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Venus Petrov

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Everything posted by Venus Petrov

  1. Lord Derryth wrote: LMFAO!! I'm not looking for a refund, it's sarcasm. My computer can handle 2 games open on Ultra. As of yesterday, SL is back to being stable. My point is, it's been nearly 13 years. It's about that time we see an upgrade. I know they're working on a new so called "Second Life" and so many SL members are not happy. Those people that are not happy are the reason why we don't see a future for SL. We need to evolve in technology. Believe me, SL has come a long way. Lag is not acceptable for 13 years. I've been in the MMORPG world nearly all my life since I can remember playing video games and I'm 39 years old. Main priority in an MMORPG is stability. Granted SL is not an MMORPG but the lag should be addressed. The reason why it's not because the engine is old. The whole structure is completely old and needs a rehaul. This is why they are working on something new which I believe will not be for a few years. Never believe the hype. Yes, I was sarcastic, too.
  2. It took me awhile and some demo attempts to find a mesh head I felt was acceptable. I like the head primarily for photography and sometimes for the animations that come with it. I wear a mesh body nearly 100% of the time now. It takes dressing/undressing a tad longer but no big deal. The only thing I wonder is the impact on a n00b of seeing a bunch of rezzing avies in a shop. They will first blame their own graphics and then blame the viewer.
  3. So, you're looking to squat somewhere rent free. Good luck!
  4. How is your inventory organized? If by type, you could look under 'long dresses' or 'formals' or whatever you've called it. If it's organized by designer, that will be harder to find. Why not go for another dress as has been suggested? Do you need another excuse to shop? :matte-motes-agape:
  5. You might try the option under Avatar Health (if you're a FS user) and pick 'Stop animations'. That may open your eyes again.
  6. Ellen2601 wrote: Hello I have a Fiore head and I'm not using a hair base. If I buy the Fiore hair it seems to look good but if I get any other type of hair I guess I will need the base. Is this correct or am I doing something wrong? I am not familiar with the Fiore head. Does it have a HUD with hairbase options? If not, you'll have to find hairbase appliers that will fit the Fiore head.
  7. soxley wrote: People shouldn't be banned from SL, full stop. If someone is annoying you, you already have the power to change things. Click mute. If you own land, ban them. If you don't, ask the landowner to ban them. I am all for reporting, and inworld residents dealing with griefers in their own way. What I am NOT for is LL permabanning people who have spent money on SL. It is lousy customer service and highly unethical. And before anyone asks, no, I haven't been banned. But this month, six years ago, many were banned in one fell swoop and it was an affront to justice that still haunts the virtual world to this day. 
  8. If it took 12 years for LL to finally burst your bubble ("I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore!"), then I'd say it's probably worth your while to do a monster upgrade to your computer so you can really enjoy what it offers. I started 9+ years ago on a laptop that was not built for the graphics SL required at the time. Things took awhile to rez or remained grey. The world was fabulous then, even so. My computer's much better and SL is still remarkable. If you really think LL is going to refund you for anything, you're dreaming.
  9. I'm not sure what that is other than it might keep you from being animated? Things that might animate you, like a dance HUD, will offer a pop-up box first asking your consent to be animated. So, not sure what a blocker would do for you since you can always respond 'no'.
  10. One question was answered here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/visual-complexity-thing-keeps-popping-up/qaq-p/2993863 What viewer do you use? I'm unaware of the spotlight issue.
  11. Mesh bodies will not respond to most system sliders however there are a few bodies out there that offer different styles. Check out Belleza for three versions. Maitreya's Lara body is the most popular (I use that one) and Slink has another popular version. Good luck and have fun!
  12. ChinRey wrote: I'm really disappointed with you all. I've heard about the Viewers Wars of the old times and thought I'd finally would get the chance to watch one. But this is tame. Where are all the true fanatics? Where are all the random insults? Where are the griefers sent out to harrass people usign the wrong viewer??? ... There is no need to insult anyone over their choice of viewer. To each his/her own. There are so many choices now that something will fit someone's need. I'm sure there are plenty of other topics to get one's knickers in a twist.
  13. If you decide to try Firestorm (and I encourage you to do so), make sure you join the Firestorm Support Group inworld. There are several groups for different languages so pick English or what suits you. It's a very helpful, active group and can often sort out a problem or point you to a helpful website. Good luck!
