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GoSpeed Racer

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Everything posted by GoSpeed Racer

  1. Yet another toon-face app
  2. Relevant, Anyone, anywhere can place a URL in any media device. By public I mean intended listeners would be required to have an SL account and be logged into SL. Again, having been at this for over 14 years I know what I am talking about. Armchair lawyers sit in their brains and lack the full picture. If you keep a low profile, you're safe. When you stand out and become noticeable off the grid, then that's where you need to play it safe.
  3. Wow, the amount of ignorance and ideological posturing on this simple question is mind boggling. Only a couple of responders had answers anywhere close to the desired response. Since 2007 I have managed an oline radio station that has been legally licensed over the years via Loudcity, StreamLicensing, Sonixcast, and Torontocast. After the rates skyrocketed in 2016 I jumped from an American company to a Canadian one. My rates went from $30 to $75 a month! I found a Canadian entity where the annual cost was about $100. I now pay $8 a month for licensing, an auto-dj with 20gig storage, 500 slots, and 3 mount points. A nice bargain indeed! Working with a Canadian company means my stream is one channel on a larger station (Torontocast). My website is hosted on their server and any external webplayer is too. As far as streaming into SL is concerned the viewer is not considered a music app (Like Tune-in, Deezer, or Nobex). It's mre akin to VLC Foobar, or iTunes. You can plug in a URL and that is not "illegal". SL parcels are not websites either nor are they public. Generally speaking you can do whatever you want in SL streaming wise, but the moment you have a noticeable web presence, you can be targeted. If the OP would like to know more, they can PM me here or inworld.
  4. I found a decent "Patrick Nagel" style artist!
  5. As an author I can understand the point being made and I very much agree. My novel characters and to a certain extent my SL avatar are agents.
  6. Frangipani Hair - I had so many of those. Ordinal Malaprop - She made the neatest gadgets. I still play with my beehive launcher and flare gun.
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