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KarenMichelle Lane

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Everything posted by KarenMichelle Lane

  1. Hello, I searched under "Gay Massage" and your Groups name and did not find it referenced. Did you just recently click on the List in Search option? It does take a few days for it to be added and sorted out with the keywords found in your Group & Parcel descriptions. Note: if the parcel is not owned or set to the Group, then the association of a Group Description's Keywords will not necessarily be made to the Parcels Description's Keywords.
  2. Yuna, 1) You can not be robbed of your Lindens per-se. If you purchased a product or service from another avatar then you need to take that up with that person/avatar if the product or service is not delivered. In this case, you should try to get a refund or ask for the product or service to be delivered you that you purchased using the sellers vending object. If you paid a avatar directly for a service or product the same applies. If you gave another person your Avatar password and they logged onto your account and transferred Lindens to another avatar, then you are in violation of the TOS [Terms of Service] and may be sanctioned by LL. If you gave someone an in-world Linden Transfer Card object, then you are responsible for the loss of any lindens that person/avatar takes from your account. 2) Under no circumstances does LL owe you the lindens you lost to another avatar. If you have a grievance with an business owner or service provider and believe a Fraud was perpetrated please follow the steps in the link below: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-deal-with-abuse-and-harassment/ta-p/1339983 ~~~ Reporting Fraud is the right thing to do. That this person, who defrauded you, lost their account and access to their inventory, lindens and SecondLife is LL taking your report seriously and protecting others while they investigate your report fully. The lindens you lost are the cost of the following lesson: "Be very careful who you do business with in SL" LL could decide to use the lindens confiscated in his account to repay those defrauded or not. You will not know unless they contact you telling you of this. The detailed sanctions against this individual you will also not know as the LL TOS clearly states that it protects the privacy of everyone in SecondLife. Griefers & Good-guys. Innula makes a great point in questioning how this person was able to communicate with you if in fact, his account was seized by LL.
  3. Joseph, As a Premium Member, you get a 512 sqm allocation to lease land from Linden Lab. The Free Home promotion includes a home on a 512 sqm parcel on Linden Owned mainland and a 117 prim rezzing limit. This is actually a great deal since an empty 512 sqm parcel usually only has 117 prims available. The "free building rights on the mainland" is very misleading - I can't believe this language is still out there You may also purchase, with real L$'s, an available parcel on the mainland, 512 sqm in total size and your Premium Membership tier allocation will cover the monthly tier without having to up-tier it. Also: With your Premium account, you may build in Premium Member Only Sandboxes on the Mainland. But that said, you can build on a Public Access Sandboxes without a Premium Membership
  4. Ari, Just in case you were really asking if you "can buy Lindens using one of your ALTernate Avatars"? The answer is maybe, if you set up a payment method with that avatar account as well. But why would you want to? I generally don't recommend this. 1) Many payment methods will usually balk at being connected to SecondLife more than once per account. 2) Keeping track of Linden purchases against actual real life cash used gets harder when 2 accounts can draw on a single payment method and/or you have 2 or more funding accounts.
  5. Johanna, Just login to your Secondlife.com account and then head over to the Case History page: https://support.secondlife.com/history/?lang=en-US Here your open and closed cases will be presented to you. On the right hand side of the page presented is the Case Status Legend This tells you the meaning of where your case in in the support process.
  6. Hey there Glamorous, Places to look - ready? 1) In the Objects Folder - as a single object that needs to be rezzed, opened and copied into your inventory. 2) At the bottom of your folders list as a ready to wear folder outfit - No fuss no muss. 3) In the brand new MarketPlace Direct Delivery area of your Inventory list.. It's titled "Received Items" - Details of which are found in the link below: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_Marketplace_Direct_Delivery_FAQ Note: You'll need to use the SecondLife SL3 Viewer or the Firestorm Viewer in order to visit and move your folders located in the Direct Delivery area to a place you can access them with other Viewers like Phoenix. Fingers Crossed Comment: I hope you were logged into SL and online when you went on your shopping spree. There is nothing worst than shopping all day and finding that your messages have been capped as that incredible ballroom gown's turn comes to be delivered. Rolig has the scoop below on what to do in case you missed a delivery.