  14. Sylvia Rubble wrote: you have more than one account, have you had the same friend vanish from BOTH accounts at the same time from a SL glitch. I mean people say its rare, so if its rare a friend disappearing from one account how about from 2 at the same time? Why don't you look your friend up and ask them if they still see you on their list(s). At least it'll start a conversation. More direct, eh?
  15. apoapostolov wrote: Need some intermediate level advice on using Firestorm AO to achieve: Random play of stand animation and hand motions. The hand motions would need to be much rare and not trigger immediately when I stand. Custom Dances. My character is an awkward dancer and I would love to be able to show that off with custom collection of dances. The way I see it, I put all dancing animations into a separate list as Standing, and just switch to it and stay still. Is there any better wayto achieve that? Yes, you can drag/drop your dances into the FS AO and give it a name like 'Dance'. Just click on the down arrow next to the AO names and pick 'Dance' to dance. You can tick the cycle or randomize order at the bottom of the box as you like. Works great. ETA: I haven't used a chimera or dance HUD ever since the built-in AO became available.
  16. You write "... I can't get the maitreya feet to work with my slink shoes so that might be I just don't know how." The simple answer is that Slink feet will work with Slink shoes and Maitreya feet will work with Maitreya shoes. Some creators make shoes with both options (and Belleza). So, stop trying to make them work. They just won't.
  17. I have only experienced one 'experience' in SL and it was in a shop that had been redesigned to make finding things easier. It worked really well. P.S. I have been a FS user since it first appeared after the Emerald fiasco (which I also used to use). I can say that the FS team is uber customer focused and helpful - an all-around great group of peeps.
  18. JuliaKloeckner wrote: I want to downgrade from premium membership to basic. They tell me i can`t own land, I have to give up my land. But how? there is no option to release it. Anybody had that problem before? You can abandon your land by going into the Land feature inworld and clicking the 'Abandon Land' button on the first tab. EDIT: I assume you mean Linden land. Not all land in SL is linden land. If you have land on a private region, you can keep it and still have a basic membership.
  19. Shape makers are a dime a dozen. There's no mystery to it. Make your own. That way, you can make it to your specifications without the back-and-forth with someone who may not make it perfectly and will charge you L$ for the effort.
  20. DejaHo wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: I can speak from personal experience to this OP. I recently had just this issue with my BFF, Josie. . . Good luck! But, but I thought I was your bff!? If you're thinking of the first definition, yes, you are. If the second, no, you are not. Don't worry. It's just a feeling. It'll go away.
  21. Jessica Lyon wrote: Steph... Hi, I'm Jessica Lyon.. project manager of the Firestorm Viewer project. We have well over 80 people just on the immediate viewer team here between developers, support staff and QA. Out of everyone on the team, if I had to pick one person who we rely on most, someone who would be voted most valuable player if we were a sporting team, it would be Whirly. In fact I suspect just about everyone on the team would also vote Whirly. If we were to lose Whirly we'd be nearly lost without her. Same goes true for LL, although she is not on the payroll, she spends more time on the LL jira than most lindens and has earned her badge with both us, and LL. I'm sorry, but you cannot say or think you know more about any particular problem than Whirly does. And especially in this case, you are incorrect. Furthermore, by challenging Whirly, you will be up against practically the whole of the internet in her defense. Really, you're out qualified here. I'm trying to be nice. The only thing worse than someone giving wrong advice, is someone giving wrong advice who thinks they know everything. I second the accolades for Whirly.
  22. I can speak from personal experience to this OP. I recently had just this issue with my BFF, Josie. She could not read my IMs to her. It was very frustrating for a couple of days until Whirly got involved. I asked the sim owner where I live to restart the sim. She did and it resolved the problem. Good luck!
  23. You might want to install the latest version of FS. I used to see this effect occasionally from some off-sim islands (just clicking on the stretchy bits took them away). I don't see them anymore. I'm not aware of a debug setting. Perhaps someone else knows.
  24. I cannot see what is really unique about the texture probably because of the hair color. You might try tram or Dura.
  25. Any L$ spent will show on your transaction history on your Dashboard (go to Account > L$ Transaction history). You can verify if L$100 was removed from your account on that item on MP. I would first recheck that item on MP to make sure that it's posted as L$10 and not L$100.
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