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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hi MysticRivers, Rolig's answer isn't the one you wanted to hear, but it's correct. If it makes you feel any better, this is one of things I miss most in SL. I don't know of anything specifically designed for a petite/standard avatar pairing, but I did use a couples animator as Rolig described many years ago. It wasn't perfect, but it did put smiles on two people's faces. You might ask about couples animators out in the General Discussion forum, where people are allowed to give recommendations.
  2. LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: What I see here is dogmatism. I don't beliieve Leia imagines that every person roleplaying a child has sex on their mind. I don't believe she imagines... anything at all. That's what dogmatism is all about no? You draw the line and you don't think past it. I do that all the time, I just don't know when or where. Yes, she certainly is dogmatic. What that doesn't really tell us, however is why she is so. You "believe" that this is an unthinking attitude, and insofar as she seems to be emotionally, intellectually, or imaginatively incapable of grasping the possibility of a rationally valid alternative, you are right. But that doesn't imply that the origin of her dogmatism is unthinking. "Thinking" need not mean "correct" or "logical" after all. To some degree, though, this is leading us away from the constructive question at hand -- is there a rational reason for disliking non-sexual age play -- and towards the much murkier and less creditable territory of psychoanalyzing Leia. I've always thought of dogma in an unfavorable, unthinking light. I'm a skeptic, ya know. The more I think, the less dogmatic I become (I think ;-). So it makes sense that I'd equate Leia's dogmatism with unthinking here. That's how I understand it in myself. And I also believe I do a lot of thinking that just ain't correct or logical. For what it's worth, I think Leia's as normal as you or me, so I'll save the time and embarassment of pyschoanalyzing her by looking inward and keeping my mouth (mostly) shut. Why is she dogmatic? For the same reason I'm dogmatic. It feels good. Is there a rational reason for disliking non-sexual age play? This is a pretty soft subject. Where's the objective database from which to draw a rational conclusion? If you were raised to "act like an adult" and had no childhood role models like mine, "acting like a child" might generate disdain. Even if you had my childhood role models, the sexualization of children in the media (as Leia correctly alludes) could certainly be a influence. I'm pop culture deprived. It may be difficult to imagine non-sexual age play if the only examples of age play that make the news are sexual. My refusal to patently reject age-play might stem from a dogmatic view that almost everything is more complex and nuanced than it appears. I've been accused of being "wishy-washy" because I rarely draw hard lines, anywhere. I draw them when I have confidence I know where they belong. I think I might want to argue that all "roleplay" is a bit like this: if it appeals to us at all, it is because it expresses a part of ourself that we feel needs expression. What distinguishes "roleplay" from "being" in the larger sense is that the former is a conscious act of artifice: you are deliberately assuming a role that may speak to part of who you are, but that you are also declaring is not identical with yourself. So, you are roleplaying, maybe, when you become Lucy, not in the sense that you are departing from "who you are," but because you are using artifice -- a particular avatar -- to declare and highlight that expression. You know, it may be too early in the morning for this conversation . . . My use of Lucy may not have been particularly helpful. She's not really a child. She's ageless, as you'd expect of a character written for young and old alike. She's also a pain in the ass. I don't think I'm knowledgeable enough to do justice to an explanation of "roleplay". I won't disagree with yours, but it might not be the only one. I'm in my early days of community theater. I've rehearsed with my playmates (we do plays!), dressed with them before the shows and dined with them after. We've discussed our approaches, if we have them. Some try to understand the character, some mimic behavior, some just do it. I think I'm just doing it, but I've yet to have a part that requires more of me. I've watched quite a few "Actors Studio" interviews, expecting to see some underlying truth emerge about acting. I'm still waiting. I recently watched an interview with Jennifer Lawrence (who I think is terrific) in which she said (paraphrased) "I know there are actors who inhabit their roles to understand their character's motivations. I'm very impressed by that, but don't think I could get anything done if I worked that way. I just hear "action" and I get to work." This bothers me, because I want to believe I understand what I'm doing. Another dogma? Is this why I can't draw a line? What a strange word, anyway. I could understand "catma".