  7. So type DevonnaEisom Resident YAY - Rolig makes things so easy :catvery-happy:
  8. Here is an unusual reason for crashing when editing https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-28329 Possible solution: Make sure that your avatar is NOT wearing anything made of mesh when editing or building. Also, make sure you have the latest drivers installed for your Graphics Card and are using the latest version of your favorite SecondLife viewer. Please let us know if this helps in any way.
  9. Fifilamere, I'm afraid that Rolig is correct, however on the off chance that this was not the case... OK First things first and this needs to be done quickly... Log onto your account on Secondlife.com and look in your Account / Transaction History - on the date you transferred the notecard and baby to the "Doctor" They will look like this: 06/12/2012 16:31:28 6f9ce6b6 Destination: doctors name Give Inventory L$0 That 3rd item is a Transaction ID and is important to LL in helping them in locating your lost in transit object. Next, send this information to the Doctor and ask them to review their Transaction History as well. If he has the matching information on his Transaction History, then he received the objects and/or accidentally refused it and/or his account IMs were capped. He should also file a problem ticket with LL. Next Submit a Support Case at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Pick the Technical Questions / Inventory Issues options and explain the details of the failed baby transfer including the 2 possible transaction ids. NOTE: If you only find a single transaction to the Doctor, that is probably the NC and you may have accidentally rezzed your baby off screen when trying to move it to the Doctor's Inventory Window. Ask your region owner to look for your baby using the Region Debug tools.
  10. Ding!!!! http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Protected-land/ta-p/903023 Enjoy!
  11. Roseysun & Lindal's responses are spot on. It can't hurt to also be a bit contrite and apologetic about your mis-spent youthful behavior in your plea to have a banned account restored. Based on a few of my younger friends attempts to get back previously "banned for cause" avatar accounts, please don't hold your breath. The success rate for my 7 friends was 1 in 7.
  12. Rorrim, Ok then [tries desperately not to giggle] The word is SHAPE Do the Shape shift 1-2 and the avatar should return to ab-normal. Just jog between 2 normal Shapes to reset your avatar. If that fails, do the Avatar Test Female then put on your normal shape afterwards. [What's happening - That tiny mesh Avatar has a lot of micro scripted movements controlling the look and movements of the mesh prims and attach-points. The same attach-points that the normal body uses. The unseen full size avatar is being deformed as a result. Once the alpha mask is removed you get the avatar malted for all to appreciate.] I keep Avatar Outfits ready for my Modeling [impossible Long Legs] / Normal [sexy Curves] / Mini [sally Acorn] / Micro [Ferret] adventures and do the Replace Outfit dance when I'm done being.....unusual.
  13. Kool Prince, If I may, how about we discuss "How to improve Viewer Performance" instead: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-improve-Viewer-performance/ta-p/1316923 this is the starting point for any discussion regarding your SL Experience. After reading this, you should know about the 3 major areas that affect performance: Server-side ~~ Network ~~ Client-side Client-side [on your computer] is the one area you have 100% control over with the ability to buy the best performing computer and graphics system you can afford and installing the viewer that suits your needs the best. [OK - The quality of the viewer is out of your control but you have a few to pick from] Network you have 1/2 of the performance coin in that you can pick the quality of your internet access [speed] and your computer's connection to it [wired vs. wifi]. Linden Lab owns the other 1/2 with their deployment of data-centers and how they access the internet and the intra-data-center network. Server-side You generally have the least ability to control this. The simple analogy is like this: You in a region alone get a baseline of performance determined by the existing visual elements, scripts and number of changes occurring per second. Call that Level 1 - Add another avatar and the server had 2 people to send information to including the information about that other avatar you now see. Call that Level 2 - Add 2 more and now the work load for the server is at Level 8 - You see where this is going? It's more like a logarithmic scale with the doubling of the number of avatars. LL had been doing incredible programming to make this work better by lessening the rendering needed for any particular avatar's view of the world [like deferred rendering for elements visually behind the avatar or "occluded by a prim in front of another"] So make sure your network & computer are the best possible you can afford and you are doing the best you can for your basic SL experience... Rolig's responses will dive into the individual things you can do once you are in a region to help survive a laggy experience. My personal fave is to strip down to a well made, non-scripted bikini, sexy on tippy-toe bare feet, perfectly fitted unscripted hair with color-coordinated makeup and prim nails and fun un-scripted bangles. - But that's me. .
