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Void Singer

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Everything posted by Void Singer

  1. I don't use eclipse, so I don't know.... but does it allow files to be saved as ".lsl"? if so then you can use the external editor function in imprudence, phoenix, or v2 to open the script inworld, and edit it in eclipse, and save it there, which updates back to SL I havent tried v2's version of this, but I know the phoenix version locks the inword copy from being written to untl you close and reopen the script (although it does show the live changes)
  2. holy shi.............. I need to rebuild that picnic table into a cabin in the mountains.... the next valley over! LOL
  3. I *think* PRIM_POSITION might be bound by the link rules, but perhaps not (haven't played with large manual offsets in a while), but I can confirm that sit targets themselves are only limited to 300m on each axis, and don't care about... anything .... and I should have remembered this since I once made a product or two that would seat you offworld (it was right after sitting on off region mountains was publicized... someone made a joke about having a picnic out there..... so I built a picnic table with seating for 6 about 20m off the region into the void)
  4. you can respond to IM's that are sent to your e-mail if it's within a certain period of time (3 days?). if you have an object inworld that reads e-mails, and know it's address, you can send e-mails to the object and have it send messages to others. if you have a media stream set up on land or some other method viewable in SL, then you can send video, voice or web updates that way. I think that's about it if you don't log in at all... there are also text only clients in the Third Party Viewer Directory which allow you log on in a text only client (no graphics, limited commands)
  5. ::nods:: "0x########" treats the integer as a bitfield, if the first of 8 hex digits is >7 (8-F to be precise) it will place a bit in the higest register, which is effectively the flag for negative (fliping that bit has the same effect as adding or subtracting 2147483647)
  6. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/HTTP_Texture for the technical details. but essentially, it uses a different protocol (http, rather than udp) to pull textures in whole... potentially from ANY server (and not just LL's assest servers). this bypasses the normal mechanism for a texture to be streamed from the asset server to the region server, and then the region server streaming it to the clients. they *should* load completely in one pass, and not need to "rez", but it seems the most frequent problem is that they don't, and end up in a partially loaded state. there have been reports of crashes and constantly reloading textures associated with the feature.
  7. most of Caldon (~20 regions?), Babbage has trolley cars on at least 3 IIRC, NewToulouse has them on two, mainland has probabaly a dozen or so more... there's an inworld group for SLRR which you might want to ask in... those are the only ones I'm aware of offhand
  8. there are 3 kinds of "lag" you might be dealing with... server lag (everyone rubberbanding, items not rezzing, etc) network lag (high ping times, poor conection, low bandwidth) local lag (slow computer, slow video card, high monitor refesh time) only the last one will be affected by a viewer, and then there are other things that will affect it more than which viewer you choose.. first kill other running programs... if the computer is busy with those, it's taking time away from the thing you want it to be working on at full speed. second, lower your video settings in the viewer... the less flashy special effects it has to proccess the faster it can do the main stuff THEN, if you are still wanting to get a little free perfomance boost, try one of the lighter weight TPV's like Cool VL (snoglobe version), or one of THESE. consider one like Phoenix or Imprudence that has the option for a built in Animation Overrider, and do NOT enable the LSL bridge (those two also give you the option to "derender" items, so that they aren't drawn on your screen, which might help for a slow vid card) things that cost money, but can enhance performance -- use a wired connection instead of wireless (seriously, SL hates wireless) -- get more computer memory (second bect performance boost for most machines, >4GB usually won't affect performance) -- upgrade proccessor (anything >2Ghz shouldn't matter to performance) -- upgrade video card (this is probably the bigest performance boost of all) -- faster hard drives for your system, progams and caches (shouldn't matter for SL, but some claim a noticeable improvement)
  9. there are 3 types of bans.... LL Bans: you can't log in, you will prbably recieve an email telling you how long the ban will last (usually temporary), you must contact LL if you want to contest it. Estate Bans: these are generally permanent, and you cannot enter any region on the same estate account. you can try contacting either the Regions owners, or an Estate Manager for that estate.... but usually if they went to the effort to put you on estate ban, they are not likely to take you off. Parcel Bans: these come in two flavors, Temporary, and Permanent. temporary bans last anywhere from a few minutes to up to 6 days(144hrs), and automatically expire... they are only able to be put in place via scripts. Permanent parcel bans can be entered by script or manually. to be removed from a parcel ban, you need to talk to the parcel owner, or person with ban powers for that parcel. most times if the ban is temporary, the person in charge will tel you to come back when the ban wears off.
  10. I should mention that I know one way to fake it.... if the root is offset upwards, and the av sits on that but is animated to be lower, you will appear to be underground, although for all physical intents and purposes you will be above. once upon a time when the ground didn't stop physical prims, and we could make phantom avatars you could sail around as you pleased underground.... but that's been LONG gone (but if someone find a hack for it, I'm game... but I haven't seen it since)
  11. functions may not always be the best candidates for includes unless they are all interdependant or large things that can't be inlined well, but #define macros can be a blessing for some things.... for instance I can never remember the overflow value for posJump, which is a bit of code with no return value, so very safe for a macro, which I write as: #define uWarp2( x ) llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( !!llGetLinkNumber(), [PRIM_POSITION, <1.304382E+19, 1.304382E+19, 0.0>, PRIM_POSITION, x] ) /*//-- Warp 3, sir? No, that will be way too slow" - Weird Al --//*/ (and yes I know it can be optimized to use a static link number but this avoids problems if the obect is de/re/linked) similarly I've defined ALL the event headers with my own custom variable names, so now I just type the event name and () and poof, no more typing out those stupid type definitions either =) (how many times do we have to type out event headers for listens and link messages before we desperatley crave that?)