  3. Years ago there had been some issues with NVIDIA GPU chips that were improperly manufactured, and so failed after some time in use. The idea that overworking a CPU/GPU can cause it to "fry" is an urban myth, perhaps born in the days prior to good system design. Modern computers, and Macs are no exception, monitor their internal temperatures. They'll control fan speed to make the least possible noise during operation, and when there's a heavy computational load and the fans can't handle it at full speed, the operating system will start throttling the GPU and/or CPU to keep temperatures within the safe zone. I have an old MacBook Pro (2007) that would crash SL whenever I increased the draw distance. I opened it up and discovered that the GPU fan was blocked with dust pillbugs (there's no room in a laptop for bunnies). SL is highly intolerant of the GPU throttling the Mac does to keep everything safe. I cleaned the fan and everything was back to normal. If computer software can damage computer hardware, how do hardware manufacturers avoid warranty nightmares? Surely if this were true, computers manufacturers would have issued disclaimers by now stating that running SL voids your warranty, no?
  4. LaskyaClaren wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: Possibly. Literature, however, is not just reading, but also writing. As is roleplay. Certainly. There is a large area of overlap between all three categories: reading, writing, and roleplay, and RP of course partakes of both the others. But, while all three are "immersive" to some degree, the immersiveness of RP is different in some important ways. For instance, there is a logic to the unfolding of a narrative in both reading and writing that need not necessarily apply to RP. How that difference applies here, though, is the question. Qie Niangao wrote: I mean, it's fine if some people think their SL is all about teh sexors. That they'd presume to impose that view on others -- and impugn others' motives on that basis -- well, that's where it's wrong, sick, or both. Yes, agreed, when that is what is occurring. But I can imagine scenarios -- say, a man or woman who was abused as a child in RL -- where other motivations and factors might come into play. And I suppose it's possible that Leia's objections to age play do not assume that it is always sexual; she may have other objections to it. But we won't know until or if she clarifies. What I see here is dogmatism. I don't beliieve Leia imagines that every person roleplaying a child has sex on their mind. I don't believe she imagines... anything at all. That's what dogmatism is all about no? You draw the line and you don't think past it. I do that all the time, I just don't know when or where. The person who had the most profound influence on me loved to roleplay a child, though "roleplay" isn't really the right word. He was being. He taught me never to let go of those aspects of childhood he cherished, curiosity, playfulness, the ability to feel wonder all day long. And I hope my friends see some of that in me, for I am Daddy's Girl though and through. So, when I put on my Lucy Van Pelt avatar, I can feel the mischievous presence of Charles Schulz and my father, and hope I do them proud. I'm not roleplaying.
  5. Your SL age is computed from your date of sign up. Whether you log in or not makes no difference.
  6. Hi Arielle, Here's another thread dealing with skyboxes... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/ok-how-do-you-rez-your-sky-box-and-how-far-up-should-it-be/qaq-p/2486723 As for where they're allowed, that will depend on whether you're renting directly from Linden Lab, or indirectly though a landlord. On mainland, you must stay within the boundaries of your parcel and can build at virtually any height (within the 4096m limit). Of course you will want to avoid building near other skyboxes. On private sims, you may have similar restrictions... or not. It depends on how the landlord handles rentals. Where I live, I can locate my skybox anywhere over the sim that I please, and can make it as large as I wish, so long as nobody else complains. I'm also allowed to rez things like building platforms and photo booths well up in the sky. You should be able to do the same on your own parcel. There are private estates that don't allow skyboxes at all. It'll all depend on the place an any convenant restrictions in place. Good luck, and have fun living in the sky!
