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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. you may want to play around with llSetKeyframeMotion, which is currently only on... LeTigre sims? one of the RC channels at any rate. it's going to be the best solution for smooth movement in non-physics items.
  2. my normal (scripted) cycle is: ban tp home eject first one gets them in the list, second gets rid of them, third is a fallback in case they managed to be one of the few people that were able to set their home on the parcel when it was allowed, or if they have no home set. eject can get ugly if they're near the edge of the world... traps them bouncing up and down at the region border... funny as hell, but potentially troublesome. PS I just tried the moderation thing from phoenix radar list... doesn't seem to do anything even with correct group set, freeze worked, but even ejecting from right click on the av didn't do anything..... my scripted toys work, but they're deeded to the group.
  3. of course what's not amazing is that the moment someone misreads something (like the awful mess that the form made of the first post) some person with a miniscule amount of entries jumps in to accuse them of being an apologist (and by extension a liar). Then goes on to accuse the company that is supposedly being apologized for of some sort of conspiracy for using basic common sense business practices (like not running support for other peoples products, or targeting the most common and easy to check problems first). and of course there's the obligatory top it all if by citing some vague reference to an elitist nut job. meanwhile back in reality, the trace shows evidence of problems at a backbone or near backbone gateway, possibly due to flooding, and anything past that in the trace can't be trusted since it's likely to use the same route. if the trace show the same things consistently over time the issue is probably at the first bad gateway (more likely) or between it and the last good one (very unlikely with gateways that high on the chain). if it only show at specific cyclic times it's very likely a flooding issue at peak usage. there is a small but real chance depending on the connection type of intermittent hardware issues caused by physical effects such as weather (although again highly unlikely that high up the chain where everything should be fiber)
  4. if I'm forced to rely on a computer for the contact, then it generally goes through email, or the local community I belong to (such as PM here on the boards, IM and and such inworld, etc). I also keep YIM strictly for the benefit of a select few people important to me that require near realtime response, even though I personally hate the software. that's it, nothing else. not because I'm a technophobe (far from it actually), but because I see no point in creating a monolithic structure where all my life and vague interests reside together. it holds no value for me. Further, I've seen how the senseless drama of one spreads to all the others multiplying misunderstandings and misinformation in an ugly cycle that just feeds on itself. no thanks, I've better things to do than continual damage control and explanation of context.
  5. I hope not, it's formatted ease of processing by different front ends. prettification not included =)
  6. Dillon Levenque wrote: [...] I must say I had hoped the General Discussion Forum would be the place that Nature v Nurture would be settled once and for all, but it appears the debate will continue. :smileyhappy: not as long as people insist it's one or the other =/
  7. I will now admit to directing you to open dev as a roundabout way to find the best source, as they are more likely to know, depending on which issues you want to bring to the table... for instance, there was still some daily scrum meeting related to viewer evolution, but it was the sort of thing you had to find out about from other people (and not an appropriate place to direct anyone with general questions even if I could remember the when and where).... other such meetings may exist that I'm not aware of, but I bet the folks at open dev might
  8. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Void Singer wrote: I'm going to strongly disagree that reaction while intoxicated is largely controlled by genetics. alcohols biological effects are pretty well known, as is the effect of environment on behavior. what is in question is whether alcohol or other intoxicants drive specific behaviors... and here's where I agree with the article, that just doesn't bear out. It is not the reaction to alcohol that has a genetic basis (only insofar that alcohol might be metabolized more or less well), but behavior. Alcohol merely disinhibits. But the way people behave in a disinhibited state depends, more than anything else, on their genetic makeup. So your argument is that genetic makeup causes an intoxicated person to be amorous or angry? Sorry, I don't buy that. Societal expectation has much greater impact on social behavior (and the perception thereof) and both expressions of anger and desire are two of the most narrowly defined social behaviors in any culture. not only that but the same behavior viewed from two different cultural perspectives have varying levels of acceptability, pointing squarely to social factors rather than genetic ones. I'll also disagree that intoxicant use is "irrational" in the context of person or society. on the immediate level it serves as a limitation to social expectation, preventing it from being to far from basic behavior, which causes individual stress, leading to societal breakdown (too loose of societal control is the other end of the balance). as such it acts as a mediating force between societal standards, and raw animal behavior. on the grander scale the reduction of cognitive ability facilitates a return to a more childlike state, allowing increased potential for learning (our extended childhood compared to other animals has born this out in studies) on a community scale. I don't think that alcohol could increase someone's learning potential. The greater learning ability of younger people is an effect of their greater neuroplasticity. Alcohol doesn't change the neuroplasticity of older humans. It actually seems to reduce memory functions, considering that larger amounts of alcohol can lead to memory loss, so the long-term potentiation of synapses seems to work a lot less well in a drunken state (and sometimes not at all). Not to mention that alcohol is a neurotoxin that can cause neurodegeneration after prolonged exposure.  neuroplasticity is not the only source of learning potential... so is making correctable mistakes (granted not the most efficient teacher). though I will agree that excessive amounts of alcohol and their potential for for memory loss can negate those effects, this is not true of all intoxicants (nor does the average person tend to consume them to that extent)