  14. Kenai, Log onto your account and go to Contact Information: https://secondlife.com/my/account/contact.php?lang=en-US Make the changes there and click on the Save Changes button. That's all there is to it.
  15. Lucia, As a DJ, several of my absolutely favorite hostesses have had real life challenges. What do we all have in common? We love Music, making friends and socializing at the various clubs we } ~work~ { at. Working together we make our audience feel the mood and make them happy both with the quality of the music & songs mixed and the fun chats. This results in a wonderful income via tips. Please don't discount working as an option for obtaining Lindens. Other options are to have fun playing in the Linden Realms http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Embark-on-a-Quest-in-Linden-Realms-Collect-Crystals-Earn-Linden/ba-p/1262133 Help us out a bit - What are your passions in real life? Maybe they will translate to income opportunities here
  16. If you read the information in the links I provided, Your options are to 1) Just wait and let your Avatar age qualify you... 2) Ask for an Account Review from Linden Lab In either case, continue performing transaction activity in SecondLife. [e.g. Earning Lindens thru working & sales of your creations ]
  17. Mellinha, Your graphics card meets the minimum feature set for using SecondLife but just barely. https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/ Hardware Skinning will not be an option for that card. The default will be Software Skinning but that said, your card may not have the ability to display Mesh Objects. Phoenix can display mesh objects correctly but your GC needs to be able to support the method used.
  18. Mr. Panic, in the future,please add your comments to the original thread so we can keep track of the eventual solution. I answered your question in this thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Linden-Dollars-L/Cant-sell-Linden-dollars-Avatar-can-not-be-checked-by-RISK-api/qaq-p/1567333 To recap... When selling lindens using a 3rd party exchange, the LL Risk-API [Application Programming Interface] is queried by those 3rd party exchanges to verify you & the transaction you are requesting meet the LL Risk threshold for selling Lindens. More information can be found here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Exchange_Risk_API In this case, your Avatar Account/transaction amount did not meet the qualifications for approval. The considerations are the same as in selling Lindens on the LindeX™ Exchange:except there you get a simpler message stating that you do not yet qualify to sell Lindens. The procedures are the same in that you need to ask for a account review with Linden Lab ~ or ~ wait for your Avatar to be old enough for an automatic review. continuing... 1) Take this link and READ it top to bottom https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php? 2) If you feel you qualify to sell Lindens after reading this then take this link and visit the support system https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ 3) Once there: a) Select Billing as the Type problem. b) Select LindX Billing & Trading Limits Review Request Fill in the rest of the questions and Submit the support Ticket. ~~~~~~~ Remember, your avatar needs to be 8 to 27 Days Old as one of the 1st criteria to be met allowing you to sell Lindens. The review is automatic if you will just wait a bit. The more active your avatar is in earning and spending Lindens the sooner you qualify. To answer your question: Your avatar needs to "PASS" the minimum age in SecondLife test & a few additional hurdles before being allowed to SELL Lindens. WHY? - There is a minimum time your avatar needs to exist and be performing transaction activity before you are allowed to sell Lindens. This is to prevent fraud and money laundering activity by using newly created avatar accounts that are then disposed of. ~~~~ Rappelez-vous, votre avatar doit être de 8 à 27 jours pour les 1ers critères à respecter ce qui vous permet de vendre Lindens. L'examen est automatique si vous voulez juste attendre un peu. Le plus actif de votre avatar est en gagner et dépenser Lindens, le plus tôt vous serez admissible. Pour répondre à votre question: Votre avatar doit "passer" l'âge minimum dans le test SecondLife & quelques obstacles d'autres avant d'être autorisés à vendre Lindens. POURQUOI? - Il ya un minimum de temps votre avatar doit