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Baiphen Quintessa

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Everything posted by Baiphen Quintessa

  1. I can do that. I was also told to get a neck applier that was supposed to "fix" the issue and all it did was give me a discolored lump where the neckline was. LOL...so I guess it did it's job by making the neckline go away. I never knew to look for gloss settings or anything else. Honestly I've only ever just hit 'add' on the body and head and 'wear' for the skin. I only open the HUD if I need to switch the makeup (since I wasn't using tattoo makeup out of fear) or to fix the feet for shoes.
  2. Awesome! TBH I stopped wearing tattoo layers because I would get a very obvious neck line as soon as I started to apply them. I actually gave up my LAQ heads because of the neck line issue because I could never make those go away even though I wore the skin that went with the head. Now I'm LeLutka/Belleza with a Belleza skin and the neck line is not an issue. Now I can redo the order of things and wear some of the makeup I've spent too much money on. You guys are amazing. Thank you! (Has anyone else had an issue with the LAQ? I'm only ever told to wear the skin that goes with the head and to fix the neck width. Which I did and it did nothing. Oh, and "you can always wear a choker".)
  3. Not to sound like a dork, but, there's an order to apply the layers in? I just put stuff on as they appear in my inventory. It's not always a pretty picture and I guess I know why. (And my sisters avie is often worse with how she applies the layers.) Would you mind letting me know what the order is please?
  4. No. Unfortunately you have to give up one to get another.
  5. YAY!!!!!! I'm going to take my sister there tomorrow and not tell her about the falling in part. I'll tell her the plank is a diving board. Thank you Istelathis, you're a doll.
  6. *perks up* Volcano? There's a volcano? I haven't seen a volcano.
  7. LOLOL...I see. I guess that is a tad out of theme, but I understand wanting to see your house when you're wandering. I've walked past mine quite a few times until I started to put something out that was unusual. It doesn't help that so many people choose the same house and paint in the neighborhoods. I saw five in a row that were the same house and color scheme when I was out last week.
  8. A tree with blue flowers doesn't sound like it wouldn't fit with the ranch homes. Not arguing with the covenant or anything, I'm certainly glad it's being enforced, but a flowering tree doesn't seem like a bad thing. Unless it's a glow in the dark fantasy tree. But I totally agree with the annoyance at the abundance of helicopters. I've dumped quite a few gorgeous houses because I ended up next to one.
  9. Wow. That would be fantastic. With glowing eyes peeking out of the water at night.
  10. That's really good to know. Thank you for answering the question before I had to ask it Frigga.
  11. Thank you, Nika. That is so much easier then what I was envisioning. I have a few wall shells I can play with even! Thank you! Thank you! (And I'll go check out the Houseboat. I managed to find your Log Cabin by accident and I fell in love with it, I'm sure the Houseboat will be the same.)
  12. I have to ask if it's very difficult to get the textures around the windows and doors? I've wanted to ask for ages, seeing what all of you do with the textures on this thread.
  13. OMG! I totally forgot that you could buy inserts and doors in the Marketplace. I normally go there for decks. I think I have one that I used to make a little laundry room for my Shelley. Thank you Marianne! Especially for the pics, I grasp things so much better with a visual. And I was wondering about the crown molding. How I was going to get it, I mean. Do you put out videos for stuff like this? If you don't, you totally should.
  14. LOLOLOLOL....What? It made perfect sense to me. I was in a mood. It was dark and scary and my ability to translate my thoughts had failed me. *sniffs*
  15. Now that I know that making a wall isn't as awful as I thought it would be I can totally do that. I was thinking about it last night and realized that the reason I could work with the other open floorplans is because I chose them first, so decorating them was never a problem. And with these, instead of doing the smart thing and walking away for a little bit and playing with one of my other houses, I gave up. But you guys have given me some ideas, for which I'm thankful. Walls don't look nearly as intimidating now. And I got to look at your pics. That log cabin is freaking amazing!
  16. Ahhhh...okay...I think I get it. Thank you again. I'll play around with it. You're a doll!
  17. Loving this! These are gorgeous. How do you make a wall? I mean, maybe if I could do something to split things up just a bit I'd have a better time. Is it just a thing that you stretch out?
  18. Yay!!! That would be awesome. I can't understand where my blockage is. The other open floor plans in the Chalets, Fantasy, etc weren't an issue at all, just these Vics. Thank you!
  19. Not even gonna lie about it either. I was super excited to get the new Vic floorplans and I am honestly at a loss. It isn't that I can't decorate them, I just can't decorate them. I almost broke the house controller changing the houses over and over. I can't get past the kitchen ( It was a really, really great kitchen too). I had to go back to my beloved Verne, small rooms and all. So please, please, please when you guys get yours decorated, will you post them here so I can see what you did? Please? I'll be eternally grateful.
  20. Thank you for this. I had wanted to attend to hear his speech but I couldn't get in. Now I have a little something to look forward to. You're a doll! (I'll try looking on YouTube for the full speech tonight.)
  21. You still have four more tries for the day. Linden Labs gives you five tries in a twenty four hour period. I suggest you wait about fifteen minutes between tries, that way you may not get the same house you just let go. Don't give up hope, it took me two weeks to land my Vic and it was well worth the wait. I also suggest that you pay attention to the times that you "threw" for your home. That way you know when you can try again. Good luck!!
  22. I've always wanted to ask, and now I can, how you put in your other requests? Did you put in a new ticket for every one of them? Or just put them in the last little comment section.
  23. To be honest, you can't really keep anyone from teleporting in. I've accidently done it myself when I forget that my home location has moved to another house. Your best bet is to get the Linden Labs Security system out of the creation kit that comes with your house. Go to the mailbox where you can change your homes and the kit is one of the last things on the menu. You can then set the system to only allow in anyone that you want and it will eject everyone else after ( I think) fifteen seconds. Does that help? I realized I didn't explain that well. Rez the content creation kit out and the security system is inside. You then have to rez out the security system and place it any place you like in your home. I like mine next to the front door since the house controller is there anyway. Open the menu with the middle button and hit the access button. You list the people that you want into it. Make sure you hit "allow list" when you're done or it will boot absolutely everyone. Turn it on and you're good to go. I'm inworld until around ten or so if you want any help.
  24. Is anyone else having issues with their house controllers? I just tried to change my stilt and I keep getting the message "Must be premium account holder to use controller and own land" Or something very like it. It's still showing me as the owner of the plot and my account doesn't renew until August of next year.
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