  9. Mayalily wrote: Well, there have been debates here for months that scripts cause lag and then some sims started to send out messages -- you have too many scripts running to enter. [...] those messages have to do with overwhelming memory usage, which tortures the regions script time (which can also cause swapping)... this only applies when a single individuals usage is very extreme (not hundreds, but thousands of scripts). for a while it was an issue when those avatars would TP in or out, because the regions were handling that on a priority basis. thankfully that is no longer the case. while memory usage is still an issue, most residents should never run into a problem with it. [...] I notice lag when I wear unkilled scripted hair when I go shopping, as opposed to when I put on a hair where I have killed the scripts, same with skirts, jewelry, etc.[...] The only difference in lag you should notice in that scenario is slightly more TP lag, slower responses from your worn scripted items (because they now only set up at a certain rate), and at the very worst, other scripts in the region being slow to respond. if you are seeing something different that's the same over multiple tests to the same region, either something is horribly wrong, or your running into that memory problem of thousands of scripts However, hud shoes have thousands of scripts and on older computers oft times won't even rez people's feet; thus it's logical that the older graphics card or some graphics card are "killing" the non-killed scripted items because it's too much for the graphics card to handle, especially as there are thousands of scripts in hud shoes. It's logical if your graphic's card is killing the feet (I have danced many times without feet and so have other avi's). I can see where you might come to that conclusion, but unless those scripts are actively changing those shoes all the time, it's not the scripts that are preventing the shoes from rezzing. but if you see shoes with thousands of scripts you can deduce that the creator hasn't got a clue what they are doing with scripts (there is simply no reasons for that many scripts), and so they probably don't know what they are doing with textures either (dozens or hundreds of oversized textures can easily kill rez times on those specific items, and increases the chance that an error can affect it) as you noticed, a better PC handles these items better, but this isn't because it has more memory for scripts or faster handling of them (LSL scripts all run on the server, never locally) but rather that it can more efficiently handle those large quantities of massive textures. hope that helps
  10. IMO, the only cure for social networking sites is to get rid of them entirely... but I'm an extremist in that sense. that said, it does address most of the commercialization aspects that are a plague to other social networking sites, and has the potential to address some other aspects (although not the overwhelming drama that comes with social networking, but I don't think anything can)
  11. any time you qualify a target (such as "zealots") you narrow the focus to the qualifier (in this case "phoenix")... The problem with that is "phoenix" isn't the problem; not even indirectly. But by adding it as a qualifier you've generalized that phoenix is part of the problem, rather than a few users that are tag along elitists (and those exist everwhere). OP made that generalization, I contest it. as a suggestion, you might be better served by telling any sort of software zealot that doesn't understand your choice with one simple principle that drives everyone's choices: "it does what I require it to do". no one sane can argue that point, and it's a great launching point to differences in usage and needs, and which product serves which needs best. as for any "lukewarm reception" received... you seem surprised that viewer devs aren't fawning all over the idea, but I think that you neglect the facts that A) it's a commercially driven project, B) fully supporting it as an included feature means either 1) running another (commercial) product line, or 2) drinvg commerce to a limited (singular at the moment) business, which is a bit anathema for an opensource project team.... nevermind lack of user base or approval. by default, any TPV code is open source, and so available for inclusion in any other TPV. Whether OP offered up the back end code that supports it at the time, I don't know, but not doing so I think would have led to a very chilly reception for the previously stated reasons. My thoughts on land valuation are driven by general behavior of users (in any industry), people spend what they can afford to, and when something comes along that improves that, the majority take that as a bonus and stick with paying just as much and enjoy the newfound value for their dollar. some will downgrade, but others will move up seeing an increased value to a product they didn't see as worth the cost before, and the increased exposure is instant marketing gold, because it gives people a taste of more. on banning practices. there's not much to say. No matter how crazy, ridiculous, or inane any one person's reasons seem to me, I still have to recognize that it's their land, that they pay for right to do as they please (within the general guideline we all legally agree to). That's not the same as approving of them, and I can call them morons all day long. But nowhere in there am I entitled to impose my opinion on their practices, nor are they obligated to change anything based on my say so. validity within the guidelines, and acceptability in social context are not the same thing ETA: if you are going to do inline responses it's helpful to either edit the blocks, or at least use different colors on the text, makes it much easy to see whose saying what
  12. Mayalily wrote: Anyhow Void, scripts can be a problem for older machines perhaps. I don't know if scripts cause lag as much as they can and do cause whole sims to crash. I've seen it happen a few times. It's not easy to fit those resizer things, and I don't want to kill the scripts until I get it right. Also, I had items I was wearing with scripts that didn't say scripts in the description, so I didn't even know there were scripts in the items. Now, more items are being described as "scripted" or "resizer" and some are still not being described as resizer even though they are. That bracelet wasn't cheap, and it didn't work well, as the edit did not light up as an option. I do at least hope I can get it to fit IF the edit light will come on if I wait long enough. Anyhow, hud shoes have a lot of scripts, but I don't really care to get into a long debate about it. Just fit the darn things and kill the scripts. you don't seem to be understanding what I (and others) are telling you. A resizer script sitting around in your object doesn't cause Region lag. It Does add up when considering script lag, so yes removing it when you don't need it anymore will improve things for all other scripts, and is responsible use. The same applies to pretty much everything in SL... if it's not being used, toss it out. The reason for this is simple, scripts only get the leftover time in a region frame, so if the region is overrun with physics or communications, those take a percentage of script time away from scripts in an effort to recover, but the same doesn't happen if scripts need more time (because of the cap), if that happens, they are just pushed to the next frame and slow down all scripts, without directly impacting physics or communications. The overall effect is that you still get to walk around and chat everyone up as normal even if there are a million scripts running, and just the scripts go slowly. For those more aware of the technical aspects, yes that's a slight simplification, but fits the general case. PS I'm not telling you this to debate anything, but rather inform, so you (and anyone else who either didn't know or was misinformed) can more accurately find the source of your problems, and correct them. PPS I agree that no-mod items with resizer scripts are a plague... a resizer should be a convenience, not a replacement. but that's more of a social and marketing problem than anything, and not really on topic for the discussion.