exister et être exercer une activité de transaction avant que vous êtes autorisé à vendre Lindens. C'est pour prévenir la fraude et de blanchiment d'argent en utilisant des comptes avatar nouvellement créées, qui sont ensuite éliminés. ~~~~~~~~~~~ For those who have read this far, like other credit approval agencies in the real world, the Linden Lab Risk-API is probably looking at many other things when providing a Yes/No answer about a particular Avatar's ability to perform a Linden Sell Transaction. Typically these are, and not in order, IP address of the login [i bet ya Nigeria doesn't get easy credit], Avatar Age, Past Transaction History, Account Financial Delinquency Status & History, AR's reported against this Avatar, and I'm sure a few items I’ve not mentioned here. [edited to put complete conversation in this thread] [steps off the soapbox]
  19. OKies - When I get weirdities liek this I 1) Ask the Avatar to pretty please re-bake for me. 2) If that fails, I Clear Group Cache and my Network Cache and re-log.
  20. Grim, That's our Magical Mood Beam. It always reflects where our mood is at at any given time. Here is a link to the Mood Color Chart for those new to the concept. http://sheofmermaids.blogspot.com/ * snickers * .... My 10 silly cents...
  21. Really? That's what you get for leaving it out with the keys in the ignition - Some joy-riding young lovers probably saw it and helped themselves to a spin across a few regions... Naaaa - Kidding - Valarie's answer is very spot on. Another weirdity is that if the region you are in is having issues returning objects to the owner of record [ meaning that they aren't getting an acknowledgement from the LL Asset Server ] then they sometimes end up on the SW (0,0,0) corner of the region if it allows object entry. If this is the case, the region owner can try again to sent the object back to you ~ or ~ you can go retrieve it yourself if allowed on that parcel / area. Also, did the region owner restart the region? Objects that can't be moved to the SW (0,0,0) corner of the region may be tied up with a clogged up transaction request to the LL Asset Server. A restart usually clears these issues up.
  22. Mr. Panic, Don't Panic [sorry, I couldn't resist] When selling lindens using 3rd party exchange the LL Risk-API [Application Programming Interface] is queried by those 3rd party exchanges to verify you meet the LL Risk threshold for selling Lindens. In this case, your Avatar Account did not meet the minimum qualifications. The considerations are the same as in selling Lindens on the LindeX™ Exchange:except there you get a simpler message stating that you do not yet qualify to sell Lindens. The procedures are the same in that you need to ask for a account review with Linden Lab. Please follow this link and perform the Account Review steps if you believe you qualify to sell Lindens. https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php Note: There is a minimum time your avatar needs to exist and be performing transaction activity before you are allowed to sell Lindens. This is to prevent fraud and money laundering activity by using newly created avatar accounts that are then disposed of.
  23. Dee, Using Phoenix & Firestorm's Radar Tab is pretty simple. If the Avatar is "Out of Range" is means they are not within the viewing radius of the Radar feature or your Viewer. So are you talking about an Avatar in the area with you? If this is the case, have you muted this person? They will not be visible to you but usually they will be greyed out. Please update your question with the specific details.
  24. OK - Lets have you download the Chrome Browser from Google. It's great and fast. Like is here: http://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/?hl=en&brand=CHMI Please try this to look at and clean your your cart information. If it too fails, then you need to look at your Anti-Virus and/or Anti-Malware software as a possible interfering factor. If this works, then you do need to follow up and get your IE fixed. Why? Because it is an important part of the maintenance of your PC unfortunately. Try removing all the Tool Bars you have accumulated over the years and then download and run http://www.superantispyware.com/ to see if you have other things infecting your PC and existing browser. Once clean I'd also do a manual Windows Update to get the rest of your PC's patches & security updates.
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