earth. Bejjinks, I think you're getting a less than warm and welcoming response for several reasons. I've seen your kind of hyperbole before, it's difficult to take seriously. If your goal was to establish the rationality of your Christian perspective, fantasizing objectionable behavior onto us hardly seems the best method.
  23. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Griffin, this is only my opinion, but I think the upright baby on the far right may be oppressing the supine baby, perhaps for dissing the baby second from the right. Again, this is only my opinion... but mine's the only one that matters. ETA: Have you ever changed a diaper? I think babies are pure evil.
  24. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Oh, well. Never mind, then. I'm going to hell, anyway. Oh good... then you'll finally be able to make it to one of my parties... lol. ...Dres Heh. I've always said that the fun people and the best parties will be in hell. "Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company" - Mark Twain
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