  12. I was thinking it was just a reference point to mean "really fracking short", but at this point maybe OP should tell us
  13. the standard method of generating a per user channel is to hack up part of their user key, providing a collision chance as low as 1 in 4billion vIntChn = !vIntChn + (vIntChn = (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString( llGetOwner(), 0, 7 ))); or as high as 1 in 268 million, vIntChn = (integer)("0xF" + llGetSubString( llGetOwner(), 0, 6 )); but for your purposes, it's much simpler to either have the object listen directly to the person, (then it doesn't matter what channel they're on, because it ignores all others) with llListen( channel, llGetOwner(), "", "" ); or even have a general listen, which checks th names of people with a list of character names, and spitouts the dialog that way PS @Ron: return (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString( (string)llGetOwner(), -8, -1 )) | 0x80000000; ... if you were intending to keep the range negative (yours would flip it to positive if it started negative)
  14. CrystalShard Foo wrote: Pavcules Superior wrote: Yes it is possible to create your own function libraries by using the Prim "Description" field hack. No offense, but isn't this a somewhat overly-complicated way to send strings from one script to another? Why not just use the built in link message functionality? depends on if you need the value return in the current event or not.... if you do, then it (or similar) is the only way to go... (think secondary event processed llMapDestination for public use) otherwise, yeah it's much easier to treat a link request as an asynchronous (or daisy chained) data query... of ya know, just paste in the function. =) honestly I do not recomment trying to use these methods in LSL.... they take up more scripts, more time, and are more prone to failures (mostly due to complexity).... Object Oriented Programming really isn't very suited for an Event Driven scripting language, at least not at this scale. there ARE two viewers that have preprocessors.... Imprudence, and Phoenix. both of those have stopped development, but Firestorm (the oh so uncreatively named v2 version of phoenix) will most likely include it again as well.
  15. Rolig Loon wrote: SelItami wrote: My character is only 21 height, so maybe I have it set too high initially. 21m tall? Or 0.21m? I'm not sure that I understand now. 21 on the appearance sliders methinks
  16. @Darkie: so much for subtle @Peter: a well reasoned and balanced analysis @Rolig: but does it draw a little bit of attention to our humble home and help jumpstart participation? @Ernesto: No resident can do anything to change what resources are being offered by LL for SL. Complaining to anyone else about it is not going to accomplish anything. The best we can do is point you to what is available. usually people say thank you for that.
  17. if you want to remember the first rez date, the you either ... don't use reset in the script ... save the first date within a prim parameter ... save the first date externally and be aware that even though you have a script that reports the rez time, it may not fire if the object is rezzed on no-script land, or on land where scripts are disabled.
  18. llGiveInventoryList(llDetectedKey(0), llGetObjectName(), inventory); should read llGiveInventoryList( id, llGetObjectName(), inventory);
  19. there can be no SDK when there is no software to develop, plain and simple... only a low level scripting language, with very basic http API's.... neither of which is rocket science to figure out.... and if you think they need their own SDK for something that's already written in common languages, then your every breath is wasted.
  20. this particular spammer/site is well known to several online gaming communities, as a pure scam site... they take your cash, and you get nothing.... ETA: you can change how the site sorts threads, so that recently posted to threads float to the top... which would have been a more sane default
  21. Ernesto Perez wrote: I dont need this LL "open source". What benefit I get from that "source code"? Do I ever look that source code? Thanks, I have better to do with my time than look some other programmer whole (not just examples) source code, fix errors or copy-paste it into my compiler. I better write my own code. And when its not open, only present in libraries, then there isnt possible that I can use my viewer in some other virtual environment than SL. not everything is done for you... it's not our problem if you don't like the answer, but it's still the correct answer. and seriously, if you can write better code then why are you whining about it to us? no one is going to cater to you whims just because you want them to.... that's not how the world works. @Peter & Darkie: Spoilsports, I was having fun =P
  22. didn't know if or how much you had modified that.... that strength look a little low... are you shour its rotating completely or is it just slowly rotating toward the avatar?
  23. Ernesto Perez wrote: Ok, but I still dont get why LL isnt interested about it. Why Microsoft is interested about it? because Microsoft makes it hard to use another system... so everything you make is built on top of microsofts products (which they make money from) but LL does not have that same benefit... if they make it easy for you make a viewer, you can use that viewer anywhere, so it is not built on top of LL's product (SL), and they make no money from it (because it's open source). The ONLY benefit they get, is new idea and fixes that they can use, which does not happen if they sell it, or if they close it only works on their product.
  24. @Paladin: I don't do videos, but maybe you could point torley to this question and convince him it needs a video =) @Peewee: I'm gunshy of no-copy animations... there has been more than one bug that causes attachments to be lost, and with it the only copy of a pricey animation... then it's off to beg the creator for a copy (which they usually won't provide since it was probably +trans) or buy it again... in fact there's a current bug that randomly eats only the root prim of an object! maybe it's just the cheapskate in me, but I don't like re-buying things that aren't consumable
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