  7. Di Alcove wrote: Caros Perdi varios Objetos AO retornar OS itens da Minha Casa lindens parágrafo O Meu inventario. Gostaria de te los de Volta. Como voces PODEM me ajudar? I lost several expensive objects when returning the items of paragraph lindens My House My inventory. Would you them back. How can you help me? Eu provavelmente não entendi sua pergunta, mas vou responder mesmo assim ... Olhe em seu inventário de "Lost and Found". Se você não encontrar suas coisas em falta lá, procure um ícone que se parece com pequenas pilhas de caixas. Isso é chamado de "objeto coalescente" e conterá as coisas que você abandonadas com sua casa. Pode ser o nome de qualquer objeto no colleciton. Você terá que encontrar um espaco livre, sem obstáculos em uma caixa de areia de um lugar para re-rez esses objetos de modo que você pode ter de volta os itens individuais separadamente. Casas Linden são bastante pequenos, então todos os seus objetos devem estar dentro de vista se você rez em uma área vazia de uma sandbox público. Certifique-se que você não está perto da borda da caixa de areia, ou corre o risco de tentar rez suas coisas em áreas onde eles serão automaticamente retornados e acabam de volta em Lost and Found. E porque caixas de areia públicas AutoReturn habilitado, você não tem que se preocupar em deixar coisas para trás. Depois de ter recuperado suas coisas, revisitar a pasta Lost and Found para certificar-se de que o seu processo de recuperacão não deixou algo para trás outra vez, o que era auto-retornado. A próxima vez que você sair de uma casa, pegar todas as suas coisas antes de ir. Você vai salvar-se o risco de perder as coisas e ao esforco de encontrá-los novamente. Aqui está uma lista de discussão relacionada, na qual eu dar uma resposta semelhante ... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inventory/how-do-i-get-a-bed-back-that-i-lost-when-i-abandoned-a-house/qaq-p/2499695 Boa sorte! I probably don't understand your question, but I'll answer anyway... Look in your inventory's "Lost and Found". If you don't find your missing things there, look for an icon that looks like a little piles of boxes. This is called a "coalesced object" and will contain the things you abandoned with your home. It may be named after any object in the colleciton. You'll have to find a clear, unobstructed space in a sandbox somewhere to re-rez these objects so that you can take back the individual items separately. Linden homes are fairly small, so all your objects should be within view if you rez in an empty area of a public sandbox. Make sure you are not near the edge of the sandbox, or you risk trying to rez some of your things in areas where they'll be auto-returned and end up back in Lost and Found. And because public sandboxes have autoreturn enabled, you don't have to worry about leaving things behind. After you've recovered your things, revisit the Lost and Found folder to make sure that your recovery process didn't leave something behind again, which was auto-returned. The next time you leave a home, pick up all your things before you go. You'll save yourself the risk of losing things and the effort of finding them again. Here's a related thread, in which I give a similar answer... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inventory/how-do-i-get-a-bed-back-that-i-lost-when-i-abandoned-a-house/qaq-p/2499695 Good luck!
  8. Hi RuisElder I'm afraid Rolig is probably correct. I don't know much about Asus Eee Pad computers, but I think at least some of them are based on ARM processors and run that version of Windows. (Don't ask me why Microsoft chose such a confusing way to stagger into the future). There are no full featured SL viewers for non-intel machines. If you have a very high end Eee Pad using an Intel processor, you should have been able to download a viewer. Since you were unable to do so, I'm reasonably sure your machine is ARM based. In that case, Rolig's recommendation of Lumiya is your only solution, and that's not really interactive.
  9. Hi lildemonicangel, Are you both logging in from the same computer, or from two computers on the same network? If so, this may be an SL connection issue. SL s terrifically finicky about the quality (not necessarily the speed) of your internet connection. Here's a page you may find useful, if not overwhelming... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ If you're both sharing the came computer it could be a viewer issue. Have you tried a different viewer? Or a clean install of your existing one? Here's a list of third party viewers... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory And here are instructions for doing a clean reinstall of a viewer... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 If you are both logging into the same sim, it could be sim related. A couple weeks is a long time for a sim to be having problems, but you might try logging into quiet sims like Smith or Pooley. You can enter those sim names in the "Start at:" box to the right of your name at log-in. I'm tossing out wild guesses here, if you can provide us with more information, we might get a better grip on this. Do so either by editing your question via "Options" over there on the right, or by posting answers to your own question just like we do, so those of us who subscribe to this thread will see your additional posts. Don't ask a new question as that splits up the conversation and pushes other questions off the front page. Good luck!
  10. LaskyaClaren wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: LaskyaClaren wrote: Is it too late to send you my pic? I want to go on the space shuttle! Or whatever they're using these days. ;-) I'd have to pack you into a Russian Progress supply ship, next to or inside some cans of borscht. Still wanna go? I'm fairly fond of borscht. Does cabbage travel well in zero gravity, do you think? In my experience it travels well until you eat it, after which you travel alone.