  13. inworld tv's running on shared media only work on viewers that have MOAP compatibility (right now that's VaniLLa 3 and Firestorm IIRC). a few may have a fallback mode that will run in a browser (some only inworld browser, others, a general browser). one that use parcel media instead should work in all viewers, but they have limitations in the form of parcel rights.
  14. scripts that are idle or not actively affecting physical properties or external communications do NOT cause region lag. they can cause other scripts to lag, but that's it. their usage is capped, and the first one to suffer if either the physics engine or server I/O starts to drop (because those both are scheduled first and throttle the whole region) Region lag is most affected by: Physics (avatars, vehicles, anything that changes shape or position) Communications (anything that must be sent to the user from the region, or is sent off the region) on the user side there is also: Dowload lag (AKA rez lag), caused by too many and too large of textures, large changes in scenery, and poor network connections render lag (aka scene chopiness) usually caused by an underpowered machine/graphics card, but can also be caused by too complex of scenes each one going down of those 4 affects the ones below it.
  15. I constantly use different viewers, both official and otherwise... still can't stand the V2+ interface... there's no branching where there should be, nor static representation of higher level branches (ex: item properties in inventory wipe out the inventory window, forcing you to close them not only to look at other item properties, but also to just see your inventory again) current V1 interface viewers, with mesh support include Cool, Dolphin, Astra (?), Mesh for Phoenix, Singularity, and Imprudence isn't there yet ASFAIK but it's being worked on for all three.
  16. hard to be clear an concise when you're busy rabble rousing in the wrong place. PS you're really going to blame Dillion for you removing your own avatar? take some responsibility =P
  17. and no one bothered with the official feeds? https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Live_Data_Feeds
  18. I see it as a box at the page bottom (on the "about tab" if the user hasn't blocked their feed or profile view) when browsing the my.secondlife.com do you not see it there?
  19. Chelsea Malibu wrote: [...] Bring us someone with a business background in gaming from Activision and I'd be impressed. But it's clear that they are back to their original plan, to make a platform where users can create games. They tried that and it failed, guess they are going back to that format and I'll be going back to a real game, World of Warcraft. please by all that is holy, unholy, or even in a slight position of power... N O ! ! ! a "techie" looks at what is, what could be, and even what users want... someone with a business background looks at who has the money, and how to get more of it from them... yeah sure the tech minded (I'm one) can fumble a bit, and not have a wholly solidified plan... we'll often make a change here or there see, what happens and go from there... yes it can be a bit maddening at times, and may even improve slower in the sense of general exposure (although I note that development and fixes are actually improved because the "techie" knows the actual flows of what works and what doesn't).... but all you'll ever get from a person coming from a strict business background is a way for them to make more money with minimal input and change. I could probably quit my day job with what I do in SL, but I doubt I never would, because it'd kill the fun of it all... and without that, why be here? if SL lost that attraction by collapsing into another entropia, eve online, or even heavens forbid WoW repetitive action world, I'd probably be out the door. Because frankly, endless money sinks where the only thing I can accomplish is what everyone before me already accomplished. At the end of the day someone elses virtual sorld is all find and dandy, but the paths are set, and it's too narrow... I want a place where I not only can build my own world within it, but change on whim... commercial-landia would for all intents and purposes be the death of that.
  20. I believe you are looking for https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Registration_API although my understanding is that they are very picky about who they authorize for use of regAPI now
  21. should have the same effect when that setting is in place... you can beat it partially by always setting the objects name to the first word in the sentence
  22. Ann Otoole wrote: LL bans any nazi or soviet imagery. Period. [...] I have never seen evidence of this, and I should add that anyone pointing WWIIOLers or Woodbury as examples has completely missed the point of why bans came down on those particular communities
  23. because json text format is not compressed and llHttpRequest if limited to 2kbytes.... and lsl is painfully slow by comparison, you definitely want to parse outside of lsl if possible
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