  11. LaskyaClaren wrote: Is it too late to send you my pic? I want to go on the space shuttle! Or whatever they're using these days. ;-) I'd have to pack you into a Russian Progress supply ship, next to or inside a can of borscht. Still wanna go?
  12. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Happy Friday! Still sick today but I have a good great nurse! Peace! She looks overqualified. This is what you need... Hi, Kids!!!
  13. Hi LEIRE, https://secondlife.com/my/account/request.php Good luck!
  14. Dillon Levenque wrote: Please give generously to the McMasters Institute for the Advancement of Harmless Flirtation™ Give generously? We're taking donations now? I must have missed a memo :-). Yes. However, I welcome every donation...
  15. Czari Zenovka wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Ebbe said that didn't cover the edge cases, and so it doesn't meet the criteria. I might have missed something but, what exactly is an "edge case?" In the design of anything, whether a bridge or TOS, you try to maximize what you can get from limited resources. Do you elevate the bridge to clear a 100 year flood, or a 500? Neither case is typical, but ignoring them could spell disaster. Designing for every contingency could be entirely to expensive. So, you must balance the cost against the risk. Edge cases are our attempts to locate operating situations which are possible, if not probable, and might be expected to reveal flaws in the thing. And the space within all the edges the design is intended to handle is called the "envelope". I'm sure you've heard that term before, if only in reference to test pilots "pushing the envelope". In this case, the thing may not be well enough understood for anyone to be certain that a design's intent has been achieved. So we test the thing with unlikely but possible situations and observe the results. Kids do this all the time, testing the edges of their personal space and growing the envelope as they do. When Ebbe said "The edge cases and the potential cost to us in certain scenarios are quite substantial.", he's describing a belief that there are potential IP rights situations that, although unlikely, are sufficiently dangerous that the TOS had to be modified to bring them all within legal protection. The result appears ugly from our perspective, but the threat may appear even worse from LL's.
  16. Ebbe Linden wrote: Maybe the German museum would have been willing to pay the creator to keep it going? Not sure if the creator tried? And if they did, why didn't it work? There's a business model problem here. Museums and other public art institutions around the world are struggling, and they have their hands full trying to ascertain the ROI for the things they're already doing. Some of them may be looking beyond the "tried and true", but funding an SL art installation could be problematic. If there's no audience, the effort is wasted. If there's a huge audience, are they competing with their own RL efforts? SL hasn't established credibility as a marketing mechanism for RL businesses. There are only 24 hours in a day. If I spend them in SL, I'm not spending them in a museum. I think art in SL and SL itself must survive on its own, in competition with art and life in RL.
  17. Hi Gabrielle, I'm not aware of any parcels specifically allowing that, and for good reason. Scripted roaming animals are sometimes problematic, as they may not respect parcel boundaries (either due to design or malfunction) and can wander onto other's property if object entry is allowed. There's no inexpensive solution to this problem, as the only parcel size guaranteed to contain wayward critters is a full private sim with no neighbors. Any other configuration allows for the possibility your critters will escape.
  18. Duplicate of English version of the same question... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Controls/kiss/qaq-p/2505459
  19. Hi Erickson, Kissing in SL is, can you believe it, even more vexing than in RL! SL avatars are generally independently animated and are not aware of the animations in any other avatar. So, to make two avatars appear to kiss, they must be running coupled and synchronized animations. This can be done by placing two avatars on pose balls that are rezzed in world. You may find such couples balls in public venues like nightclubs, where the animations are generally dances. You probably won't find kissing in those dances, but they can be quite intimate. More explicit couples animations might be found in... more explicit venues. You can purchase couples animatinos in many venues across SL and in the marketplace. Many Animation Overriders (AO) contain "hug/kiss" animations. These AOs are worn on the avatar in the form of a HUD (Heads Up Display) with controls for initiating various animations. The animations are generally only for the HUD owner, but some contain couples animations that can be targeted at another avatar via a menu system. There are also stand alone hug/kiss systems that can be worn if you do not have an AO containing that function. If you obtain such a HUD, you'll be able to select a avatar in range, who will be asked for permission to participate in the couples animation of a hug or kiss. Because of the unavoidable variations in avatar size and shape, no single couples animation will ever produce perfect results across all avatar pairs. So you must bridge the gap with your imagination, and your tolerance (or even appreciation) of the "near miss" nature of SL. If you'd like recommendations for free or inexpensive hug/kiss or AO systems, head out into the general forum and ask. We're discouraged from providing recommendations here. Pucker up and have fun!
  20. This is a story that is as much out-world as in. In the fall of 2010, Hippie Bowman announced that he was going to host a music party for forum regulars (though everybody in SL was welcome) to be named Hippiestock. He cleared a corner of his sim and with the help of others, built an amphitheater, booked live acts and laid out decorations that would make the Woodstock creators green with envy. Everybody went hunting for hippie attire. And on a Saturday in January of 2011, we converged. The result was four hours of blissful comraderie on a jam packed sim that hosted 69 simultaneous avatars at the peak. It never went down. The final attendance total was 115. Since there was no way to capture all of us on the sim at once, a collage was made from a seed photograph and individual snapshots of attendees. Some of you may recall the photograph. Some of you are in it... For full resolution versions, including one sporting name tags for all 115, go here. That image was uploaded to NASA's website and flown aboard Shuttle Mission STS-133, making us the only SL avatars to have flown in space. As I've argued before, our pixels are as valid on the hard drive of a Shuttle computer as on the hard drive of a Linden Lab server. If we are here, we where in space. There have been three more Hippiestocks since then. Here's a glimpse of each... Most of my SL friends were collected from the forums. I don't know if we're representative of the general SL population, but one could do worse than to hang with us. ;-)
  21. Holy Toledo, KarenMichelle! I've been peering into the window of my toaster oven for over six years and you're telling me the warm glow I get from SL is real?
  22. You've comingled two disparate issues, and seem to have put your indignation on backwards. The titler is a complete non-issue for me. I find them banal, but appreciate their signaling ability. You accepted a dare and lost. End of story. But that you would visit a place known to you as "Pedo-Beach", tolerate "5-15" "blatant"ly inappropriate IMs (which, contrary to your statement, would make acceptable AR material), and then say "to each their own"? That demonstrates a worrisome moral confusion. I see no dilemma here. Why do you?
  23. Leia36 wrote: Tari Landar wrote: Leia36 wrote: I reserve the right to judge what content I interact with or view on the internet. RP is fine, however for myself if a child AV is involved I walk away period. That is my right as a user of SL. I didn't say you couldn't judge what, or who, you're willing to interact with. That's not even remotely what you actually said. Maybe you didn't read what it was you were posting. You also did not say "rp is fine", not even remotely. I really hope the next time a discussion about rp in general comes up, you don't go off all half cocked at people who find YOUR brand of rp as deserving of a weekend visit in the psych ward. Or that your particular brand of rp makes you sick, twisted, in need of help, lacking something in rl...or any number of nasty things I have seen people spout off about others' choices of rp. It's fine and dandy to not like something, not want to be near it, and choose to avoid it, etc.. I get that. There's lots in sl I'd never participate in. However, my decision, for myself, has no bearing on the decisions others make for their selves. I don't get to decide who is in need of a doc for their "troubles" just because I don't share them. I think that's a very sad way to look at, or think about, individuals, based entirely on the fact that I don't share their rp desires. I'm not into gor, or the slave/sub areas of sl...but lots of folks are. That's awesome for them. Just because it's not ideal for me, doesn't mean they all need a shrink, or better batteries The concepts are the same, regardless of which area of rp it is you're against, you really shouldn't be so very judgmental when plenty have seen what happens when folks have judged your own brand of rp. amazing how quickly this turned into a slinging match ..I made my point, moving on Leia, you certainly made a point with me, but I wonder if it's the point you had in mind.
  24. Hi BlazeFire, It'll be hard for us to make recommendations without knowing what's in the "tons of stuff" you've tried without success. Edit your question via "Options" over there on the right to include more information, such as exactly what's not working, what you've tried, what kind of computer you are using, how it's connected to the internet, any error messages you've received.
  25. Hi Mara, It seems you've stumped us. All I can offer is some standard advice about checking/improving the quality of your internet connection. Here's something to help with that... http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Have you tried a different viewer? You can find alternatives here... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory If using another viewer does fix things, your original viewer may have a corrupted support file. Here are instructions for doing a "clean install" of a viewer... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 If these things do not work (and I imagine it'll take you some time to try them) come back and ask another question. Good luck!
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